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CB5 Oracle Challenge - Round 1 - Spazer, Limit, Triforce, and Aeon Divisions
From: Tsunami70 | Posted: 9/1/2006 5:14:48 AM | Message Detail
I'll sign up for this again. Seeing how my random partner did better than me last time, I don't mind another random partner.
"You need a spanking!" - Mystere (Lunar 2) ^_~
I, however, was spanked by Z1mZum.
From: ScorpionXtinct | Posted: 9/1/2006 5:39:48 AM | Message Detail
Team Fibonacci actually sounds nice <_< I can agree on that.
4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42 ... Would you push the button?
From: Vlado | Posted: 9/1/2006 5:43:53 AM | Message Detail
Our team will be named "Robo Chocobo Remix" again. And fix her name.
"Cloud... Words aren't the only thing that tells people what you're thinking..." - Tifa
From: MoogleKupo141 | Posted: 9/1/2006 5:46:36 AM | Message Detail
I'll sign up... and I'll take anyone for a partner.

I'll predict later, though.
Please nominate K. K. Slider (Animal Crossing) (Male) and Kazooie (Banjo-Kazooie) (Female)
From: amyvitality66 | Posted: 9/1/2006 6:01:50 AM | Message Detail
Yay! Klonoa Alliance! =)

Spazer Division

Samus Aran with 94.84%
Ada Wong with 53.22%
Rikku with 74.24%
Kairi with 79.33%

Limit Division

Tifa Lockhart with 85.32%
The Boss with 55.23%
Jill Valentine with 73.34%
Princess Peach with 80.73%

Triforce Division

Zelda with 93.12%
Terra Branford with 57.23%
KOS-MOS with 66.43%
Aeris Gainsborough with 81.12%

Aeon Division

Yuna with 78.93%
Joanna Dark with 56.12%
Chun Li with 69.52%
Lara Croft with 72.15%

Love is what it used to be.
*sister of raytan*
From: Luis_Sera89 | Posted: 9/1/2006 9:21:15 AM | Message Detail


Kairi with 54.27%
Damn you Z1mZum! Were it not for my owning at the hands of you I would've claimed the guru crown at the 1st attempt!
From: Thunder Slash | Posted: 9/1/2006 9:32:33 AM | Message Detail

Claire > Kairi with 56.80%
I now NOTING! NOTING! ABOUT DEM. RAWK YU! But! Teri is da GENUINIUS!Teri rill calculator da winner!
~ Terry Bogard's analysis of Ada vs. Jade
[King of Board 8]
From: KingBartz | Posted: 9/1/2006 9:33:27 AM | Message Detail
Samus Aran - 87.97%
Ada Wong - 54.78%
Rikku - 67.81%
Kairi - 59.87%

Limit Division
Tifa Lockhart - 86.50%
Celes Chere - 57.61%
Jill Valentine - 62.65%
Princess Peach - 81.76%

Triforce Division
Zelda - 82.36%
Terra Branford - 53.12%
KOS-MOS - 54.12%
Aeris Gainsborough - 87.14%

Aeon Division
Yuna - 83.56%
Joanna Dark - 51.45%
Chun Li - 76.92%
Lara Croft - 67.81%

HASTE 2!!!!!

or anybody else who wants to partner.. SonicLink? Tombolo?

I'll keep my options open.

This life lesson was brought to you by the one and only KingBartz.
From: Sephirot1 Returns | Posted: 9/1/2006 9:44:14 AM | Message Detail

Destroyed!!! That's what Z1mZum said when he won the Guru Contest.
From: ps2rulezzz | Posted: 9/1/2006 10:07:35 AM | Message Detail
I'm teaming up with basmeyer42 again, and our name is mvp's.

Samus with 89%
Ada wong with 60%
Rikku with 75%
Kairi with 52%

Tifa with 81%
The boss with 51%
Jill with 66%
Peach with 85%

Zelda with 90%
Terra with 59%
Kos-mos with 59%
Aeris with 75%

Yuna with 76%
Joanna with 56%
Chun-li with 60%
Lara croft with 70%
190/192 points in sc2004, winner team oracle challenge
Z1mzum owned me this spring
From: The Real Truth | Posted: 9/1/2006 10:14:40 AM | Message Detail
Spazer Division
Samus Aran with 91.23%
Ada Wong with 66.11%
Rikku with 77.87%
Claire Redfield with 57.89%

Limit Division
Tifa Lockhart with 78.27%
Celes Chere with 60.95%
Jill Valentine with 72.10%
Princess Peach with 92.90%

Triforce Division
Zelda with 77.92%
Terra Branford with 61.02%
KOS-MOS with 65.29%
Aeris Gainsborough with 81.10%

Aeon Division
Yuna with 63.02%
Joanna Dark with 66.29%
Chun Li with 71.15%
Lara Croft with 76.20%
Let's welcome Chaos.
From: Ed Bellis | Posted: 9/1/2006 10:32:02 AM | Message Detail
I'm partnering with Karma Hunter, btw. Team Unfinished FFP ftw! That'll teach that snarky Lopen to disappear for like three days! HO HOGHOHOOHOOGF
This was Ed Bellis, servant to the mighty Guru Z1mZum. Congrats, buddy!
From: RX7InfinitiIII | Posted: 9/1/2006 6:07:55 PM | Message Detail
Seriously, though. >_>

Spazer Division
Samus Aran with 93.04%
Ada Wong with 59.78%
Rikku with 81.11%
Kairi with 62.03%

Limit Division
Tifa Lockhart with 86.77%
Celes Chere with 57.01%
Jill Valentine with 67.08%
Princess Peach with 90.00%

Triforce Division
Zelda with 91.01%
Terra Branford with 65.43%
KOS-MOS with 65.43%
Aeris Gainsborough with 72.36%

Aeon Division
Yuna with 74.30%
Joanna Dark with 60.67%
Chun Li with 64.04%
Lara Croft with 71.34%

From: King Morgoth | Posted: 9/1/2006 8:04:35 PM | Message Detail
As usual, if I messed up, yell at me!

People looking for a partner:
Radix (random partner)
Menji76 (random partner)
Abomstar (lcad)
Pats D (Coffee_Ninja)
marioinblack (any partner)
Giggsalot (random partner)
Starion (any partner)
PeaceOut64 (random partner)
Tom Bombadil
Rad Link 5
MegatokyoEd (anybody)
Big Bob (random partner)
TheKnightOfNee (random partner)
CaptainFlufflez (random partner)
catldr24 (TheKnightOfNee)
meche313 (Camden)
th3l3fty (Big Bob)
StopPokingMe (any partner)
Darkash (any partner)
jonthomson (random partner)
Jecht (random partner)
Rufus Shinra 18 (random partner)
Tsunami70 (random partner)
MoogleKupo141 (random partner)
KingBartz (SonicLink, Tombolo, open to others)

1. Kaxon/King Morgoth - Team We Used To Be Good?
2. Alanna82/kawaiifan - Team Jigglypuff
3. X_Dante_X/Stingers135 - Team Illusion of Xenosaga
4. Ness26/Redtooth - Team Go Go Gadget Copter!
5. ObscureMammoth/Seginustemple - Team ObscureTemple
6. Haste2/DekarTKB - Team Drunkadelict Armadillos
7. Steinershocker/longbladeofhiko - Team Stupid
8. Explicit Content/Sess - Team hot and steamy
9. Applekidjosh/Brakmaster - Team Shemale Shanty
10. pikaness/warning_crazy - The Pikaness and Warning_Crazy experience
11. raytan7585/amyvitality - Team Klonoa Alliance
12. Z1mZum/Dilated Chemist - Team ???
13. GameBopAdv/Paratroopa1 - Team ???
14. Janus5000/KleenexTissue50 - Team Battle with Gilgamesh > JENOVA
15. Ringworm/BZer0 - Team Rocket
16. Xuxon/Team Rocket Elite - Team ???
17. cyko/steve illumina - Team The Returners
18. Vlado/Invisi - Team Robo Chocobo Remix
19. XxSoulxX/Luis_Sera89 - Team fast start before bombing
20. transience/the icon ownz all - Team Indie Cred
21. GrapefruitKing/the n00b avenger - Team Romanian Potato Soup
22. Aprosenf/Ayvuir - Team AAA
23. Rodri316/Draco1214 - Team The Spirit of Truth
24. WarThaNemesis/DSRage - Team Rage of Warcraft
25. Luster Soldier/CokesACola - Team Soda Chugging Soldiers
26. yoshifan823/RX7InfinitiIII - Team Lions on a Plane
27. ActJef1077/Weird Kirby Dude11 - Team SPO*N
28. Lopen/satai_delenn - Team Don't Get Too Cocky
29. ScorpionX3/Lagoona - Team Fibonacci
30. creativename/Ngamer64 - Team Predestined Divination
31. ps2rulezzz/basmeyer42 - Team mvp's
32. Ed Bellis/Karma Hunter - Team Unfinished FFP
It looks like I got Z1mZum'd! Congrats to the greatest Guru!
SpC2k4 Triple Crown WINNER (Oracle, Betting, Spread Betting)
From: MoogleKupo141 | Posted: 9/1/2006 8:53:02 PM | Message Detail

Spazer Division
Samus Aran with 88.78%
Ada Wong with 67.43 %
Rikku with 78.30
Kairi with 52.52%

Limit Division
Tifa Lockhart 78.30%
Celes Chere with 51.43%
Jill Valentine 62.34%
Princess Peach with 89.1%

Triforce Division
Zelda with 82.56%
Terra Branford with 57.4%
Aeris Gainsborough with 66.66%

Aeon Division
Yuna with 68%
Joanna Dark with 55.32%
Chun Li with 57%
Lara Croft 71.94%
Please nominate K. K. Slider (Animal Crossing) (Male) and Kazooie (Banjo-Kazooie) (Female)
From: meche313 | Posted: 9/1/2006 8:54:05 PM | Message Detail
So...where's camden? <.<
Happy Happyists 4th on the Oracle Team Challenge. 3rd on Spread Betting!
*sniff* Excuse me while I go to the corner and cry because Z1imZum is the Guru Champion.
From: basmeyer42 | Posted: 9/2/2006 5:00:34 AM | Message Detail
Samus - 89.72%
Ada wong - 61.14%
Rikku - 73.88%
Kairi - 50.24%

Tifa - 82.82%
The boss - 50.03%
Jill - 65.10%
Peach - 87.15%

Zelda - 90.50%
Terra - 57.88%
Kos-mos - 60.10%
Aeris - 74.02%

Yuna - 74.45%
Joanna - 55.55%
Chun-li -61.51%
Lara croft - 72.14%
From: Kaxon | Posted: 9/2/2006 5:46:32 AM | Message Detail
Spazer Division
Samus Aran with 87%
Ada Wong with 60%
Rikku with 73%
Kairi with 53%

Limit Division
Tifa Lockhart with 80%
Celes Chere with 52%
Jill Valentine with 51%
Princess Peach with 75%

Triforce Division
Zelda with 73.30%
Terra Branford with 59.94%
KOS-MOS with 65%
Aeris Gainsborough with 69%

Aeon Division
Yuna with 71.25%
Joanna Dark 57%
Chun Li with 61.87%
Lara Croft with 65%
CATS's Road to the Character Battle V Championship
Round 1: Sonic
From: Dekar TKB | Posted: 9/2/2006 8:05:41 PM | Message Detail
Having just beat MGS3, I'm changing my pick to...

Celes Chere with 55.82%
Chief of Patrol in Sir Chris' police force DA!
Captain Falcon for Sc2k6!
From: Z1mZum | Posted: 9/2/2006 9:07:18 PM | Message Detail
Hey DC, are your creative juices flowing? What do you think for a team name?
All-knowing guru.
From: Kaxon | Posted: 9/3/2006 6:26:07 AM | Message Detail
This Oracle Challenge will not include the Battle Royale, so the contest will end after the main bracket finals. Considering the difference between the Battle Royale and the regular matches, I think this is the simplest way to handle things.

We might have a little side-contest for the Battle Royale, however.
CATS's Road to the Character Battle V Championship
Round 1: Sonic
From: Starion | Posted: 9/3/2006 12:36:45 PM | Message Detail
Even the last part where only Link and Cloud are left in the Battle Royale?
From: Kaxon | Posted: 9/3/2006 4:06:38 PM | Message Detail
Yeah, I figure it's better not to include that one for a few reasons. The biggest is that people would have to remember to come back and make predictions after 4 days with no Oracle Challenge, and I'm afraid we'd end up losing a lot of competitors. The second reason is that accepting conditional predictions is a big headache for me in terms of recording the data, so I'd rather just have one match like that (the main bracket final). The third is that it seems cleaner to just exclude the whole Battle Royale instead of including one match out of it. The fourth is that having a 63 match contest instead of 64 keeps the stats more in line with previous contests (SpC2k4 and SC2k4) as well as future contests. And finally, if we decided to have a side contest for the Battle Royale, then the Battle Royale final should be part of that instead of the main contest.
CATS's Road to the Character Battle V Championship
Round 1: Sonic
From: Ngamer64 | Posted: 9/3/2006 4:11:20 PM | Message Detail
A strong decision... but yes, please adjust the script to handle the Royale, just as a fun bonus contest! I'm very interested in seeing how well people are able to predict which way the SFF is going to swing in that 6 way match.

For Your Consideration: Joanna Dark
For My Consideration: How badly Z1mZum owned me in the BSE Guru Contest!
From: red sox 777 | Posted: 9/3/2006 5:26:20 PM | Message Detail
Spazer Division
Samus Aran with 90.00%
Ada Wong with 62.21%
Rikku with 65.53%
Claire Redfield with 55.50%

Limit Division
Tifa Lockhart with 82.33%
The Boss with 55.00%
Jill Valentine with 60.00%
Princess Peach with 75.00%

Triforce Division
Zelda with 78.00%
Sarah Kerrigan with 50.10%
KOS-MOS with 62.35%
Aeris Gainsborough with 66.67%

Aeon Division
Yuna with 70.00%
Joanna Dark with 53.33%
Chun Li with 55.00%
Lara Croft with 59.90%
"........!" ~Magus
From: red sox 777 | Posted: 9/3/2006 5:27:18 PM | Message Detail
Any partner will be fine.
"........!" ~Magus
From: King Morgoth | Posted: 9/3/2006 6:02:22 PM | Message Detail
A strong decision... but yes, please adjust the script to handle the Royale, just as a fun bonus contest! I'm very interested in seeing how well people are able to predict which way the SFF is going to swing in that 6 way match.

The script should be able to run just fine, with a few modifications here and there, the thing worrying my is the website. Thankfully I have two months to get it done but the number of exceptions that'll need to be handled is already frightening me...
It looks like I got Z1mZum'd! Congrats to the greatest Guru!
SpC2k4 Triple Crown WINNER (Oracle, Betting, Spread Betting)
From: creativename | Posted: 9/3/2006 10:36:13 PM | Message Detail
Samus with 90%
Ada Wong with 56%
Rikku with 70%
Kairi with 53%

Tifa with 83%
The Boss with 50%
Jill Valentine with 63%
Princess Peach with 77%

Zelda with 85%
Terra with 60%
KOS-MOS with 63%
Aeris with 72%

Yuna with 78%
Joanna with 59%
Chun-Li with 65%
Lara Croft with 67%

Thankfully I have two months to get it done but the number of exceptions that'll need to be handled is already frightening me...

I hope you don't feel obligated to put in a lot of work for the Battle Royale. You guys do enough, seriously.
From: GoldSlime35 | Posted: 9/4/2006 1:35:41 AM | Message Detail
I just filled out my bracket, and I can just tell I'm going to do absolutely horrible. It'd take a miracle for me to get near the top 5 again.

I think I did well because its far easier to gauge series(and even games), than it is to gauge characters.

Oh well. Here are my picks. I'll work alone again most likely.

Spazer Division
Samus Aran with 88.88%
Ada Wong with 61.11%
Rikku with 67.77%
Kairi with 64.44%

Limit Division
Tifa Lockhart with 85.55%
The Boss with 55.55%
Jill Valentine with 73.33%
Princess Peach with 86.66%

Triforce Division
Zelda with 91.11%
Terra Branford with 52.22%
KOS-MOS with 56.66%
Aeris Gainsborough 62.22%

Aeon Division
Yuna with 79.99%
Joanna Dark with 51.11%
Chun Li with 57.77%
Lara Croft with 69.99%

And yes, I did that pattern on purpose.
From: King Morgoth | Posted: 9/4/2006 10:41:13 AM | Message Detail
I hope you don't feel obligated to put in a lot of work for the Battle Royale. You guys do enough, seriously.

The worst thing that could happen is we put the Battle Royale predictions somewhere else in the database and I make a few static pages for those 5 matches. We'll see how it goes, I rewrote all the code in the last few months, so it could be rather easy. Anyway, I'm not spending 50 hours fixing something that won't ever be useful again ;)
It looks like I got Z1mZum'd! Congrats to the greatest Guru!
SpC2k4 Triple Crown WINNER (Oracle, Betting, Spread Betting)
From: ScorpionXtinct | Posted: 9/4/2006 2:23:17 PM | Message Detail

Ada Wong with 61.05%
4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42 ... Would you push the button?
From: The n00b Avenger | Posted: 9/5/2006 4:31:16 AM | Message Detail
Samus with 90.46%
Ada with 59.41%
Rikku with 74.11%
Kairi with 51.36%
ertyu and VeghEsther are truly proof that there is much about this world we still do not understand.
From: Aprosenf | Posted: 9/5/2006 1:57:44 PM | Message Detail
Samus Aran with 92.20%
Ada Wong with 59.14%
Rikku with 75.37%
Kairi with 55.49%

Tifa Lockhart with 81.71%
Celes Chere with 51.64%
Jill Valentine with 60.25%
Princess Peach with 83.06%
For the sake of simplicity, I'm going to refer to Gordon Freeman versus Tanner as Schrodinger's Match. -Phoenix Flattener
From: trannyscience | Posted: 9/5/2006 2:40:49 PM | Message Detail
Samus with 85.67%
Ada Wong with 63.45%
Rikku with 73.43%
Claire with 53.45%
From: Kaxon | Posted: 9/5/2006 4:26:00 PM | Message Detail
The contest is starting in less than a week now.
CATS's Road to the Character Battle V Championship
Round 1: Sonic
From: meche313 | Posted: 9/5/2006 6:11:40 PM | Message Detail
If Camden isn't here in time (which I really hope not ;__;) I'll request PeaceOut or any other guy that wants me. I'm still awaiting for Camden though.
Happy Happyists 4th on the Oracle Team Challenge. 3rd on Spread Betting!
From: ActJef1077 | Posted: 9/5/2006 7:53:30 PM | Message Detail
Samus with 87%
Ada with 58%
Rikku with 75%
Claire with 52.52%

I'll get the others in later

Call me Jeff Official midget of The Book Club
If you paint a W on each of your buttcheeks and do cartwheels it will say WoW MoM WoW! -C Bar
From: meche313 | Posted: 9/6/2006 12:13:16 PM | Message Detail
We some 'free' time in my hands, let's predict the first two divisions, though they'll most likely change.

Spazer Division
Samus Aran with 92.3%
Ada Wong with 63%
Rikku with 66.43%
Claire Redfield with 52.03%

Limit Division
Tifa Lockhart with 68.41%
Celes Chere with 55.32%
Jill Valentine with 58.3%
Princess Peach with 80.1%

Happy Happyists 4th on the Oracle Team Challenge. 3rd on Spread Betting!
From: meche313 | Posted: 9/6/2006 12:14:26 PM | Message Detail
With* not we <.<
Happy Happyists 4th on the Oracle Team Challenge. 3rd on Spread Betting!
From: XxSoulxX | Posted: 9/6/2006 12:36:16 PM | Message Detail
Since no-ones requested Soul yet I'd be happy to go with him, maybe then we'd have the ultimate 'fast start before bombing' team.

We'll be unstoppable until at least Snake/Soma!
--- -
"ertyu is actually a language. For example, 'dum' is ertyunese for 'godly'." - Topaz Kitsune
RIP Eddie Guerrero. 1967-2005. Deputy Chief!
From: Alanna82 | Posted: 9/6/2006 12:52:36 PM | Message Detail
Kawaiifan posted her predictions on her board.
Happily married to Wiggumfan267 on Valentines day, 2005. "Most unusual tastes ever" - The RPGDL
From: OmegaRagnarok | Posted: 9/6/2006 5:34:14 PM | Message Detail
Samus Aran - 95.46%
Jade - 53.34%
Rikku - 73.45%
Claire Redfield - 54.65%

Tifa Lockhart - 89.78%
Celes Chere - 54.69%
Jill Valentine - 61.34%
Princess Peach - 90.00%

Zelda - 76.67%
Terra Branford - 56.76%
KOS-MOS - 60.89%
Aeris Gainsborough - 90.67%

Yuna - 92.34%
Cortana - 51.56%
Chun Li - 80.45%
Lara Croft - 59.78%

Holy crap, I was banned! oh well. Life goes on.
From: alpha door | Posted: 9/6/2006 5:51:05 PM | Message Detail
I dunno if I'm not listed in the "People looking for a partner" list because I didn't mention anything about a partner, but I posted near the middle of page 2 (50/page) and wanted to make sure I was still in this. I still don't really care if I have a partner/who my partner is, though.
Official Chrono Trigger Fan (I. Want. Spore. Now.)
You people should have nominated Marina Liteyears for SC2k6!!
From: King Morgoth | Posted: 9/6/2006 6:24:24 PM | Message Detail
I dunno if I'm not listed in the "People looking for a partner" list because I didn't mention anything about a partner, but I posted near the middle of page 2 (50/page) and wanted to make sure I was still in this. I still don't really care if I have a partner/who my partner is, though.

The Team Contest is in addition to the classic Challenge. You don't need to sign up in a team to compete in the Individual (and "actual") oracle Challenge.

If you're interested in the Team Contest, no need to make any additional predictions, we're using the individual contest predictions, simply tell us who you want to team with or if you want a random partner.
It looks like I got Z1mZum'd! Congrats to the greatest Guru!
SpC2k4 Triple Crown WINNER (Oracle, Betting, Spread Betting)
From: alpha door | Posted: 9/6/2006 6:37:26 PM | Message Detail
kk, I'll just stick with the classic challenge then.
Official Chrono Trigger Fan (I. Want. Spore. Now.)
You people should have nominated Marina Liteyears for SC2k6!!
From: Lady Celes | Posted: 9/6/2006 8:19:51 PM | Message Detail
Spazer Division
Samus Aran with 88.88%
Ada Wong with 62.55%
Rikku with 80.55%
Kairi with 51.02%

Limit Division
Tifa Lockhart with 74.65%
Celes Chere with 60.15%
Jill Valentine with 61.21%
Princess Peach with 85.75%

Triforce Division
Zelda with 84.56%
Terra Branford with 55.55%
KOS-MOS with 66.66%
Aeris Gainsborough with 79.165

Aeon Division
Yuna with 60.15%
Joanna Dark with 54.35%
Chun Li with 58.25%
Lara Croft with 72.17%
From: Camden | Posted: 9/6/2006 8:22:24 PM | Message Detail
It's alive!

Go ahead and slot me in with meche. I'm pretty sure I'll be around for the entire contest. Also, If I make a prediction for Valentine, does it work for Vincent or Jill?

Samus with 87%
Ada with 57%
Lenneth with 100%(Rikku with 65%)
Kairi with 64%

Tifa with 86%
Celes with 58%
Jill with 65%
Peach with 88%

Zelda with 92%
Terra with 55%
KOS-MOS with 58%
Aeris with 68%

Yuna with 77%
Joanna with 52%
Chun Li with 60%
Lara Croft with 59%
Huh? Finger!? What the hell? -Cloud
I'll STAB him in the forehead with my FINGERNAIL! DIVINE RETRIBUTION! -Egbert
From: King Morgoth | Posted: 9/6/2006 8:35:42 PM | Message Detail
Go ahead and slot me in with meche. I'm pretty sure I'll be around for the entire contest. Also, If I make a prediction for Valentine, does it work for Vincent or Jill?

It'll ask us which one of the two it is, so it would be alright, as long as the context is very very clear
It looks like I got Z1mZum'd! Congrats to the greatest Guru!
SpC2k4 Triple Crown WINNER (Oracle, Betting, Spread Betting)
From: meche313 | Posted: 9/6/2006 8:41:39 PM | Message Detail
*points to sig*

Hey, I was starting to worry here. Most of the time you are a few weeks before the start of the contest posting on the first topic, so I got somewhat nervous.

Well, I'm ready now. Championship, here we go. (yeah without any exclamation point)
Happy Happyists 4th on the Oracle Team Challenge. 3rd on Spread Betting!
From: Camden | Posted: 9/6/2006 8:55:20 PM | Message Detail
Part of the problem was that I had the final topic from the last contest tagged, and I never noticed that it had been closed. I kept checking it, waiting for new posts. Then I had some family problems, followed by some internet problems, followed by really, really getting into Suikoden 5.
Huh? Finger!? What the hell? -Cloud
I'll STAB him in the forehead with my FINGERNAIL! DIVINE RETRIBUTION! -Egbert
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