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Sp2k9 Oracle Challenge - Round 1 - Divisions 1 & 2
From: StopPokingMe | Posted: 4/5/2009 9:51:07 PM | Message Detail
Donkey Kong - 21.27%
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! - 23.00%
Space Invaders - 12.83%
Tetris - 42.90%

Mega Man 2 - 39.54%
Pac-Man - 26.42%
Pong - 19.06%
The Oregon Trail - 14.98%

Duck Hunt - 17.50%
Galaga - 12.32%
Ninja Gaiden - 16.66%
Super Mario Bros. - 53.52%

Dragon Warrior III - 11.51%
Contra - 19.19%
Metroid - 18.26%
The Legend of Zelda - 51.04%

Castlevania III - 18.00%
Civilization - 12.50%
Sonic the Hedgehog - 33.00%
Street Fighter 2 - 36.50%

SimCity - 11.00%
Super Mario Bros. 3 - 67.00%
Tecmo Super Bowl - 8.50%
Secret of Monkey Island - 13.50%

Battletoads - 13.00%
Final Fantasy - 34.00%
Prince of Persia - 11.00%
Super Mario World - 42.00%

Crystalis - 9.50%
Final Fantasy IV - 42.50%
Mega Man 3 - 37.00%
River City Ransom - 11.50%

SC 2007 Spread Betting Champion
The Summer Contest 2003 Fanfiction Project:
From: HSGF_2 | Posted: 4/5/2009 10:13:35 PM | Message Detail
Ill take a random partner if anyone needs one.
Donkey Kong - 23.46%
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! - 16.52%
Space Invaders - 12.17%
Tetris - 47.85%

Mega Man 2 - 40.62%
Pac-Man - 31.89%
Pong - 16.23%
The Oregon Trail - 11.26%

Duck Hunt - 18.22%
Galaga - 8.21%
Ninja Gaiden - 26.35%
Super Mario Bros. - 47.22%

Dragon Warrior III - 10.32%
Contra - 7.69%
Metroid - 18.55%
The Legend of Zelda - 63.44%

Castlevania III - 23.89%
Civilization - 9.65%
Sonic the Hedgehog - 42.24%
Street Fighter 2 - 24.22%

SimCity - 19.87%
Super Mario Bros. 3 - 63.55%
Tecmo Super Bowl - 13.37%
Secret of Monkey Island - 3.21%

Battletoads - 4.68%
Final Fantasy - 54.48%
Prince of Persia - 7.87%
Super Mario World - 32.97%

Crystalis - 2.02%
Final Fantasy IV - 36.88%
Mega Man 3 - 29.22%
River City Ransom - 31.88%
PSN: Poolwizard1986
From: Xeybozn | Posted: 4/5/2009 10:31:49 PM | Message Detail
SimCity - 13%
Super Mario Bros. 3 - 63%
Tecmo Super Bowl - 11%
Secret of Monkey Island - 13%
From: Dilated Chemist | Posted: 4/5/2009 10:44:46 PM | Message Detail

Donkey Kong - 19%
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! - 22%
Space Invaders - 13%
Tetris - 46%

FFVII / LoZ: A Link to the Past / LoZ: Ocarina of Time / FFX
From: neonreaper777 | Posted: 4/6/2009 12:05:57 AM | Message Detail
Donkey Kong - 23.23
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! - 24.23
Space Invaders - 8.71%
Tetris - 43.83%

Mega Man 2 - 47%
Pac-Man - 26%
Pong - 14%
The Oregon Trail - 13%

give me back that filet o fish
give me that fish
From: WiggumFan267 | Posted: 4/6/2009 12:28:58 AM | Message Detail

Battletoads - 9.00%
Final Fantasy - 39.05%
Prince of Persia - 12.80%
Super Mario World - 39.15%
~Wigs~ Now with 34% Less Sig Ideas!
Happily Married to Alanna82 on Valentines Day 05
From: Camden | Posted: 4/6/2009 1:23:37 AM | Message Detail
I'll be rooting for Punch-Out at least.

Donkey Kong - 23%
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! - 22.5%
Space Invaders - 13%
Tetris - 41.5%
Huh? Finger!? What the hell? -Cloud
Don’t worry. Have a nectarine. -Christopher Walken
From: creativename | Posted: 4/6/2009 1:50:37 AM | Message Detail
Donkey Kong - 22%
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! - 22%
Space Invaders - 12%
Tetris - 44%

Mega Man 2 - 40.25%
Pac-Man - 26.25%
Pong - 16.75%
The Oregon Trail - 16.75%

Duck Hunt - 16%
Galaga - 10.5%
Ninja Gaiden - 17.5%
Super Mario Bros. - 56%

Dragon Warrior III - 13%
Contra - 19%
Metroid - 17%
The Legend of Zelda - 51%

Castlevania III - 19%
Civilization - 12%
Sonic the Hedgehog - 33.25%
Street Fighter 2 - 35.75%

SimCity - 15%
Super Mario Bros. 3 - 61.5%
Tecmo Super Bowl - 12.5%
Secret of Monkey Island - 11%

Battletoads - 15%
Final Fantasy - 32%
Prince of Persia - 11.5%
Super Mario World - 41.5%

Crystalis - 10.5%
Final Fantasy IV - 43.5%
Mega Man 3 - 32.5%
River City Ransom - 13.5%
From: ShatteredElysium | Posted: 4/6/2009 2:57:25 AM | Message Detail
Safeties. Christ, this is hard. Haven't even filled out my bracket yet.

Donkey Kong - 20%
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! - 22%
Space Invaders - 14%
Tetris - 43%

Mega Man 2 - 43%
Pac-Man - 25%
Pong - 22%
The Oregon Trail - 10%

Duck Hunt - 14%
Galaga - 8%
Ninja Gaiden - 20%
Super Mario Bros. - 58%

Dragon Warrior III - 19%
Contra - 20%
Metroid - 25%
The Legend of Zelda - 36%
From: GoldSlime35 | Posted: 4/6/2009 3:07:52 AM | Message Detail
Donkey Kong - 28%
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! - 22%
Space Invaders - 10%
Tetris - 40%

Mega Man 2 - 45%
Pac-Man - 25%
Pong - 10%
The Oregon Trail -20%

Duck Hunt - 16%
Galaga - 10%
Ninja Gaiden - 14%
Super Mario Bros. - 60%

Dragon Warrior III - 10%
Contra - 22%
Metroid - 18%
The Legend of Zelda - 50%

Castlevania III - 22%
Civilization - 10%
Sonic the Hedgehog - 40%
Street Fighter 2 - 28%

SimCity - 15%
Super Mario Bros. 3 - 65%
Tecmo Super Bowl - 12%
Secret of Monkey Island - 8%

Battletoads - 8%
Final Fantasy - 34%
Prince of Persia - 13%
Super Mario World - 45%

Crystalis - 9%
Final Fantasy IV - 48%
Mega Man 3 - 34%
River City Ransom - 9%
From: DpObliVion | Posted: 4/6/2009 3:19:53 AM | Message Detail
Donkey Kong - 25.50%
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! - 23.50%
Space Invaders - 8%
Tetris - 43%

Martin Brodeur: 555 career wins -- Patrick Roy: 551 career wins
Best Game Ever 2009 - See profile for printable brackets
From: cyko | Posted: 4/6/2009 7:16:20 AM | Message Detail
Donkey Kong - 18.64%
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! - 20.12%
Space Invaders - 11.93%
Tetris - 49.31%

Yay - FastFalcon is the guru champion of awesomeness.
From: UltimaterializerX | Posted: 4/6/2009 11:34:52 AM | Message Detail
Are we allowed to predict one match at a time? I don't really want to do the mass picks in advance thing.
Now Playing: Etrian Odyssey 2, Lunar: SSSC
From: red sox 777 | Posted: 4/6/2009 11:40:01 AM | Message Detail
Donkey Kong - 22.00%
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! - 23.00%
Space Invaders - 13.00%
Tetris - 42.00%

Mega Man 2 - 49.00%
Pac-Man - 20.00%
Pong - 10.00%
The Oregon Trail - 21.00%

Duck Hunt - 19.00%
Galaga - 9.00%
Ninja Gaiden - 18.00%
Super Mario Bros. - 54.00%

Dragon Warrior III - 16.00%
Contra - 15.00%
Metroid - 12.00%
The Legend of Zelda - 57.00%

Castlevania III - 18.00%
Civilization - 10.00%
Sonic the Hedgehog - 33.00%
Street Fighter 2 - 39.00%

SimCity - 15.00%
Super Mario Bros. 3 - 58.00%
Tecmo Super Bowl - 15.00%
Secret of Monkey Island - 12.00%

Battletoads - 20.00%
Final Fantasy - 25.00%
Prince of Persia - 15.00%
Super Mario World - 40.00%

Crystalis - 14.00%
Final Fantasy IV - 37.00%
Mega Man 3 - 31.00%
River City Ransom - 18.00%
Hobbes: What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?
Calvin: If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun.
From: WarThaHedgehog | Posted: 4/6/2009 11:44:11 AM | Message Detail
Donkey Kong - 25.88%
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! - 27.36%
Space Invaders - 12.55%
Tetris - 34.21%
From: Sk0rne3000 | Posted: 4/6/2009 12:07:01 PM | Message Detail
Donkey Kong - 21.66%
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! - 20.59%
Space Invaders - 15.56%
Tetris - 42.19%

Mega Man 2 - 40.81%
Pac-Man - 25.33%
Pong - 23.74%
The Oregon Trail - 10.12%

Duck Hunt - 19.34%
Galaga - 10.51%
Ninja Gaiden - 18.49%
Super Mario Bros. - 51.66%

Dragon Warrior III - 8.49
Contra - 21.93%
Metroid - 21.07%
The Legend of Zelda - 48.51%

Castlevania III - 19.08%
Civilization - 11.24%
Sonic the Hedgehog - 36.47%
Street Fighter 2 - 33.21%

GamerTag : Ssk0rne
From: Sephirot1 Returns | Posted: 4/6/2009 12:20:58 PM | Message Detail
Donkey Kong - 22.47%
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! - 23.61%
Space Invaders - 14.49%
Tetris - 39.51%

Mega Man 2 - 51.10%
Pac-Man - 22.23%
Pong - 10.85%
The Oregon Trail - 15.82%

Duck Hunt - 20.54%
Galaga - 11.29%
Ninja Gaiden - 16.14%
Super Mario Bros. - 52.03%

Dragon Warrior III - 14.30%
Contra - 18.72%
Metroid - 9.01%
The Legend of Zelda - 57.97%

Castlevania III - 20.84%
Civilization - 14.69%
Sonic the Hedgehog - 32.19%
Street Fighter 2 - 34.28%

SimCity - 13.87%
Super Mario Bros. 3 - 61.12%
Tecmo Super Bowl - 14.23%
Secret of Monkey Island - 10.78%

Battletoads - 13.39%
Final Fantasy - 27.56%
Prince of Persia - 16.61%
Super Mario World - 42.44%

Crystalis - 13.78%
Final Fantasy IV - 38.55%
Mega Man 3 - 33.45%
River City Ransom - 14.22%

FastFalcon obliterated me in the guru contest.
From: Z1mZum | Posted: 4/6/2009 2:09:35 PM | Message Detail
Out of town, will not change these.

Donkey Kong - 22%
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! - 25%
Space Invaders - 18%
Tetris - 35%

Mega Man 2 - 30%
Pac-Man - 30%
Pong - 20%
The Oregon Trail - 20%

Duck Hunt - 25%
Galaga - 10%
Ninja Gaiden - 15%
Super Mario Bros. - 50%

Dragon Warrior III - 10%
Contra - 19.5%
Metroid - 20.5%
The Legend of Zelda - 50%
Former All-knowing guru.
FastFalcon is clearly better at Internet brackets than I am.
From: Chaotic Mind | Posted: 4/6/2009 2:22:39 PM | Message Detail
Donkey Kong - 22.43
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! - 25.71
Space Invaders - 11.54
Tetris - 40.32
Flash runs alongside Balefire watching marshmallows stop existing. - WarThaNemesis2
From: MegatokyoEd | Posted: 4/6/2009 2:29:59 PM | Message Detail
Donkey Kong - 21%
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! - 23%
Space Invaders - 13%
Tetris - 43%

Mega Man 2 - 42%
Pac-Man - 26%
Pong - 13%
The Oregon Trail - 19%
Demyx is better than Axel.
From: Salient | Posted: 4/6/2009 3:21:26 PM | Message Detail

Donkey Kong - 23.50%
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! - 23.25%
Space Invaders - 12.25%
Tetris - 41.00%
~~Teh Frue Blob of Pwnage~~
From: UltimaterializerX | Posted: 4/6/2009 3:25:58 PM | Message Detail
Donkey Kong - 22%
Punch-Out - 26%
Space Invaders - 9%
Tetris - 43%
Now Playing: Etrian Odyssey 2, Lunar: SSSC
From: Yesmar | Posted: 4/6/2009 3:41:32 PM | Message Detail
Donkey Kong: 21.10%
Punch-Out!!!: 20.35%
Space Invaders: 12.49%
Tetris: 46.06%

Mega Man 2: 43.55%
Pac-Man: 25.03%
Pong: 12.64%
The Oregon Trail: 18.78%
FastFalcon owned me in the Guru Contest!
From: Seginustemple | Posted: 4/6/2009 5:16:57 PM | Message Detail
I didn't technically sign up, but I did have the first post in the signup topic. So I'm new in a way. Though I've done this before. What. One at a time.

Donkey Kong - 23%
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! 13%
Space Invaders 19%
Tetris - 45%
From: Vlado | Posted: 4/6/2009 5:17:40 PM | Message Detail
Donkey Kong - 21.14%
Punch-Out!! - 23.55%
Space Invaders - 11.46%
Tetris - 43.85%
Listen to Vlado FM:
Next "Vlado LIVE!" show will be this weekend, don't miss it!
From: PeaceOut64 | Posted: 4/6/2009 6:35:19 PM | Message Detail
Donkey Kong - 20.3%
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! - 19.1%
Space Invaders - 14.2%
Tetris - 46.4%
From: linkhatesganon | Posted: 4/6/2009 6:46:09 PM | Message Detail

Donkey Kong - 23%
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! - 21%
Space Invaders -10.5%
Tetris - 45.5%
Please, don't insult me Vlado about British blood
From: Team Rocket Elite | Posted: 4/6/2009 6:47:05 PM | Message Detail
Duck Hunt - 17.00%
Galaga - 7.50%
Ninja Gaiden - 14.50%
Super Mario Bros. - 61.00%

Dragon Warrior III - 15.50%
Contra - 16.50%
Metroid - 22.00%
The Legend of Zelda - 46.00%
Shall I take you with me? To the place in this town where wishes come true...
From: Ed Bellis | Posted: 4/6/2009 6:56:16 PM | Message Detail
Donkey Kong with 23.90%
Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out!! with 28.49%
Space Invaders with 14.28%
Tetris with 33.33%

Mega Man 2 with 46.91%
Pac-Man with 17.33%
Pong with 15.59%
The Oregon Trail with 20.17%

Duck Hunt with 17.17%
Galaga with 13.14%
Ninja Gaiden with 20.77%
Super Mario Bros. with 48.92%

Dragon Warrior III with 12.56%
Contra with 30.97%
Metroid with 16.45%
The Legend of Zelda with 40.02%

ed status: Maybe the chef was Darkseid. You don't mess with Darkseid. -MoogleKupo141
From: GoldSlime35 | Posted: 4/6/2009 7:02:04 PM | Message Detail
Are we allowed to predict one match at a time? I don't really want to do the mass picks in advance thing.

Yes. Most people just post mass "safety" picks at the start and change them daily anyway.
From: GoldSlime35 | Posted: 4/6/2009 7:03:45 PM | Message Detail

Donkey Kong - 25%
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! - 23%
Space Invaders - 10%
Tetris - 42%
From: meche313 | Posted: 4/6/2009 7:41:00 PM | Message Detail
Donkey Kong - 21%
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! - 22%
Space Invaders - 11%
Tetris - 46%

Mega Man 2 - 36%
Pac-Man - 31%
Pong - 20%
The Oregon Trail - 13%
Even the happy run of Kirby couldn't stop me from defeat at the hands of FastFalcon
[The Happy Happyists]--2nd place--
From: Lieutenant Kettch | Posted: 4/6/2009 7:50:35 PM | Message Detail
Donkey Kong - 18%
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! - 17%
Space Invaders - 20%
Tetris - 45%
FastFalcon and Solid Snake snapped my neck in the guru contest.
From: SFF_potential | Posted: 4/6/2009 8:23:57 PM | Message Detail
Donkey Kong - 27%
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! - 21%
Space Invaders - 10%
Tetris - 42%

Mega Man 2 - 41%
Pac-Man - 22%
Pong - 16%
The Oregon Trail - 21%

Duck Hunt - 11%
Galaga - 9%
Ninja Gaiden - 7%
Super Mario Bros. - 73%

Dragon Warrior III - 8%
Contra - 18%
Metroid - 11%
The Legend of Zelda - 63%

Castlevania III - 14%
Civilization - 15%
Sonic the Hedgehog - 38%
Street Fighter 2 - 33%

SimCity - 14%
Super Mario Bros. 3 - 65%
Tecmo Super Bowl - 8%
Secret of Monkey Island - 13%

Battletoads - 25%
Final Fantasy - 28%
Prince of Persia - 16%
Super Mario World - 31%

Crystalis - 15%
Final Fantasy IV - 41%
Mega Man 3 - 37%
River City Ransom - 7%

FastFalcon05 is a far better user than i can ever dream of being
From: Leebo86 | Posted: 4/6/2009 8:27:27 PM | Message Detail
Donkey Kong -23.32%
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! - 26.56%
Space Invaders - 15.81%
Tetris - 34.31%
New York Yankees
From: cyko | Posted: 4/6/2009 8:33:32 PM | Message Detail

Mega Man 2 - 51.00%
Pac-Man - 21.00%
Pong - 10.00%
The Oregon Trail - 18.00%

Duck Hunt - 15.00%
Galaga - 10.00%
Ninja Gaiden - 17.00%
Super Mario Bros. - 58.00%

Dragon Warrior III - 16.00%
Contra - 19.00%
Metroid - 10.00%
The Legend of Zelda - 55.00%

Yay - FastFalcon is the guru champion of awesomeness.
From: MarioSuperstar | Posted: 4/6/2009 8:40:13 PM | Message Detail

Donkey Kong - 17%
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! - 22%
Space Invaders - 15%
Tetris - 46%
*is Dranze*
Through fire, justice is served because FastFalcon05 owned my bracket.
From: nintendogirl1 | Posted: 4/6/2009 8:43:08 PM | Message Detail

Donkey Kong - 22.52%
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! - 25.25%
Space Invaders - 13.96%
Tetris - 38.27%
From: DigitalIncision | Posted: 4/6/2009 8:45:13 PM | Message Detail
Donkey Kong - 19%
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! - 14%
Space Invaders - 13%
Tetris - 56%
*Board 8 Late Night Crew*
From: TheArkOfTurus | Posted: 4/6/2009 8:47:00 PM | Message Detail
Donkey Kong - 22.25%
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! - 23.50%
Space Invaders - 14.25%
Tetris - 40.00%
Our eyes were removed
For our own safety
From: PartOfYourWorld | Posted: 4/6/2009 8:52:15 PM | Message Detail
Donkey Kong - 23%
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! - 25%
Space Invaders - 12%
Tetris - 40%

Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be... part of your world!
From: kaonashi1 | Posted: 4/6/2009 8:55:59 PM | Message Detail
temp picks in case I'm not around

Donkey Kong - 24%
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! - 22%
Space Invaders - 9%
Tetris - 45%
From: andylt | Posted: 4/6/2009 9:06:59 PM | Message Detail
Donkey Kong - 28%
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! - 21.5%
Space Invaders - 10.5%
Tetris - 40%
From: KingBartz | Posted: 4/6/2009 9:07:57 PM | Message Detail

Donkey Kong - 24.80%
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! - 24.61%
Space Invaders - 8.59%
Tetris - 42.00%
Finally ready for this new contest dealy. Well, sorta.
From: Big Bob | Posted: 4/6/2009 9:11:59 PM | Message Detail
Donkey Kong - 20%
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! -25%
Space Invaders -10%
Tetris - 45%

Mega Man 2 - 40%
Pac-Man - 31%
Pong -14%
The Oregon Trail - 15%

Duck Hunt -14%
Galaga - 6%
Ninja Gaiden - 20%
Super Mario Bros. - 60%

Dragon Warrior III -15%
Contra - 23%
Metroid -13%
The Legend of Zelda - 49%

Castlevania III -20%
Civilization - 15%
Sonic the Hedgehog - 35%
Street Fighter 2 - 30%

SimCity -20%
Super Mario Bros. 3 - 63%
Tecmo Super Bowl - 7%
Secret of Monkey Island - 10%

Battletoads -10%
Final Fantasy -35%
Prince of Persia - 10%
Super Mario World - 45%

Crystalis - 13%
Final Fantasy IV - 44%
Mega Man 3 - 30%
River City Ransom - 13%
From: Leebo86 | Posted: 4/6/2009 9:19:14 PM | Message Detail
Donkey Kong -23.32%
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! - 25.56%
Space Invaders - 11.81%
Tetris - 39.31%
New York Yankees
From: Master Moltar | Posted: 4/6/2009 9:35:41 PM | Message Detail
Donkey Kong - 20%
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! - 25%
Space Invaders - 12%
Tetris - 43%

Mega Man 2 - 38%
Pac-Man - 32%
Pong - 18%
The Oregon Trail - 12%

Duck Hunt -15%
Galaga - 8%
Ninja Gaiden - 12%
Super Mario Bros. - 65%

Dragon Warrior III - 13%
Contra - 22%
Metroid - 17%
The Legend of Zelda - 48%

Castlevania III - 19%
Civilization - 13%
Sonic the Hedgehog - 36%
Street Fighter 2 - 32%

SimCity - 12%
Super Mario Bros. 3 - 65%
Tecmo Super Bowl - 8%
Secret of Monkey Island - 15%

Battletoads - 12%
Final Fantasy - 35%
Prince of Persia - 13%
Super Mario World - 40%

Crystalis - 13%
Final Fantasy IV - 39%
Mega Man 3 - 33%
River City Ransom - 15%
Moltar Status: yessssssss
all hail MGS4 the king of 2008 games
From: Childproof | Posted: 4/6/2009 9:38:18 PM | Message Detail
gonna change that safety

Donkey Kong - 22.17%
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! - 23.77%
Space Invaders - 11.27%
Tetris - 42.79%

GrapefruitKing is in tha purgatory. I'm here.
From: Gaddswell | Posted: 4/6/2009 9:41:22 PM | Message Detail
Donkey Kong - 20.47%
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! - 23.16%
Space Invaders - 12.05%
Tetris - 44.32%

Mega Man 2 - 43.66%
Pac-Man - 24.79%
Pong - 18.12%
The Oregon Trail - 13.43%
From: Tomoyo | Posted: 4/6/2009 9:58:22 PM | Message Detail
Donkey Kong - 22%
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! - 25%
Space Invaders - 20%
Tetris - 33%

Mega Man 2 - 40%
Pac-Man - 30%
Pong - 15%
The Oregon Trail - 15%

Duck Hunt - 10%
Galaga - 10%
Ninja Gaiden - 10%
Super Mario Bros. - 70%

Dragon Warrior III -10%
Contra - 25%
Metroid - 15%
The Legend of Zelda - 50%

Castlevania III - 25%
Civilization - 25%
Sonic the Hedgehog - 25%
Street Fighter 2 - 25%

SimCity - 25%
Super Mario Bros. 3 - 25%
Tecmo Super Bowl - 25%
Secret of Monkey Island - 25%

Battletoads - 25%
Final Fantasy - 25%
Prince of Persia - 25%
Super Mario World - 25%

Crystalis - 25%
Final Fantasy IV - 25%
Mega Man 3 - 25%
River City Ransom - 25%
FastFalcon beat me in the CB7 guru contest. T_T
"Is it the pride of a knight to betray one's friends?" - Lachesis
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