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CB5 Oracle Challenge - Round 1 - Spazer, Limit, Triforce, and Aeon Divisions
From: th3l3fty | Posted: 8/29/2006 8:01:01 AM | Message Detail
I'll team up with Big Bob if he has no qualms against it.

Samus with 90.26%
Ada Wong with 61.75%
Rikku with 68.94%
Kairi with 52.15%

Tifa Lockhart with 79.49%
Celes Chere with 52.68%
Jill Valentine with 59.59%
Princess Peach with 88.93%

Zelda with 86.48%
Terra Branford with 51.47%
KOS-MOS with 57.37%
Aeris Gainsborough with 74.72%

Yuna with 72.65%
Joanna Dark with 52.48%
Chun Li with 62.73%
Lara Croft with 57.43%
.....________________Nominate Midgar Zolom for SC2k6!
.....|....O......__....O....| Patrolman in Sir Chris' Police
From: Kaxon | Posted: 8/29/2006 11:21:03 AM | Message Detail
That wasn't a team name suggestion by the way >_> But I guess there's plenty of time to change it anyway.

I figured if I start using random comments to assign team names, we won't have as many unnamed teams this time around. =)

People looking for a partner:
ScorpionX3 (Lagoona or random partner)
Weird Kirby Dude11 (ActJef1077)
Radix (random partner)
Menji76 (random partner)
Abomstar (lcad)
Pats D (Coffee_Ninja)
yoshifan823 (rx7 of black_turtle)
marioinblack (any partner)
creativename (Ngamer64)
Giggsalot (random partner)
Starion (any partner)
PeaceOut64 (random partner)
Tom Bombadil
Rad Link 5
MegatokyoEd (anybody)
Big Bob (random partner)
Ed Bellis (Lopen)
TheKnightOfNee (random partner)
CaptainFlufflez (random partner)
catldr24 (TheKnightOfNee)
meche313 (Camden)
th3l3fty (Big Bob)

1. Kaxon/King Morgoth - Team We Used To Be Good?
2. Alanna82/kawaiifan - Team ???
3. X_Dante_X/Stingers135 - Team Illusion of Xenosaga
4. Ness26/Redtooth - Team Go Go Gadget Copter!
5. ObscureMammoth/SeginusTemple - Team ObscureTemple
6. Haste2/DekarTKB - Team Drunkadelict Armadillos
7. Steinershocker/longbladeofhiko - Team Stupid
8. Explicit Content/Sess - Team hot and steamy
9. Applekidjosh/Brakmaster - Team Shemale Shanty
10. pikaness/warning_crazy - The Pikaness and Warning_Crazy experience
11. raytan7585/amyvitality - Team Klonoa Alliance
12. Z1mZum/Dilated Chemist - Team ???
13. GameBopAdv/Paratroopa1 - Team ???
14. Janus5000/KleenexTissue50 - Team Battle with Gilgamesh > JENOVA
15. Ringworm/BZer0 - Team Rocket
16. Xuxon/Team Rocket Elite - Team ???
17. cyko/steve illumina - Team ???
18. Vlado/Invisi - Team ???
19. XxSoulxX/Luis_Sera89 - Team fast start before bombing
20. transience/the icon ownz all - Team Indie Cred
21. GrapefruitKing/the n00b avenger - Team ???
22. Aprosenf/Ayvuir - Team AAA
23. Rodri316/Draco1214 - Team The Spirit of Truth
CATS for SC2k6 champion
From: GrapefruitKing | Posted: 8/29/2006 1:28:13 PM | Message Detail
GrapefruitKing/The n00b Avenger shall now be known as Team Romanian Potato Soup.
Cigarettes are weaksauce. Smoke crack.
From: Alanna82 | Posted: 8/29/2006 1:34:01 PM | Message Detail
I'll have to talk with Kawaiifan about it, but I want to still be team Jigglypuff. I'm sure she wont mind.

Happily married to Wiggumfan267 on Valentines day, 2005. "Most unusual tastes ever" - The RPGDL
From: BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted: 8/29/2006 1:52:51 PM | Message Detail
I'll go with yoshifan

And I'll submit my predictions a little closer to the contest.

lol Z1mZum | BSE Contest final score: 61 pts
Nominate Carmen Sandiego for Character Battle V
From: LotteryTicket | Posted: 8/29/2006 1:53:54 PM | Message Detail
I got banned, not Purgatory X_X
From: BlastTheSpeaker | Posted: 8/29/2006 1:57:25 PM | Message Detail
Do I need to put up mah predictions too, or does Steiner's count for both of us?

Blast the Speakers!!
Hopeful Soon To Be WWEGSB FPV DL Member
From: Jmast7 | Posted: 8/29/2006 2:29:34 PM | Message Detail
Anyone want to form Team Let's Go Mets!

Spazer Division
Samus Aran with 89.52%
Ada Wong with 71.01%
Rikku with 66.73%
Kairi with 54.31%

Limit Division
Tifa Lockhart with 85.62%
Celes Chere with 56.53%
Jill Valentine with 60.17%
Princess Peach with 72.19%

Triforce Division
Zelda with 75.43%
Sarah Kerrigan with 53.27%
KOS-MOS with 60.23%
Aeris Gainsborough with 70.46%

Aeon Division
Yuna with 75.63%
Joanna Dark with 55.62%
Chun Li with 60.63%
Lara Croft with 57.00%
"I've tried 'em all, I really have, and the only church that truly feeds the soul, day in, day out, is the Church of Baseball." - Annie Savoy
From: King Morgoth | Posted: 8/29/2006 2:30:48 PM | Message Detail
Do I need to put up mah predictions too, or does Steiner's count for both of us?

You still need to put predictions, the Team Contest is a side-contest that basically combines your scores.
It looks like I got Z1mZum'd! Congrats to the greatest Guru!
SpC2k4 Triple Crown WINNER (Oracle, Betting, Spread Betting)
From: Haste_2 | Posted: 8/29/2006 3:43:48 PM | Message Detail's my more serious picks:

Spazer Division
Samus Aran - 92.21%
Ada Wong - 69.44%
Rikku - 75.28%
Claire Redfield - 52.45%

Limit Division
Tifa Lockhart - 69.97%
Celes Chere - 50.55%
Jill Valentine - 65.46%
Princess Peach - 89%

Triforce Division
Zelda - 81.71%
Terra Branford - 56.26%
KOS-MOS vs Amy Rose - 65.54%
Aeris Gainsborough - 77.77%

Aeon Division
Yuna vs Roll - 74.88%
Joanna Dark vs Cortana - 59.20%
Chun Li vs Kasumi - 58.90%
Lara Croft vs Alyx Vance - 60.77%

Yeah, it's boring simply rounding to the nearest whole percent.

"Ah, a party! We haven't had one of those. It could be fun! So...what is a party?"
"Well, Z1mZum drinks punch and eats CAKE! ..I think."
From: _Archvile_ | Posted: 8/29/2006 3:47:24 PM | Message Detail
Please note that I am SephirothG

Spazer Division
Samus Aran with 91.23%
Ada Wong with 69.78%
Rikku with 76.54%
Claire Redfield with 51.34%

Limit Division
Tifa Lockhart with 84.61%
The Boss with 54.02%
Jill Valentine with 58.07%
Princess Peach with 82.88%

Triforce Division
Zelda with 84.90%
Terra Branford with 60.12%
KOS-MOS with 64.00%
Aeris Gainsborough with 86.12%

Aeon Division
Yuna with 80.00%
Joanna Dark 61.99%
Chun Li with 76.76%
Lara Croft with 71.55%

SephirothG: With talent on loan from God.
From: CokesACola | Posted: 8/29/2006 4:05:22 PM | Message Detail
Just like the South in the Civil War, the Red Sox will always and forever be remebered for getting owned by the Yankees.
Erectoral College
From: WarThaNemesis | Posted: 8/29/2006 4:57:41 PM | Message Detail
Mt teammate is DSRage as we combine to form....Rage of Warcraft!

Spazer Division
Samus Aran with 96.21%
Ada Wong with 61.54%
Rikku with 78.74%
Kairi with 56.41%

Limit Division
Tifa Lockhart with 82.54%
Celes Chere with 51.42%
Jill Valentine with 65.24%
Princess Peach with 91.61%

Triforce Division
Zelda with 84.23%
Terra Branford with 63.69%
KOS-MOS with 56.21%
Aeris Gainsborough with 84.24%

Aeon Division
Yuna with 74.43%
Cortana with 53.51%
Chun Li with 64.43%
Lara Croft with 68.33%

War13104 had something weak beating something strong and he looks smarter than you or something - TessaTestarossa
From: LusterSoldier | Posted: 8/29/2006 5:10:11 PM | Message Detail
I will be teaming up with CokesACola. The team name has not been decided yet. Since I was listed as "Luster Soldier" in the last Oracle Challenge, I should be listed as that in this Oracle Challenge as well.

My predictions will come a bit later.
Luster Soldier - Pwned by Repus_Yortsed
From: DSRage_Revived | Posted: 8/29/2006 5:46:08 PM | Message Detail
And incase you didn't know, I am DSRage. And Im with War.

Spazer Division
Samus Aran with 86.11%
Ada Wong with 63.07%
Rikku with 72.95%
Kairi with 55.34%

Limit Division
Tifa Lockhart with 76.97%
The Boss with 57.57%
Jill Valentine with 59.42%
Princess Peach with 81.01%

Triforce Division
Zelda with 88.88%
Terra Branford with 67.12%
KOS-MOS with 62.10%
Aeris Gainsborough with 74.93%

Aeon Division
Yuna with 78.87%
Joanna Dark with 53.31%
Chun Li with 61.02%
Lara Croft 71.53%

Hey, why was P afraid of Q? because Q R S lololol..~Ed_Bellis
From: RX7InfinitiIII | Posted: 8/29/2006 7:41:24 PM | Message Detail
fudge fudge fudge I was too late


From: yoshifan823 | Posted: 8/29/2006 7:48:53 PM | Message Detail
Hey Turtle, but RX was before you for a reason. I hate to do this, but RX is my team mate. Team name: Lions on a Plane.

From: ActJef1077 | Posted: 8/29/2006 7:57:51 PM | Message Detail
I'll sign up with WKD as Team SPO*N again
and I'll get my picks in eventually
before the contest starts, I promise

Call me Jeff! Official midget of The Book Club
If you paint a W on each of your buttcheeks and do cartwheels it will say WoW MoM WoW! -C Bar
From: RX7InfinitiIII | Posted: 8/29/2006 7:59:20 PM | Message Detail
Samus Aran with 97.04%

Oh yes! It gets that high!!

From: Lopen | Posted: 8/29/2006 9:51:15 PM | Message Detail
Okay, sign me and Satai up as Team "Don't Get Too Cocky"

(I'm not ignoring Bellis... he took Karma Hunter)

Spazer Division
Samus Aran with 90.00%
Ada Wong with 57.08%
Rikku with 73.33%
Claire Redfield with 58.10%

Limit Division
Tifa Lockhart with 76.08%
The Boss with 56.18%
Sheena Fujibayashi with 50.10%
Princess Peach with 88.88%

Triforce Division
Zelda with 82.91%
Sarah Kerrigan with 52.55%
KOS-MOS with 56.65%
Aeris Gainsborough with 78.77%

Aeon Division
Yuna with 80.93%
Cortana with 51.75%
Chun Li with 65.87%
Lara Croft with 59.99%
Squall: "Hi, like Cloud from the last game, I am full of angst and am named after weather." - Slow Beef
We shall destroy them with our adaptive techniques!
From: satai_delenn | Posted: 8/29/2006 9:52:37 PM | Message Detail
As you can see, I'm signing up with Lopen. Go Team "Don't Get Too Cocky"! ^_^

Spazer Division
Samus Aran with 96.45%
Ada Wong with 68.87%
Rikku with 78.51%
Kairi with 60.03%

Limit Division
Tifa Lockhart with 73.30%
Celes Chere with 52.21%
Sheena Fujibayashi with 51.78%
Princess Peach with 92.88%

Triforce Division
Zelda with 80.24%
Terra Branford with 60.71%
KOS-MOS with 58.22%
Aeris Gainsborough with 84.04%

Aeon Division
Yuna with 65.36%
Joanna Dark with 52.64%
Chun Li with 75.81%
Lara Croft with 57.44%
"I know now, without a doubt. Kingdom waffles!"
I'll Avada Kedavra ya into a hearse! -Ed Bellis...thank you, B8 rap battle
From: Menji76 | Posted: 8/29/2006 10:24:29 PM | Message Detail
Does anyone else feel that the fact that everyone on LUE will be voting for Nidoran F will mess up the percentage...?

Board 8's #1 Duke Fan
Be Honest©
Now Playing: Breath of Fire II and Red Dead Revolver
From: Kaxon | Posted: 8/30/2006 4:31:45 AM | Message Detail
I'm sad we won't get to see a legendary Bellis/Lopen team.

People looking for a partner:
ScorpionX3 (Lagoona or random partner)
Radix (random partner)
Menji76 (random partner)
Abomstar (lcad)
Pats D (Coffee_Ninja)
marioinblack (any partner)
creativename (Ngamer64)
Giggsalot (random partner)
Starion (any partner)
PeaceOut64 (random partner)
Tom Bombadil
Rad Link 5
MegatokyoEd (anybody)
Big Bob (random partner)
Ed Bellis (Lopen)
TheKnightOfNee (random partner)
CaptainFlufflez (random partner)
catldr24 (TheKnightOfNee)
meche313 (Camden)
th3l3fty (Big Bob)

1. Kaxon/King Morgoth - Team We Used To Be Good?
2. Alanna82/kawaiifan - Team Jigglypuff
3. X_Dante_X/Stingers135 - Team Illusion of Xenosaga
4. Ness26/Redtooth - Team Go Go Gadget Copter!
5. ObscureMammoth/SeginusTemple - Team ObscureTemple
6. Haste2/DekarTKB - Team Drunkadelict Armadillos
7. Steinershocker/longbladeofhiko - Team Stupid
8. Explicit Content/Sess - Team hot and steamy
9. Applekidjosh/Brakmaster - Team Shemale Shanty
10. pikaness/warning_crazy - The Pikaness and Warning_Crazy experience
11. raytan7585/amyvitality - Team Klonoa Alliance
12. Z1mZum/Dilated Chemist - Team ???
13. GameBopAdv/Paratroopa1 - Team ???
14. Janus5000/KleenexTissue50 - Team Battle with Gilgamesh > JENOVA
15. Ringworm/BZer0 - Team Rocket
16. Xuxon/Team Rocket Elite - Team ???
17. cyko/steve illumina - Team ???
18. Vlado/Invisi - Team ???
19. XxSoulxX/Luis_Sera89 - Team fast start before bombing
20. transience/the icon ownz all - Team Indie Cred
21. GrapefruitKing/the n00b avenger - Team Romanian Potato Soup
22. Aprosenf/Ayvuir - Team AAA
23. Rodri316/Draco1214 - Team The Spirit of Truthx
24. WarThaNemesis/DSRage - Team Rage of Warcraft
25. Luster Soldier/CokesACola - Team ???
26. yoshifan823/RX7InfinitiIII - Team Lions on a Plane
27. ActJef1077/Weird Kirby Dude11 - Team SPO*N
28. Lopen/satai_delenn - Team Don't Get Too Cocky
CATS's Road to the Character Battle V Championship
Round 1: Sonic
From: _Lagoona_ | Posted: 8/30/2006 4:37:46 AM | Message Detail
.Ok, Scorp, fine with me, we're a team now! :-)

Any idea for a team name?

Blobolonia Rescuers?
Finish Them?

I hope your ideas are better... >_<
.Nobody's perfect. I'm nobody.
And I got still owned by Z1mZum, THE BSE Guru.
From: ScorpionXtinct | Posted: 8/30/2006 6:36:17 AM | Message Detail
Yay... now for a team name...

Team Without Ideas Now... or W.I.N. >_>... although I really do think Team No Idea sounds good <_<... or Team Flipping Burgers... yeah I'll stop...

From those three I like Spoilets.
4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42 ... Would you push the button?
From: KleenexTissue50 | Posted: 8/30/2006 8:06:59 AM | Message Detail
Spazer Division
Samus Aran with 92.55%
Ada Wong with 64.98%
Rikku with 68.12%
Kairi 56.05%

Limit Division
Tifa Lockhart 80.01%
Celes Chere with 54.21%
Jill Valentine 61.13%
Princess Peach 76.44%

Triforce Division
Zelda with 84.37%
Terra Branford 57.88%
KOS-MOS with 64.25%
Aeris Gainsborough with 71.50%

Aeon Division
Yuna with 81.11%
Joanna Dark with 58.62%
Chun Li with 67.31%
Lara Croft with 68.86%
lol guru, more like gurOWNED by Z1mZum
Now playing: Shadow Hearts: Covenant, Valkyrie Profile
From: Evil_REmade | Posted: 8/30/2006 2:49:23 PM | Message Detail
Spazer Division
Samus Aran with 92.38%
Ada Wong with 68.92%
Rikku with 74.34%
Kairi with 56.89%

Limit Division
Tifa Lockhart with 88.47%
The Boss with 54.21%
Jill Valentine with 74.06%
Princess Peach with 90.86%

Triforce Division
Zelda with 87.84%
Terra Branford with 64.98%
KOS-MOS with 70.81%
Aeris Gainsborough with 90.72%

Aeon Division
Yuna with 85.21%
Joanna Dark with 58.28%
Chun Li with 81.83%
Lara Croft with 79.91%
[=[_] =] Nintendo DS~
[+[_]·:·] See double while sober!
From: LusterSoldier | Posted: 8/30/2006 3:13:31 PM | Message Detail
The Luster Soldier/CokesACola team shall now be known as Team Soda Chugging Soldiers

Since I haven't gotten a response from CokesACola on the team name, if he does not approve of it, I will be willing to change it.

Here are my predictions:

Spazer Division
Samus Aran with 89.97%
Ada Wong with 63.65%
Rikku with 74.99%
Kairi with 63.72%

Limit Division
Tifa Lockhart with 85.44%
The Boss with 53.61%
Jill Valentine with 71.09%
Princess Peach with 81.25%

Triforce Division
Zelda with 83.32%
Terra Branford with 58.22%
KOS-MOS with 73.36%
Aeris Gainsborough with 84.19%

Aeon Division
Yuna with 81.20%
Joanna Dark with 56.63%
Chun Li with 69.36%
Lara Croft with 74.18%
Luster Soldier - Pwned by Repus_Yortsed
From: StopPokingMe | Posted: 8/30/2006 4:47:02 PM | Message Detail
Samus with 93.93%
Ada with 64.64%
Rikku with 79.79%
Claire with 54.54%

Tifa with 78.78%
Celes with 52.52%
Jill with 66.66%
Peach with 85.85%

Zelda with 85.85%
Terra with 60.60%
KOS-MOS with 53.53%
Aeris with 70.70%

Yuna with 70.70%
Joanna with 58.58%
Chun-Li with 64.64%
Lara with 61.61%

And I'll take any partner for the team game.

Champions of Time and Space: The Summer Contest 2003 Fanfiction Project
From: marioinblack | Posted: 8/30/2006 4:51:14 PM | Message Detail
Time to start the party.

Spazer Division
Samus Aran with 92.31%
Ada Wong with 61.23%
Rikku with 69.91%
Claire Redfield with 53.14%

Limit Division
Tifa Lockhart with 70.22%
Celes Chere with 55.32%
Jill Valentine with 61.88%
Princess Peach with 84.35%

Triforce Division
Zelda with 75.32%
Terra Branford with 62.91%
KOS-MOS with 55.61%
Aeris Gainsborough with 79.11%

Aeon Division
Yuna with 72.89%
Joanna Dark with 59.12%
Chun Li with 56.31%
Lara Croft with 60.71%

I am not changing this sig until the Devil Rays get into 3rd place in the division with at least 20 games played. (Started 9/16/04)
From: Redtooth | Posted: 8/30/2006 5:13:27 PM | Message Detail
Spazer Division
Samus Aran with 90.99%
Ada Wong with 59.55%
Rikku with 62.00%
Claire Redfield with 52.05%

Limit Division
Tifa Lockhart with 81.02%
The Boss with 51.11%
Jill Valentine with 62.22%
Princess Peach with 95.45%

Triforce Division
Zelda with 80.00%
Terra Branford with 55.66%
KOS-MOS with 54.33%
Aeris Gainsborough with 69.44%

Aeon Division
Yuna with with 74.00%
Joanna Dark with 58.22%
Chun Li with 58.53%
Lara Croft with 62.44%

Nice list, I counted twenty that would be in my top ten - BlondeAfroHero7
From: Darkash | Posted: 8/30/2006 8:12:21 PM | Message Detail
Heeeeeeee'sssssss baaaaaaaack!
Yes, that's right sports fans. Darkash is back for another few months of bumbling, stumbling and generally making an Oracle fool of himself! You'll laugh! You'll cry! Often at the same time! Not only is Darkash back, he's looking for a partner, so if you want to pair up with the best choke artist since the NY Giants, just say the word.

Samus Aran w/ 91.53%

Go Go Gadget 90 breaker!
1st place in scientist pg's TLoZ MM riddle contest!
12th in the SpC2k4 Oracle Challenge!
From: CokesACola | Posted: 8/30/2006 8:30:05 PM | Message Detail
Teaming with Luster, team name is fine. Just list me as "Cokes"

Spazer Division
Samus Aran with 92.89%
Ada Wong with 61.56%
Rikku with 64.10%
Claire Redfield with 51.34%

Limit Division
Tifa Lockhart with 85.60%
The Boss with 54.66%
Jill Valentine with 68.33%
Princess Peach with 91.97%

Triforce Division
Zelda with 87.00%
Sarah Kerrigan with 51.00%
KOS-MOS with 61.66%
Aeris Gainsborough with 81.81%

Aeon Division
Yuna with with 82.54%
Joanna Dark with 62.00%
Chun Li with 64.99%
Lara Croft with 65.39%
Just like the South in the Civil War, the Red Sox will always and forever be remebered for getting owned by the Yankees.
Erectoral College
From: King Morgoth | Posted: 8/30/2006 10:03:26 PM | Message Detail
30 Teams!

People looking for a partner:
Radix (random partner)
Menji76 (random partner)
Abomstar (lcad)
Pats D (Coffee_Ninja)
marioinblack (any partner)
Giggsalot (random partner)
Starion (any partner)
PeaceOut64 (random partner)
Tom Bombadil
Rad Link 5
MegatokyoEd (anybody)
Big Bob (random partner)
Ed Bellis (Lopen)
TheKnightOfNee (random partner)
CaptainFlufflez (random partner)
catldr24 (TheKnightOfNee)
meche313 (Camden)
th3l3fty (Big Bob)
StopPokingMe (any partner)
Darkash (any partner)

1. Kaxon/King Morgoth - Team We Used To Be Good?
2. Alanna82/kawaiifan - Team Jigglypuff
3. X_Dante_X/Stingers135 - Team Illusion of Xenosaga
4. Ness26/Redtooth - Team Go Go Gadget Copter!
5. ObscureMammoth/SeginusTemple - Team ObscureTemple
6. Haste2/DekarTKB - Team Drunkadelict Armadillos
7. Steinershocker/longbladeofhiko - Team Stupid
8. Explicit Content/Sess - Team hot and steamy
9. Applekidjosh/Brakmaster - Team Shemale Shanty
10. pikaness/warning_crazy - The Pikaness and Warning_Crazy experience
11. raytan7585/amyvitality - Team Klonoa Alliance
12. Z1mZum/Dilated Chemist - Team ???
13. GameBopAdv/Paratroopa1 - Team ???
14. Janus5000/KleenexTissue50 - Team Battle with Gilgamesh > JENOVA
15. Ringworm/BZer0 - Team Rocket
16. Xuxon/Team Rocket Elite - Team ???
17. cyko/steve illumina - Team ???
18. Vlado/Invisi - Team ???
19. XxSoulxX/Luis_Sera89 - Team fast start before bombing
20. transience/the icon ownz all - Team Indie Cred
21. GrapefruitKing/the n00b avenger - Team Romanian Potato Soup
22. Aprosenf/Ayvuir - Team AAA
23. Rodri316/Draco1214 - Team The Spirit of Truthx
24. WarThaNemesis/DSRage - Team Rage of Warcraft
25. Luster Soldier/CokesACola - Team Soda Chugging Soldiers
26. yoshifan823/RX7InfinitiIII - Team Lions on a Plane
27. ActJef1077/Weird Kirby Dude11 - Team SPO*N
28. Lopen/satai_delenn - Team Don't Get Too Cocky
29. ScorpionX3/Lagoona - Team ???
30. creativename/Ngamer64 - Team Predestined Divination (?)
It looks like I got Z1mZum'd! Congrats to the greatest Guru!
SpC2k4 Triple Crown WINNER (Oracle, Betting, Spread Betting)
From: Heroic Mario | Posted: 8/30/2006 10:11:32 PM | Message Detail
Spazer Division
Samus Aran -- 91.32%
Ada Wong -- 67.00%
Rikku -- 65.11%
Kairi -- 53.78%

Limit Division
Tifa Lockhart -- 82.32%
The Boss -- 51.77%
Jill Valentine -- 60.24%
Princess Peach -- 85.87%

Triforce Division
Zelda -- 82.41%
Terra Branford -- 62.55%
KOS-MOS -- 58.00%
Aeris Gainsborough -- 78.00%

Aeon Division
Yuna -- 60.00%
Joanna Dark -- 53.45%
Chun Li -- 64.41%
Lara Croft -- 58.28%

"Zelda isn't the type of game that can be a 100 on a scale of 1 to 100 -- it has to be 120."
From: Ngamer64 | Posted: 8/30/2006 10:16:17 PM | Message Detail
Whoops, didn't realize the new topic was up already!


And yeah, I'd like to continue being called Team PD, unless creative has an objection.

For Your Consideration: Joanna Dark
For My Consideration: How badly Z1mZum owned me in the BSE Guru Contest!
From: Shivan Reincarnated | Posted: 8/30/2006 10:19:39 PM | Message Detail
Samus Aran with 90.03%
Ada Wong with 58.61%
Rikku with 70.11%
Claire Redfield with 51.33%

Tifa Lockhart with 72.17%
Celes Chere with 51.68%
Jill Valentine with 60.12%
Princess Peach with 85.04%

Zelda with 83.88%
Terra Branford with 51.98%
KOS-MOS with 58.1%
Aeris Gainsborough with 70.16%

Yuna with 68.04%
Joanna Dark with 54%
Chun Li with 68.88%
Lara Croft with 57.02%

Let the snow fall deep, the rain drive down, and the wind buffet my cloak. I care not for I've a road worth walking ~ Drizzt Do'Urden
From: jonthomson | Posted: 8/31/2006 5:09:51 AM | Message Detail
Samus Aran with 92.12%
Ada Wong with 54.45%
Rikku with 65.54%
Claire Redfield with 50.55%

Tifa Lockheart with 78.44%
The Boss with 57.88%
Jill Valentine with 71.49%
Princess Peach with 88.88%

Zelda with 85.56%
Terra Branford with 57.71%
KOS-MOS with 63.34%
Aeris Gainsborough with 68.54%

Yuna with 71.23%
Joanna Dark with 59.58%
Chun Li with 63.99%
Lara Croft with 66.67%

Will take a random partner.
Jon Thomson - Z1mZum pwned me good and proper.
From: Kaxon | Posted: 8/31/2006 7:17:52 AM | Message Detail
HM's back in the Oracle! I hope he sticks this one out to the end.
CATS's Road to the Character Battle V Championship
Round 1: Sonic
From: the icon ownz all | Posted: 8/31/2006 3:18:35 PM | Message Detail
Spazer Division
Samus Aran with 92.38%
Ada Wong with 64.22%
Rikku with 73.83%
Kairi with 55.43%

Limit Division
Tifa Lockhart with 85.225
Celes Chere with 51.76%
Sheena Fujibayashi with 54.75%
Princess Peach with 86.32%

Triforce Division
Zelda with 89.15%
Sarah Kerrigan with 55.10%
KOS-MOS with 62.34%
Aeris Gainsborough with 67.21%

Aeon Division
Yuna with 85.77%
Joanna Dark with 59.32%
Chun Li with 60.00%
Lara Croft with 71.44%

Icon's Peep Show! -- Now only $1 a minute!
Warning: Peeping may cause loss of innocence and/or cookies.
From: CokesACola | Posted: 8/31/2006 4:06:27 PM | Message Detail
Srsly, just list me as "Cokes". The other part is intentionally superfluous.
Just like the South in the Civil War, the Red Sox will always and forever be remebered for getting owned by the Yankees.
Erectoral College
From: LusterSoldier | Posted: 8/31/2006 4:08:36 PM | Message Detail
I don't know if that will be possible.
Luster Soldier - Pwned by Repus_Yortsed
From: daniel2424 | Posted: 8/31/2006 4:26:50 PM | Message Detail
Spazer Division
Samus Aran with 84.24%
Ada Wong with 55.24%
Rikku with 74.24%
Kairi with 61.24%

Limit Division
Tifa Lockhart with 81.24%
Celes Chere with 50.24%
Jill Valentine with 77.24%
Princess Peach with 82.24%

Triforce Division
Zelda with 92.24%
Terra Branford with 54.24%
KOS-MOS with 61.24%
Aeris Gainsborough with 70.24%

Aeon Division
Yuna with 81.24%
Joanna Dark with 50.24%
Chun-Li with 51.24%
Lara Croft with 77.24%
If you think the fastest way to a man's heart is through his stomach, you're aiming about 8 inches too high.
From: Jecht | Posted: 8/31/2006 4:36:03 PM | Message Detail
Random Partner

Spazer Division
Samus Aran with 84.3%
Ada Wong with 62.9%
Rikku with 67.4%
Kairi with 64.2%

Limit Division
Tifa Lockhart with 84.2%
The Boss with 53.1%
Jill Valentine with 73.5%
Princess Peach with 86.2%

Triforce Division
Zelda with 84.2%
Sarah Kerrigan with 51.6%
KOS-MOS with 65.0%
Aeris Gainsborough with 76.1%

Aeon Division
Yuna with 73.2%
Joanna Dark with 52.7%
Chun Li with 70.4%
Lara Croft with 75.9%
From: cyko | Posted: 8/31/2006 8:01:41 PM | Message Detail
steve and i have dubbed our team "The Returners".

Final Fantasy 6 FTW!!

i have officially been Z1mZum'D in the guru contest.
Vincent Valentine to win the Blast Division!!
From: Seginustemple | Posted: 8/31/2006 8:08:44 PM | Message Detail
ObscureMammoth/SeginusTemple - Team ObscureTemple


That's a lowercase 't', thank you.

Jeez all the 90+ predictions for SMAUS.....I'll see how the lightbearer thing works out.
I've been called an idiot many times, mostly by people with poor grammar and a small vernicular. - ExtremeM65
From: Rodri316 | Posted: 8/31/2006 9:47:46 PM | Message Detail
We're not Team The Spirit of Truthx! We're Team The Spirit of Truth!
Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.
From: _Lagoona_ | Posted: 9/1/2006 1:40:22 AM | Message Detail
.Hmm, team name... seeing your sig, Scorp, reminds me of the Fibonacci sequence (ok, I admit it's far-fetched)... what about Team Fibonacci?

Oh, screw it, if you can agree on Spoilets, it shall be that.
PPC SC2k6:
From: Rufus Shinra 18 | Posted: 9/1/2006 3:20:00 AM | Message Detail
Samus Aran with 93.61 %
Ada Wong with 63.66 %
Rikku with 73.89 %
Claire Redfield with 50.40 %

Tifa Lockhart with 87.33 %
The Boss with 51 %
Jill Valentine with 57.55 %
Princess Peach with 82.87 %

Zelda with 82.89 %
Terra Branford with 63.45 %
KOS-MOS with 58.58 %
Aeris Gainsborough with 62.87 %

Yuna with 75.22 %
Joanna Dark with 61.75 %
Chun Li with 59, 89 %
Lara Croft with 66.12 %

and random partner
Z1mZum owned me in the Guru contest.
From: Kaxon | Posted: 9/1/2006 3:54:00 AM | Message Detail
Srsly, just list me as "Cokes". The other part is intentionally superfluous.

All the predictions are recorded by using a script that reads the topic. So that means I have to list you under your actual username so the script can find your posts, at least for now - sorry.

We're not Team The Spirit of Truthx! We're Team The Spirit of Truth!

Sorry about that, I'll fix that in the next update.
CATS's Road to the Character Battle V Championship
Round 1: Sonic
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