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Board: ARCHIVE - SpC2k5 to SC2k6Topic: CB5 Oracle Challenge - Round 1 - Spazer, Limit, Triforce, and Aeon Divisions
From: Kaxon
Posted: 9/12/2006 11:55:39 AM
Outstanding Team Requests:
Master Moltar requested TenkoStar as a partner - if Tenko agrees before the end of the first match they can form a team.
KingBartz has requested SonicLink, Tom Bombadil, Lady Celes, abomstar, or somdude - if any of them agree before the end of the first match they'll be a team.
No other new team signups will be accepted.
Final Team List (unless I made a mistake)
1. Kaxon/King Morgoth - Team We Used To Be Good?
2. Alanna82/kawaiifan - Team Jigglypuff
3. X_Dante_X/Stingers135 - Team Illusion of Xenosaga
4. Ness26/Redtooth - Team Go Go Gadget Copter!
5. ObscureMammoth/Seginustemple - Team ObscureTemple
6. Haste2/DekarTKB - Team Drunkadelict Armadillos
7. Steinershocker/longbladeofhiko - Team Stupid
8. Explicit Content/Sess - Team hot and steamy
9. Applekidjosh/Brakmaster - Team Shemale Shanty
10. pikaness/warning_crazy - Team The Pikaness and Warning_Crazy experience
11. raytan7585/amyvitality - Team Klonoa Alliance
12. Z1mZum/Dilated Chemist - Team Awesome
13. GameBopAdv/Paratroopa1 - Team I'm Out Of Ideas
14. Janus5000/KleenexTissue50 - Team Battle with Gilgamesh > JENOVA
15. Ringworm/BZer0 - Team Rocket
16. Xuxon/Team Rocket Elite - Team We Have Two Oracle Titles Combined
17. cyko/steve illumina - Team The Returners
18. Vlado/Inviso - Team Robo Chocobo Remix
19. XxSoulxX/Luis_Sera89 - Team fast start before bombing
20. transience/the icon ownz all - Team Indie Cred
21. GrapefruitKing/the n00b avenger - Team Romanian Potato Soup
22. Aprosenf/Ayvuir - Team AAA
23. Rodri316/Draco1214 - Team The Spirit of Truth
24. WarThaNemesis/DSRage - Team Rage of Warcraft
25. Luster Soldier/CokesACola - Team Soda Chugging Soldiers
26. yoshifan823/RX7InfinitiIII - Team Lions on a Plane
27. ActJef1077/Weird Kirby Dude11 - Team SPO*N
28. Lopen/satai_delenn - Team Don't Get Too Cocky
29. Lagoona/ScorpionX3 - Team Fibonacci
30. creativename/Ngamer64) - Team Predestined Divination
31. ps2rulezzz/basmeyer42 - Team mvp's
32. Ed Bellis/Karma Hunter - Team Unfinished FFP
33. Camden/meche313 - Team Happy Happyists
34. Heroic Viktor/Darkash - Team Better Than Last Time
35. TheKnightOfNee/catldr24 - Team I'll Be Here The Whole Time
36. Big Bob/th3l3fty - Team th3 Bob
37. XIII_rocks/Giggsalot - Team Random
38. MegatokyoEd/Rufus Shinra 18 - Team Accident
39. PeaceOut64/marioinblack - Team Coincidence
40. MoogleKupo141/phlyerphan1 - Team Fluke
41. CaptainFlufflez/jonthomson - Team jonflufflez
42. Radix/Starion - Team Dartboard
43. red sox 777/Menji76 - Team Coinflip
44. StopPokingMe/Jecht - Team Dieroll
45. swirldude/FastFalcon05 - Team Fastdude
46. rpgapzx/Javman162 - Team Late Signup
47. JayLv100/ad00 - Team Really Late Signup
CATS's Road to the Character Battle V Championship
Round 1: Sonic
Master Moltar requested TenkoStar as a partner - if Tenko agrees before the end of the first match they can form a team.
KingBartz has requested SonicLink, Tom Bombadil, Lady Celes, abomstar, or somdude - if any of them agree before the end of the first match they'll be a team.
No other new team signups will be accepted.
Final Team List (unless I made a mistake)
1. Kaxon/King Morgoth - Team We Used To Be Good?
2. Alanna82/kawaiifan - Team Jigglypuff
3. X_Dante_X/Stingers135 - Team Illusion of Xenosaga
4. Ness26/Redtooth - Team Go Go Gadget Copter!
5. ObscureMammoth/Seginustemple - Team ObscureTemple
6. Haste2/DekarTKB - Team Drunkadelict Armadillos
7. Steinershocker/longbladeofhiko - Team Stupid
8. Explicit Content/Sess - Team hot and steamy
9. Applekidjosh/Brakmaster - Team Shemale Shanty
10. pikaness/warning_crazy - Team The Pikaness and Warning_Crazy experience
11. raytan7585/amyvitality - Team Klonoa Alliance
12. Z1mZum/Dilated Chemist - Team Awesome
13. GameBopAdv/Paratroopa1 - Team I'm Out Of Ideas
14. Janus5000/KleenexTissue50 - Team Battle with Gilgamesh > JENOVA
15. Ringworm/BZer0 - Team Rocket
16. Xuxon/Team Rocket Elite - Team We Have Two Oracle Titles Combined
17. cyko/steve illumina - Team The Returners
18. Vlado/Inviso - Team Robo Chocobo Remix
19. XxSoulxX/Luis_Sera89 - Team fast start before bombing
20. transience/the icon ownz all - Team Indie Cred
21. GrapefruitKing/the n00b avenger - Team Romanian Potato Soup
22. Aprosenf/Ayvuir - Team AAA
23. Rodri316/Draco1214 - Team The Spirit of Truth
24. WarThaNemesis/DSRage - Team Rage of Warcraft
25. Luster Soldier/CokesACola - Team Soda Chugging Soldiers
26. yoshifan823/RX7InfinitiIII - Team Lions on a Plane
27. ActJef1077/Weird Kirby Dude11 - Team SPO*N
28. Lopen/satai_delenn - Team Don't Get Too Cocky
29. Lagoona/ScorpionX3 - Team Fibonacci
30. creativename/Ngamer64) - Team Predestined Divination
31. ps2rulezzz/basmeyer42 - Team mvp's
32. Ed Bellis/Karma Hunter - Team Unfinished FFP
33. Camden/meche313 - Team Happy Happyists
34. Heroic Viktor/Darkash - Team Better Than Last Time
35. TheKnightOfNee/catldr24 - Team I'll Be Here The Whole Time
36. Big Bob/th3l3fty - Team th3 Bob
37. XIII_rocks/Giggsalot - Team Random
38. MegatokyoEd/Rufus Shinra 18 - Team Accident
39. PeaceOut64/marioinblack - Team Coincidence
40. MoogleKupo141/phlyerphan1 - Team Fluke
41. CaptainFlufflez/jonthomson - Team jonflufflez
42. Radix/Starion - Team Dartboard
43. red sox 777/Menji76 - Team Coinflip
44. StopPokingMe/Jecht - Team Dieroll
45. swirldude/FastFalcon05 - Team Fastdude
46. rpgapzx/Javman162 - Team Late Signup
47. JayLv100/ad00 - Team Really Late Signup
CATS's Road to the Character Battle V Championship
Round 1: Sonic
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