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SpC2k6 Oracle Challenge - Round 3 (part 2)
From: darkx5642358951 | Posted: 7/25/2006 12:52:50 PM | Message Detail
The Legend of Zelda with 78.94%
Metal Gear with 60.21% (somehow this seems like a familiar Division Finals match... Oh, right, Snake vs. Sora...)
Super Mario Bros. with 68.27%
Final Fantasy with 65.34%
Lamo's a emo llama. - ArkGear
Sc2k6 Score: 22/24 Wrong Picks: Grand Theft Auto, Mario Kart
From: Heroic NPC | Posted: 7/25/2006 12:55:51 PM | Message Detail
The Legend of Zelda with 85.55%
Metal Gear with 57.77%
Super Mario Bros. with 83.33%
Final Fantasy with 65.55%
Don't quote me. - Blulum
From: Repus_Yortsed | Posted: 7/25/2006 1:07:06 PM | Message Detail
Round 3:

The Legend of Zelda - 70%
Metal Gear - 60%
Super Mario Bros - 65%
Final Fantasy - 80%
Make a board for VIP users:
From: LusterSoldierRV | Posted: 7/25/2006 1:25:27 PM | Message Detail
Zelda with 76.15%
Metal Gear with 59.31%
Super Mario Bros. with 64.20%
Final Fantasy with 75.60%
~Luster Soldier~
From: ps2rulezzz | Posted: 7/25/2006 1:44:07 PM | Message Detail
Zelda with 79.99%

Stupid match picture costs me again, why can't he make normal pictures :/
190/192 points in sc2004
Jman_gamerX8 is the man, he owned me in sc2005
From: ps2rulezzz | Posted: 7/25/2006 1:57:14 PM | Message Detail
Just retyping the Zelda with 79.99%, you never know if someone may find that offensive.
190/192 points in sc2004
Jman_gamerX8 is the man, he owned me in sc2005
From: basmeyer42 | Posted: 7/25/2006 2:01:27 PM | Message Detail
Zelda - 78.15%
Metal gear - 61.00%
From: SuperSmash Master | Posted: 7/25/2006 2:30:04 PM | Message Detail
Final Fantasy with 78.99%

Also, change my MG vs KH prediction to:
Metal Gear with 61.65%
What was I thinking before?
From: Soup Blazer | Posted: 7/25/2006 2:51:16 PM | Message Detail
Legend of Zelda with 77.12%
lol internet redux
From: Camden | Posted: 7/25/2006 2:53:39 PM | Message Detail
The Legend of Zelda with 75%
Metal Gear with 60%
Super Mario Bros with 60%
Final Fantasy with 70%
Huh? Finger!? What the hell? -Cloud
Don’t worry. Have a nectarine. -Christopher Walken
From: The n00b Avenger | Posted: 7/25/2006 3:04:50 PM | Message Detail
Metal Gear with 58.61%
ertyu and VeghEsther are truly proof that there is much about this world we still do not understand.
From: PeaceOut64 | Posted: 7/25/2006 3:07:02 PM | Message Detail
Zelda with 78.7%
Metal Gear with 59.5%
Super Mario Bros with 73.3%
Final Fantasy with 79.1%
My goal since I joined the Leafs has always been to have on the ice a team as good as our fans. We have never quite gotten there. Some day we will. - Ken Dryden
From: ActJef1077 | Posted: 7/25/2006 3:10:10 PM | Message Detail
Legend of Zelda with 79.29%
Metal Gear with 57.64%
Super Mario Bros with 71.10%
Final Fantasy with 80.00%

Call me Jeff Official midget of The Book Club
If you paint a W on each of your buttcheeks and do cartwheels it will say WoW MoM WoW! -C Bar
From: Seginustemple | Posted: 7/25/2006 3:12:40 PM | Message Detail
Final Fantasy with 75.45%
I've been called an idiot many times, mostly by people with poor grammar and a small vernicular. - ExtremeM65
From: XxSoulxX | Posted: 7/25/2006 3:15:02 PM | Message Detail
Super Mario Bros with 72.10%
Final Fantasy with 80.01%
--- -
"ertyu is actually a language. For example, 'dum' is ertyunese for 'godly'." - Topaz Kitsune
Not changing signature until HHH pedigrees Candice through a table. 07/07/06
From: steve illumina | Posted: 7/25/2006 3:16:02 PM | Message Detail

Zelda with 76.25%
Metal Gear with 64.28%
Mario with 71.65%
FF with 81.65%

Steve Illumina: Sage of Board 8 & Elitist Analyst
Score: 28/32. Next Win: Zelda...
From: Phantasy Zero | Posted: 7/25/2006 3:16:11 PM | Message Detail
CHANGE for freac

Legend of Zelda with 78.54%
You can call me freac. I really like Peanut Butter.
Today I saw the ocean. I'm not afraid anymore - Kana, Little Sister
From: GoldSlime35 | Posted: 7/25/2006 3:19:10 PM | Message Detail
Ugh...guess I should have lowered for today.

The Legend of Zelda with 78.06%
Metal Gear with 58.89%
Super Mario Bros. with 55.55%
Final Fantasy with 72.22%
From: GameBopAdv | Posted: 7/25/2006 3:20:17 PM | Message Detail
Will probably change these later...

Metal Gear - 54.78%
Super Mario Bros. - 59.75% (I'm real nervous about this match...)
Final Fantasy - 79.24%
I need to get a PS3 on release date in order to sell it and make enough profit to be able to afford to have a PS3. ~ jr0102
From: GrapefruitKing | Posted: 7/25/2006 3:26:58 PM | Message Detail
Legend of Zelda with 73.79%
SpC2k6 Oracle Challenge - Today's prediction: Resident Evil with 57.80%
Contest Score: 29/30
From: devilnightvamp | Posted: 7/25/2006 4:26:40 PM | Message Detail
The Legend of Zelda with 76,87%
Metal Gear with 58,46%
Super Smash Bros. with 50,86%
Final Fantasy with 69,09%
This sig is there so I can post only numbers in posts.
From: The Real Truth | Posted: 7/25/2006 4:34:56 PM | Message Detail
Final Fantasy with 82.12%
Kingdom Hearts killed my bracket.
From: hero of time 43 | Posted: 7/25/2006 4:45:55 PM | Message Detail
Zelda w/ 76.83%.
"Just because you overheard that conversation between Chloe and me doesn't mean I'm your *****."
From: Rodri316 | Posted: 7/25/2006 5:07:55 PM | Message Detail
Zelda - 76.87%
Metal Gear - 56.55%
Super Mario Bros. - 52.11%
Final Fantasy - 79.13%
Best. Series. Ever. Score: 26/28
Prediction: Street Fighter vs. Resident Evil
From: creativename | Posted: 7/25/2006 5:47:16 PM | Message Detail

The Legend of Zelda with 80%
From: Jecht | Posted: 7/25/2006 5:48:24 PM | Message Detail
Legend of Zelda with 72.4%
Metal Gear with 53.1%
Super Mario Bros. with 59.8%
Final Fantasy with 81.0%
From: Team Rocket Elite | Posted: 7/25/2006 5:56:55 PM | Message Detail
The Legend of Zelda with 78.00%
"Those whose memories fade seek to carve them in their hearts..."
"All dreams are but another reality. Never forget..."
From: Layzerbeam | Posted: 7/25/2006 6:06:18 PM | Message Detail

The Legend of Zelda with 80%

im not making these lies up ~ ertyu
From: DragonsFury | Posted: 7/25/2006 6:07:29 PM | Message Detail
LoZ with 75.35%
Metal Gear with 63.42% (;-;)
Super Smash Brothers with 54.73%
Final Fantasy With 73.93%
I dislike anyone who has a sig.
From: charmander6000 | Posted: 7/25/2006 6:22:27 PM | Message Detail
The Legend of Zelda - 83.32%
"I was trying to escape. Obviously, it didn't work." - President Bush
From: kaonashi1 | Posted: 7/25/2006 6:25:43 PM | Message Detail
Division finals already? My, how time flies.

The Legend of Zelda - 73.55%
Metal Gear - 54.37%
Super Mario Bros - 68.45%
Final Fantasy - 78.86%
From: BeTheMan | Posted: 7/25/2006 6:25:44 PM | Message Detail

Legend of Zelda with 81.65%
From: supdawg | Posted: 7/25/2006 6:36:20 PM | Message Detail
Legend Of Zelda with 75.25%
Metal Gear with 58.35%

Round 3
Super Mario Bros with 72.65%
Final Fantasy with 70.00%
Google is taking over. Join the revolution.
Behold The Power Of Cheese. Level 2: Cottage Cheese(220 points)
From: Menji76 | Posted: 7/25/2006 6:39:21 PM | Message Detail
I'm guessing it'll get SFF....

The Legend of Zelda with 79.05%
Metal Gear 56.54%
Super Mario Bros 61.34%
Final Fantasy 75.43%

Board 8's #1 Duke Fan
Be Honest©
From: Shivan Reincarnated | Posted: 7/25/2006 6:51:27 PM | Message Detail
KH with 50.01%
SMB with 75.06%
FF with 78.09%

"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both." ~ Benjamin Franklin
From: Coffee Ninja | Posted: 7/25/2006 6:54:36 PM | Message Detail
The Legend of Zelda - 83.46%
Kingdom Hearts - 53.46%
Super Mario Bros. - 80.90%
Final Fantasy - 92.34%
X-Box Live GT: xKayenCynicx
Current Contest Score: 23
From: cyko | Posted: 7/25/2006 7:00:19 PM | Message Detail
Round 3:

Final Fantasy - 80.16%

"In America, first you get the sugar, then you get the power, then you get the women...." - Homer Simpson
From: Salient | Posted: 7/25/2006 7:03:19 PM | Message Detail
Legend of Zelda with 77.00%
~~Teh Frue Blob of Pwnage~~
From: RPGuy96 | Posted: 7/25/2006 7:07:30 PM | Message Detail
The Legend of Zelda with 82.00%
Metal Gear with 55.00%
Super Mario Bros. with 75.00%
Final Fantasy with 80.00%
Mustache...and green...
From: RX7InfinitiIII | Posted: 7/25/2006 7:15:41 PM | Message Detail
Safety pick time!

Legend of Zelda with 74.28%
Metal Gear with 50.97%
Super Mario Bros. with 61.34%
Final Fantasy with 77.77%

From: Inviso | Posted: 7/25/2006 7:15:51 PM | Message Detail
The Legend of Zelda with 78.13%
Metal Gear with 59.45%
Super Mario Brothers with 55.88%
Final Fantasy with 76.96%
"whats Elder Scrolls anyway i see street fighter giving that game a hadken beating"-ertyu
From: Vlado | Posted: 7/25/2006 7:16:54 PM | Message Detail
Zelda with 73.48%
Metal Gear with 51.97%
Super Mario Bros. with 58.36%
Final Fantasy with 76.07%
Nominate Tifa for the 2006 GameFAQs Summer Contest:
From: Camden | Posted: 7/25/2006 7:19:00 PM | Message Detail
Legend of Zelda with 75.5%
Huh? Finger!? What the hell? -Cloud
Don’t worry. Have a nectarine. -Christopher Walken
From: meche313 | Posted: 7/25/2006 7:20:56 PM | Message Detail

Legend of Zelda with 76.03%
“Impossible is a word people use to make themselves feel better when they quit.” - Vyse
Currently playing: Zelda: Alttp, Donkey Kong Country, Rogue Squadron II. Resident Evil: Code Veronica X, Kirby SuperStar
From: somdude04 | Posted: 7/25/2006 7:33:52 PM | Message Detail
Wow... randomly went "Zomg, haven't posted my round 3 picks yet" a few minutes ago. Which is good, because I was content to let my computer sit unplugged in after it had been moved rooms the previous day.

So, my round 3 picks are:
Zelda with 78.95%
Metal Gear with 53.34%
Super Mario Bros with 82.12%
Final Fantasy with 81.12%

And, I had a few hours to spare to boot.

From: rocket157 | Posted: 7/25/2006 7:55:31 PM | Message Detail
The Legend of Zelda with 78%
Metal Gear with 61
Super Smash Brothers with 51%
Final Fantasy with 79%

*Blasts off at the speed of light*
[This Space Belongs to X_Dante_X]
From: creativename | Posted: 7/25/2006 8:00:21 PM | Message Detail
Saw the pic...change:

The Legend of Zelda with 78%
From: Darkash | Posted: 7/25/2006 8:02:33 PM | Message Detail
Metroid, meet SFF. SFF, Metroid.

Zelda w/80.09%
1st place in scientist pg's TLoZ MM riddle contest!
12th in the SpC2k4 Oracle Challenge!
From: trannyscience | Posted: 7/25/2006 8:03:49 PM | Message Detail
Zelda with 78.23%

SERIOUS REMINDER: vote for Kingdom Hearts. raytan's perfect bracket depends on it!
From: Camden | Posted: 7/25/2006 8:06:37 PM | Message Detail
If that pic style is used throughout the round, Super Mario Bros versus Super Smash Bros could be a fun match. Also, more than likely Metal Gear is going to look like ass.

Legend of Zelda with 77.5%
Huh? Finger!? What the hell? -Cloud
Don’t worry. Have a nectarine. -Christopher Walken
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