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Topic: SC2k7 Oracle Challenge Discussion Topic
From: ShatteredElysium Posted: 9/10/2007 1:16:03 AM
1) Is Pyramid Head legit and deserves to come back? Or are his fan ridiculously dedicated?

I can't see any fathomable reason for a sudden boost so either he horrendously underperformed last time around or he has extremely dedicated fans. In truth I think it's probably a mixture of the two. It might just be a case of more people hearing about him since his last outing. There might even have been some SFF between him and Chris. I really don't know. I think we can speculate all we want but we won't figure it out until we see him in a straight up one on one match again.

I don't know if he's deserving of coming back but I'm damn sure I'd like to see him back and others will do too so we can figure this out.

2) First Knuckles, now Shadow, still like how far Sonic goes in your bracket? Because I sure don't!

I'm not too concerned to be honest. Firstly there's nothing I can do about it now. Secondly, have you looked at his path to the finals? He'd have to majorly choke to even stand a chance of not making it decently far. He's a lock for his fourpack and the match after that. His divisional final might have been a cause for concern over him getting first place if Sora and Squall didn't SFF each other.

I don't think you can even start questioning him until the semi-finals at the least. I personally have him in second behind Snake so the question you're really asking is: Can he beat Master Chief and Dante/Ganondorf (Dante in my bracket)? Even if he's declined I wouldn't hesitate for a second about taking him over both of them.

I'm more worried that I picked Sora > Squall in all their matches. I looked at my bracket the day after the deadline and just thought 'Why the hell did I do that!?'. I can't even remember doing it but it happens I guess.

3) One week in, the Oracle scoring system, yay or nay?

It's hard for me to comment as this is my first oracle. It seems fair enough though and everybody is bound by the same system. It's not like we'd have some completely different runaway leader or something with a slight deviation in the rules. It's a big Yay from me. Great job guys, keep it up!

4) Still think you guys have a shot at winning a free game at some point? =P

You're kidding right? I never though I had a chance in the first place. I'll be happy if I can break 49 at some point!

Now I have a question for you. I have a spreadsheet that tells me everyones current live scores as the match progresses. How the hell do you guys keep everything updated? It took me forever to manually type out everyones predictions for the last match into my spreadsheet. Is there a quicker way that you guys use that I'm overlooking? Like a way I could just copy and paste everything or something?

Character Battle: 24/28 ; ;
Oracle: 30th Team Oracle: 21st (Partner: BZer0)

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