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SC2k5 - Oracle Challenge - Round 2 - All Divisions
From: dethwing | Posted: 8/20/2005 8:36:37 AM | Message Detail
Master Chief 56.54%
Crono 67.45%

Vincent Valentine 57.67%
Knuckles the Echidna 53.45%

Sonic the Hedgehog 67.54%
Tifa Lockheart 58.67%

Mega Man 65.56%
Yoshi 60.56%
"Kefka and pictures go together like gordon freeman and winning."
From: Tequilla Gundam | Posted: 8/20/2005 9:02:28 AM | Message Detail
Mushroom Division
Zero with 67.45%

Zebes Division
Samus with 56.64%
Ganondorf with 51.01%

Gear Division
Solid Snake with 52.33%
Sora with 51.22%

Dream Division
Tidus with 55.22%
Ryu with 50.09%

Flood Division
Master Chief with 53.32%
Crono with 68.44%

Devil Division
Vincent with 59.88%
Squall with 50.02%

Chaos Division
Sonic the Hedgehog with 68.33%
Tifa Lockheart with 61.88%

20XX Division
Mega Man with 71.34%
Yoshi with 70.05%
Summer 2005 Contest Score : 30/32
Rank : 42/33793 Today: Mario Tomorrow: Zero
From: Rufus Shinra 18 | Posted: 8/20/2005 10:07:01 AM | Message Detail
Zero with 64.92 %
Proud supporter of SOLID SNAKE for the SC2K5
From: King Morgoth | Posted: 8/20/2005 10:07:55 AM | Message Detail
DK has a more dedicated fanbase than Ness? I don't understand that one.....
and back out of the Top 25 I go.....
SpC2k4 Triple Crown WINNER (Oracle, Betting, Spread Betting)
SC2k4 - 12th place
From: yoshifan823 | Posted: 8/20/2005 10:09:56 AM | Message Detail
I'm suprised at how many people are choosing Dante, many more than I expected. I personally thought I would be the only one.
Yoshifan scorecard: Next Match: Bowser Vs. Chun-Li: 86.58%
Points:Contest:14/14 Oracle:609.14/9th place
From: Seginustemple | Posted: 8/20/2005 10:14:04 AM | Message Detail
wow mario has alomst 84 percent? I guess SFF is really there. *hopes mario falls shy of a quadrupling to say I told ya so*
"If it bleeds we can kill it" - My governer, Arnold S.
From: Heroic Viktor | Posted: 8/20/2005 10:23:40 AM | Message Detail

Zero with 68.27%

RIP: Tnote827 - 4/4/2005
SC2k5 - 31/34 (Kefka, Magus, Ocelot)
From: BeTheMan | Posted: 8/20/2005 11:10:51 AM | Message Detail
>_< Ness...I'm never voting for you again.


Zero with 66.00%
From: meche313 | Posted: 8/20/2005 12:16:37 PM | Message Detail

Zero with 67.45%
That's right. Cloud N. Candy would get a NEGATIVE percentage, and RPGuy's extrapolated calculator would crash. - therealmnm
From: TenkoStar17 | Posted: 8/20/2005 12:30:58 PM | Message Detail
"Tenko sleeping on me = Cowboy Ackbar! (proof inside)" - perdevious
Level 5: "Digital Watch" (560 points)
From: Weird Kirby Dude11 | Posted: 8/20/2005 2:31:10 PM | Message Detail
Zero with 68%
Weird Kirby Dude - Minnow is alive!
Every fanboy war degenerates to a flame war over whether each debater likes the Halo series or not. - Android21A
From: Ngamer64 | Posted: 8/20/2005 2:42:46 PM | Message Detail
Wow, under 26 avg points... where does that fall on the all time worst-predicted matches?

Ngamer's Contest Archives:
From: Camden | Posted: 8/20/2005 2:58:30 PM | Message Detail
Zero with 63.99%
^^^^ (718)
SC2K5 - 29/32 - Current: Mario over CJ
From: ps2rulezzz | Posted: 8/20/2005 3:29:47 PM | Message Detail
Zero with 66.86%
190/192 points in sc2004
tiebrakowned by nifboy
From: King Morgoth | Posted: 8/20/2005 5:16:11 PM | Message Detail
Wow, under 26 avg points... where does that fall on the all time worst-predicted matches?

1. SC2k3 - Match #35 - Squall vs Luigi - 8.83 points
2. SC2k5 - Match #2 - Ness vs Carl Johnson - 21.68 points
3. SC2k5 - Match #23 - Knuckles the Echidna vs Magus - 21.73 points
4. SC2k4 - Match #47 - Sora vs Ryu Hayabusa - 22.52 points
5. SC2k5 - Match #32 - Pac-Man vs Revolver Ocelot - 25.78 points

This year's pretty bad as you can see...
SpC2k4 Triple Crown WINNER (Oracle, Betting, Spread Betting)
SC2k4 - 12th place
From: Garsha | Posted: 8/20/2005 5:22:10 PM | Message Detail
Zero with 66.67%

Master Chief with 52.37%
Crono with 70.42%

Devil Division
Vincent Valentine with 56.57%
Squall Leonhart with 52.01%

Chaos Division
Sonic the Hedgehog with 68.62%
Tifa Lockheart with 60.03%

20XX Division
Mega Man with 70.88%
Yoshi with 67.67%
Look at my Winter Contest 2K4/2K5 Analysis Fanfic:
End of message. ~ Garsha
From: Weird Kirby Dude11 | Posted: 8/20/2005 6:36:14 PM | Message Detail
Zero with 65.81%

I went too high.
Weird Kirby Dude - Minnow is alive!
Every fanboy war degenerates to a flame war over whether each debater likes the Halo series or not. - Android21A
From: Yesmar | Posted: 8/20/2005 6:44:50 PM | Message Detail
Snake over Zelda with 53.99%
Sora over Alucard with 52.07%
Tidus over Kirby with 50.77%
Bowser over Ryu with 52.75%
"I don't like it when people I don't like get what they want."--Janelle
From: Rodri316 | Posted: 8/20/2005 7:35:52 PM | Message Detail
Zero - 71.13%
Summer 2005 Contest -- Current Score: 29/ 32
Today's Prediction -- Mario vs. Carl Johnson
From: Dranze | Posted: 8/20/2005 8:29:24 PM | Message Detail
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
From: meche313 | Posted: 8/20/2005 8:32:53 PM | Message Detail

Zero with 68.6%

Yeah, screw it.
That's right. Cloud N. Candy would get a NEGATIVE percentage, and RPGuy's extrapolated calculator would crash. - therealmnm
From: Garsha | Posted: 8/20/2005 8:33:34 PM | Message Detail
Change: Snake with 56.85%
Look at my Winter Contest 2K4/2K5 Analysis Fanfic:
End of message. ~ Garsha
From: Paratroopa1 | Posted: 8/20/2005 8:50:08 PM | Message Detail
CHANGE - Zero with 65.52%
From: Aprosenf | Posted: 8/20/2005 8:50:48 PM | Message Detail

Zero with 70.75%
For the sake of simplicity, I'm going to refer to Gordon Freeman versus Tanner as Schrodinger's Match. -Phoenix Flattener
From: Kaxon | Posted: 8/20/2005 8:50:57 PM | Message Detail

Zero with 68%
SpC2K5 First Vote Champion
Nominate Jay Solano for SC2k6
From: KingBartz | Posted: 8/20/2005 8:53:43 PM | Message Detail
+ 0.81 on creativename today....

My Summer Contest Score: 26/32 - Todays Pick: Mario
KingBartz: Been a Virgin since '87
From: TenkoStar17 | Posted: 8/20/2005 9:03:29 PM | Message Detail
Zero - 67.63%
"Tenko sleeping on me = Cowboy Ackbar! (proof inside)" - perdevious
Level 5: "Digital Watch" (560 points)
From: Dranze | Posted: 8/20/2005 9:25:25 PM | Message Detail
Please disregard my last post and just keep the current prediction I have.
"I dont know what I am talking about? I know more about gaming than 90 percent of the users on the internet." -xmagxus
From: Team Rocket Elite | Posted: 8/20/2005 9:46:12 PM | Message Detail
Zero with 68.00%
"Those whose memories fade seek to carve them in their hearts..."
"All dreams are but another reality. Never forget..."
From: BeTheMan | Posted: 8/20/2005 9:56:40 PM | Message Detail

Zero with 69.00%
From: yoblazer33 | Posted: 8/20/2005 10:03:40 PM | Message Detail
Zero with 69.00%
Board 8: Where people treat each other right.
From: Xuxon | Posted: 8/20/2005 10:29:37 PM | Message Detail
Zero with 69.97%
"Let's drop this Xbox statue on Naomi's head! Oof! This thing's big! It'll take over 3 years for it to start selling!" ~ Jaguar, Sega Fantasy VI
From: Ngamer64 | Posted: 8/20/2005 10:29:57 PM | Message Detail
Bah, preds feel too high today. I can't see Lloyd being THIS much weaker than Scorpion, especially not with that cool pic. Not to mention how good his fellow ToSer looked against a very sweet-looking Diablo. I'm keeping it low.

Zero 63.33%

Ngamer's Contest Archives:
From: creativename | Posted: 8/20/2005 10:31:55 PM | Message Detail

Zero with 67%

Lloyd's pic is a vast improvement over last round.
From: Camden | Posted: 8/20/2005 10:34:57 PM | Message Detail
Zero with 66.1%
^^^^ (718)
SC2K5 - 29/32 - Current: Mario over CJ
From: Haste2 | Posted: 8/20/2005 10:44:41 PM | Message Detail

Zero - 73%.

"Ah, a party! We haven't had one of those. It could be fun! So...what is a party?"
"Well, you drink punch and eat CAKE! ...I think."
From: cyko | Posted: 8/20/2005 10:51:47 PM | Message Detail

Zero - 65.37%

"Start wearing purple, for me now. All your sanity and wits, they will all vanish, i promise. It's just a matter of time..."
From: cyko | Posted: 8/20/2005 10:59:11 PM | Message Detail
aw, screw that. change it back:

Zero - 67.52%

"Start wearing purple, for me now. All your sanity and wits, they will all vanish, i promise. It's just a matter of time..."
From: King Morgoth | Posted: 8/20/2005 10:59:34 PM | Message Detail
Lloyd's pic is a vast improvement over last round.
Zero with 65.94%
*has no idea*
SpC2k4 Triple Crown WINNER (Oracle, Betting, Spread Betting)
SC2k4 - 12th place
From: Xuxon | Posted: 8/20/2005 10:59:37 PM | Message Detail
Hmm, my first instinct was 65-66%, but logical signs point higher... I think I'll lower it just a tad.

Zero with 68.2%
"Let's drop this Xbox statue on Naomi's head! Oof! This thing's big! It'll take over 3 years for it to start selling!" ~ Jaguar, Sega Fantasy VI
From: Kaxon | Posted: 8/21/2005 12:20:33 AM | Message Detail
Sorry, but our database is broken right now, so I can't give today's results. I'm hoping creative will know how to fix it, but we do have a full backup if it comes to that. Results should be up tomorrow.
SpC2K5 First Vote Champion
Nominate Jay Solano for SC2k6
From: The n00b Avenger | Posted: 8/21/2005 4:53:39 AM | Message Detail
Samus with 68.92%
Auron with 51.11%
"No, you see. Here's the problem. You don't know the history of psychiatry. I do." - Tom Cruise
From: Who Cares? | Posted: 8/21/2005 5:28:21 AM | Message Detail
Samus 72.77%
Auron 51.34%

Solid Snake 52.11%
Sora 54.67%
From: Weird Kirby Dude11 | Posted: 8/21/2005 8:32:49 AM | Message Detail
Samus with 66.66%

And Lloyd is incredibly weak...
Weird Kirby Dude - Minnow is alive!
Every fanboy war degenerates to a flame war over whether each debater likes the Halo series or not. - Android21A
From: cyko | Posted: 8/21/2005 10:24:40 AM | Message Detail

Samus - 70.18%

"Start wearing purple, for me now. All your sanity and wits, they will all vanish, i promise. It's just a matter of time..."
From: Garsha | Posted: 8/21/2005 11:30:41 AM | Message Detail
Change: Samus with 65.00%
Look at my Winter Contest 2K4/2K5 Analysis Fanfic:
End of message. ~ Garsha
From: Seginustemple | Posted: 8/21/2005 12:57:46 PM | Message Detail
site is back up, but nothing on the mario/ness match yet...
"If it bleeds we can kill it" - My governer, Arnold S.
From: Alanna82 | Posted: 8/21/2005 12:59:44 PM | Message Detail
bah, i've been doing so badly lately. *sigh*

Happiliy married to Wiggumfan267 on Valentines day, 2005. "My Father? You mean my Dad?" Fei Fong Wong
From: Seginustemple | Posted: 8/21/2005 1:11:53 PM | Message Detail
ouch Figlar didn't even have a prediction. That hurts. Lotsa green today, thats good.

I won't change mah samus prediction until I see the pic.
"If it bleeds we can kill it" - My governer, Arnold S.
From: King Morgoth | Posted: 8/21/2005 1:18:37 PM | Message Detail
Samus with 67.44%
SpC2k4 Triple Crown WINNER (Oracle, Betting, Spread Betting)
SC2k4 - 12th place
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