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Board: ARCHIVE - SpC2k5 to SC2k6
Topic: SpC2k5 - Oracle Challenge - Round 1 - Mushroom / Jenova Divisions
From: King Morgoth Posted: 4/29/2005 12:59:47 AM
#8 - Master Moltar
All-Time used Standings: #8
SC2k3: 15th palce (Avg:39.66, 31 matches)
SpC2k4: 11th place (Avg:44.03, 63 matches)
SC2k4: 18th place (Avg:43.98, 63 matches)

4th, Most Points - All-Time Total (6773.98 points)

Status: Missing

Oneof 3 contestants with 3 Top 20 finishes. One of 5 contestants whopredicted every single 157 Oracle match. Despite never appearing on theleaderboard and rarely pulling out incredible calls (8 Top 5's and asingle win), he has shown throughout the years that he is a very stableand strong contestant. Finishing in the Top 20 contest after contestafter contest is something very few could pull, and he did so withouttoo much trouble. If he comes back, he's an obvious contender to thetitle.


#7 - creativename
All-Time used Standings: #5
SC2k3: 35th palce (Avg:43.83, 23 matches)
SpC2k4: 9th place (Avg:44.20, 63 matches)
SC2k4: 13th place (Avg:44.23, 63 matches)

2nd, Most Wins - Single Event (4 wins - [SC2k3])
2nd, Most Wins - All-Time Total (6 wins)
3rd, Most Top 5 Predictions - All-Time Total (17 Top 5s)
6th, Most Consecutive Days on the Leaderboard (31 matches - [SpC2k4 #9-#39])
7th, Most Days on the Leaderboard - All-Time Total (35 matches)
9th, Most Days on the Leaderboard - Single Event (35 matches - [SpC2k4])

Status: Competing

"Thepopularity of each contestant can be treated as a statistical process,based on realizations of uniform random variables with a certain mean."

Fatherof the Extrapolated Standings and one of the (if not the) most regularcontestants on the Challenge. As consistency is the key to winning, heis always to be feared as a strong opponent. After a 9th place inSpC2k4, he dropped to 13th in SC2k4. Games seem to favor him more thancharacters, but is this the year of his comeback?


#6 - Alanna82
All-Time used Standings: #7
SC2k3: N/A
SpC2k4: 4th place (Avg:44.82, 63 matches)
SC2k4: 10th place (Avg:44.41, 63 matches)

6th, Most Days on the Leaderboard - All-Time Total (37 matches)
8th, Most Consecutive Days on the Leaderboard (25 matches - [SpC2k4 #39-#63])
8th, Most Days on the Leaderboard - Single Event (37 matches - [SpC2k4])
9th, Most Points - Single Event (2823.67 points - SpC2k4 [4th])

Status: Competing

"If kawaiifan wasn't there I'd be the Oracle queen, dammit!"

Aftera very strong showing in SpC2k4, Alanna dropped to 10th in SC2k4. She'sone of only 6 contestants to place twice in the Overall Top 10, and shegrabbed 11 Top 5 predictions despite missing a contest. She placedextremely well in the unpredictable SpC2k4 contest, will she do itagain this time?

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