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First Page | Previous Page | Page 6 of 8 | Next Page | Last PageSC2k7 Oracle Challenge - Pre-contest / Team Signup Topic
From: King Morgoth
| Posted: 8/12/2007 4:47:57 PM | Message Detail
An update! Yikes!
People who have been formally requested: (requester):
ActJef (Weird Kirby Dude)
cyko (Z1mZum,ad00,Xuxon)
cokes (ad00)
Darkash (Heroic Viktor)
Dilated Chemist (Z1mZum)
GMUN (warning_crazy)
GrapefruitKing (Xuxon,Luster)
HM (consolefreak)
Icon (Tom Bombadil)
Luster (FigureOfSpeech)
Menji76 (Seguinstemple)
Paratroopa1 (swirldude)
Sine (jonthomson)
StifledSilence (Shaduln)
StopPokingMe (ToadYoshi)
The n00b Avenger (Xuxon,GrapefruitKing)
transience (GrapefruitKing,Icon)
People looking for a partner: (Requests)
ad00 (cyko, cokes)
consolefreak (HM)
FigureOfSpeech (Luster)
GoldSlime35 (?)
GrapefruitKing (The n00b Avenger,transience)
Heroix Viktor (Darkash)
Icon (transience)
jonthomson (Sine)
Luster Soldier (GFK)
Seguinustemple (Menji)
Shoenin_Kakashi (?)
Spark Mandrill
swirldude (Paratroopa)
Taslion (Para, Luster, Tombawocxer)
ToadYoshi (StopPokingMe)
Tom Bombadil (icon)
transience (looking for someone to hold his nuts)
warning_crazy (GMUN)
Weird Kirby Dude 11 (ActJef)
WiggumFan267 (DP)
XIII_rocks (Para, etc...)
Xuxon (The n00b Avenger,GFK,cyko)
1. Kaxon/King Morgoth - Team We Used To Be Good?
2. Janus5000/KleenexTissue50 - Team Battle with Gilgamesh = J-E-N-O-V-A
3. neonreaper/Sess - Team Jagermeister
4. amyvitality66/raytan7585 - Team Klonoa Alliance
5. Dekar TKB/Haste2 - Team Drunkadelict Armadillos
6. Explicit Content/Master Moltar - Team Big Black Wangs
7. linkhatesganon/ScorpionX3 - Team Los Gonzalez
8. DSRage/War13104 - Team RAGE OF WARCRAFT
9. _Yonex_/Ayvuir - Team The Shy Teds
10. Stingers/Tirofog - Team Eltbus
11. MajinZidane/Smurf - Team The X Crewstaters
12. Alanna82/kawaiifan - Team Jigglypuff
13. BBallman7/LinkLegend27 - Team ???
14. Luis_Sera89/StifledSilence - Team StifledSera
15. TRE/Xcarvengerx - Team ???
16. FastFalcon05/kaonashi1 - Team ???
17. CrimsonOcean/Lady Ashe - Team Vector Industries
18. Applekidjosh/Jay Lv99 - Team Elitist Clique Members
19. outback/Rodri316 - Team ???
20. AmazingKirby/Draco1214 - Team ???
21. satai_delenn/Lopen - Team The Council of Two
22. MaxedOutRyu/yoshifan823 - Team Boondock Saints
23. Sir Chris/yoblazer33 - Team ???
24. Forceful Dragon/SBell0105 - Team DragonBellZ
25. BZer0/ShatteredElysium - Team Ice Cream
26. basmeyer42/ps2rulezzz - Team mvp's
27. GameBopAdv/IhatethisCPU - Team ???
28. Eeeevil Overlord/Maniac64 - Team ???
29. Camden/meche313 - Team Happy Happyists
30. Vlado/Zylo the wolf - Team ???
31. alpha door/Lagoona - Team ???
32. Ness26/TheKnightOfNee - Team ???
33. BlAcK TuRtLe/XxSoulxX - Team lol xstats
34. Jmast7/Leebo86 - Team ???
35. Dilated Chemist/Z1mZum - Team Awesome
36. Pats_Dynasty/SuperSmash Master - Team ???
37. creativename/Ngamer64 - Team Predestined Divination
Kaxon is a figurehead. Morgoth has all the real power. - Janus5000
SpC2k4 Triple Crown WINNER (Oracle, Betting, Spread Betting)
People who have been formally requested: (requester):
ActJef (Weird Kirby Dude)
cyko (Z1mZum,ad00,Xuxon)
cokes (ad00)
Darkash (Heroic Viktor)
Dilated Chemist (Z1mZum)
GMUN (warning_crazy)
GrapefruitKing (Xuxon,Luster)
HM (consolefreak)
Icon (Tom Bombadil)
Luster (FigureOfSpeech)
Menji76 (Seguinstemple)
Paratroopa1 (swirldude)
Sine (jonthomson)
StifledSilence (Shaduln)
StopPokingMe (ToadYoshi)
The n00b Avenger (Xuxon,GrapefruitKing)
transience (GrapefruitKing,Icon)
People looking for a partner: (Requests)
ad00 (cyko, cokes)
consolefreak (HM)
FigureOfSpeech (Luster)
GoldSlime35 (?)
GrapefruitKing (The n00b Avenger,transience)
Heroix Viktor (Darkash)
Icon (transience)
jonthomson (Sine)
Luster Soldier (GFK)
Seguinustemple (Menji)
Shoenin_Kakashi (?)
Spark Mandrill
swirldude (Paratroopa)
Taslion (Para, Luster, Tombawocxer)
ToadYoshi (StopPokingMe)
Tom Bombadil (icon)
transience (looking for someone to hold his nuts)
warning_crazy (GMUN)
Weird Kirby Dude 11 (ActJef)
WiggumFan267 (DP)
XIII_rocks (Para, etc...)
Xuxon (The n00b Avenger,GFK,cyko)
1. Kaxon/King Morgoth - Team We Used To Be Good?
2. Janus5000/KleenexTissue50 - Team Battle with Gilgamesh = J-E-N-O-V-A
3. neonreaper/Sess - Team Jagermeister
4. amyvitality66/raytan7585 - Team Klonoa Alliance
5. Dekar TKB/Haste2 - Team Drunkadelict Armadillos
6. Explicit Content/Master Moltar - Team Big Black Wangs
7. linkhatesganon/ScorpionX3 - Team Los Gonzalez
8. DSRage/War13104 - Team RAGE OF WARCRAFT
9. _Yonex_/Ayvuir - Team The Shy Teds
10. Stingers/Tirofog - Team Eltbus
11. MajinZidane/Smurf - Team The X Crewstaters
12. Alanna82/kawaiifan - Team Jigglypuff
13. BBallman7/LinkLegend27 - Team ???
14. Luis_Sera89/StifledSilence - Team StifledSera
15. TRE/Xcarvengerx - Team ???
16. FastFalcon05/kaonashi1 - Team ???
17. CrimsonOcean/Lady Ashe - Team Vector Industries
18. Applekidjosh/Jay Lv99 - Team Elitist Clique Members
19. outback/Rodri316 - Team ???
20. AmazingKirby/Draco1214 - Team ???
21. satai_delenn/Lopen - Team The Council of Two
22. MaxedOutRyu/yoshifan823 - Team Boondock Saints
23. Sir Chris/yoblazer33 - Team ???
24. Forceful Dragon/SBell0105 - Team DragonBellZ
25. BZer0/ShatteredElysium - Team Ice Cream
26. basmeyer42/ps2rulezzz - Team mvp's
27. GameBopAdv/IhatethisCPU - Team ???
28. Eeeevil Overlord/Maniac64 - Team ???
29. Camden/meche313 - Team Happy Happyists
30. Vlado/Zylo the wolf - Team ???
31. alpha door/Lagoona - Team ???
32. Ness26/TheKnightOfNee - Team ???
33. BlAcK TuRtLe/XxSoulxX - Team lol xstats
34. Jmast7/Leebo86 - Team ???
35. Dilated Chemist/Z1mZum - Team Awesome
36. Pats_Dynasty/SuperSmash Master - Team ???
37. creativename/Ngamer64 - Team Predestined Divination
Kaxon is a figurehead. Morgoth has all the real power. - Janus5000
SpC2k4 Triple Crown WINNER (Oracle, Betting, Spread Betting)
From: Ngamer64
| Posted: 8/12/2007 4:51:11 PM | Message Detail
Huzzah, Team PD rides again! Ready to once again do battle with our Eternal Rivals, KM & Kax!
--- = lol x-stats
Still smarting from the beatdown Rufus applied in the Guru Contest!
--- = lol x-stats
Still smarting from the beatdown Rufus applied in the Guru Contest!
From: StopPokingMe
| Posted: 8/12/2007 4:51:37 PM | Message Detail
Oh, I accept ToadYoshi's proposal.
Sorry, TY, I didn't realize I had to accept it officially after I said I'd play with anyone.
Champions of Time and Space: The Summer Contest 2003 Fanfiction Project
Sorry, TY, I didn't realize I had to accept it officially after I said I'd play with anyone.
Champions of Time and Space: The Summer Contest 2003 Fanfiction Project
From: octoinky
| Posted: 8/12/2007 5:06:54 PM | Message Detail
Grab me a spot in your file, but with no teammate. Returning from a few summers ago!
From: GrapefruitKing
| Posted: 8/12/2007 8:03:54 PM | Message Detail
I'll accept Xuxon's offer. We are now a team.
Team name is unknown until I talk to him
It's a penguin murder mystery !!!
Team name is unknown until I talk to him
It's a penguin murder mystery !!!
From: WiggumFan267
| Posted: 8/12/2007 8:29:33 PM | Message Detail
DP where arrrrrrrrre you?
Wigs... The Other OTHER White Meat: ~Helping Bald People Since 1987~
Happily Married to Alanna82 on Valentines Day 05
Wigs... The Other OTHER White Meat: ~Helping Bald People Since 1987~
Happily Married to Alanna82 on Valentines Day 05
From: Jmast7
| Posted: 8/12/2007 8:38:17 PM | Message Detail
Y'know, I know it's unoriginal but how about "Team Discovery Channel," Leebo? <_<
Everything happens for a reason...
Lost Theories and Reviews:
Everything happens for a reason...
Lost Theories and Reviews:
From: IhatethisCPU
| Posted: 8/13/2007 11:52:55 AM | Message Detail
Oh, if GBA doesn't come back...
Team name:
It's An Upset! And You're On Your Own.
Lu Meng: We must fight Guan Yu!
Guan Yu: I am to be my own enemy? This shall be difficult indeed!
Team name:
It's An Upset! And You're On Your Own.
Lu Meng: We must fight Guan Yu!
Guan Yu: I am to be my own enemy? This shall be difficult indeed!
From: DpObliVion
| Posted: 8/13/2007 1:22:50 PM | Message Detail
Never done the Oracle Challenge before, but if Wigs wants me as a partner, I can't say no!
Let's do this, Wiggles!
Dp, you are one awesome, sexy bastard. I less than 3 you. -Shadow Ryoko
Let's Go Mets
Let's do this, Wiggles!
Dp, you are one awesome, sexy bastard. I less than 3 you. -Shadow Ryoko
Let's Go Mets
From: WiggumFan267
| Posted: 8/13/2007 2:10:57 PM | Message Detail
We would like the name
Team Mets & Sonic at the Oracle Games!
Wigs... The Other OTHER White Meat: ~Helping Bald People Since 1987~
Happily Married to Alanna82 on Valentines Day 05
Team Mets & Sonic at the Oracle Games!
Wigs... The Other OTHER White Meat: ~Helping Bald People Since 1987~
Happily Married to Alanna82 on Valentines Day 05
From: Scythe Marshall
| Posted: 8/13/2007 3:21:30 PM | Message Detail
Alright, sign me up.
As well, for the team competition, I'll be partnering with Canth.
Team Name: Hyperion
Ignorance is bliss, no wonder I'm never happy. >_<
*Ching* Scythe Marshall ready to slaughter! FFT Junkie
As well, for the team competition, I'll be partnering with Canth.
Team Name: Hyperion
Ignorance is bliss, no wonder I'm never happy. >_<
*Ching* Scythe Marshall ready to slaughter! FFT Junkie
From: Canth
| Posted: 8/13/2007 3:22:46 PM | Message Detail
Yay Scythe. Just confirming everything he said. We're in and teaming <3
In Progress: FFT Cleric SSCC (Limberry)
In Progress: FFT Cleric SSCC (Limberry)
From: King Morgoth
| Posted: 8/13/2007 6:40:54 PM | Message Detail
Kaxon is a figurehead. Morgoth has all the real power. - Janus5000
SpC2k4 Triple Crown WINNER (Oracle, Betting, Spread Betting)
Kaxon is a figurehead. Morgoth has all the real power. - Janus5000
SpC2k4 Triple Crown WINNER (Oracle, Betting, Spread Betting)
From: Pats_Dynasty
| Posted: 8/13/2007 6:45:25 PM | Message Detail
Idk if SSM will agree, but I'd like us to be called Team ISS GON RAIN.
Rufus sure kicked me in the Shin(ra) when he won the Guru contest.
Rufus sure kicked me in the Shin(ra) when he won the Guru contest.
From: cyko
| Posted: 8/13/2007 6:50:53 PM | Message Detail
oh, yeah. suppose i'll take a partner after all. i'm happy with ad00 or Xuxon - whoever still needs me.
"I am the reinforcements." - Ashley Riot (Vagrant Story)
"I am the reinforcements." - Ashley Riot (Vagrant Story)
From: Aprosenf
| Posted: 8/13/2007 6:55:29 PM | Message Detail
*Signs up*
I'll take as a partner anyone who finished in the top 25 last year.
If life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Then try to find someone whose life has given them vodka.
I'll take as a partner anyone who finished in the top 25 last year.
If life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Then try to find someone whose life has given them vodka.
From: Paratroopa1
| Posted: 8/13/2007 8:51:56 PM | Message Detail
I will team up with swirldude.
From: Ngamer64
| Posted: 8/13/2007 8:53:40 PM | Message Detail
You're a bigger man than I, Troops.
--- = lol x-stats
Still smarting from the beatdown Rufus applied in the Guru Contest!
You're a bigger man than I, Troops.
--- = lol x-stats
Still smarting from the beatdown Rufus applied in the Guru Contest!
From: swirIdude
| Posted: 8/13/2007 8:56:01 PM | Message Detail
...what's that supposed to mean??
Pokemon FC: 0129 8285 9148
Jump Ultimate Stars FC: 1504 2045 7334
Pokemon FC: 0129 8285 9148
Jump Ultimate Stars FC: 1504 2045 7334
From: FastFalcon05
| Posted: 8/13/2007 9:01:31 PM | Message Detail
Sorry for taking so long kaonashi, I'd forgotten/put off that we need a name. Hm...let's see.
Do you have any favorite characters?, otherwise we can play up that we both ran spread betting.
haha, "Better Bettors" came to mind, hmm..
well damn, that's all I can think of. Thoughts/Suggestions?
One of the most troublesome things in life is that what you do or do not want has little to do with what does or does not happen. ~ Lemony Snicket
Do you have any favorite characters?, otherwise we can play up that we both ran spread betting.
haha, "Better Bettors" came to mind, hmm..
well damn, that's all I can think of. Thoughts/Suggestions?
One of the most troublesome things in life is that what you do or do not want has little to do with what does or does not happen. ~ Lemony Snicket
From: ad00
| Posted: 8/13/2007 9:09:30 PM | Message Detail
I may be with cyko then? Good!
To be fair I hope Xuxon does get one of his requests though!
Einstein would turn over in his grave. Not only does God play dice, the dice are loaded.
Runner of Winning Streak
To be fair I hope Xuxon does get one of his requests though!
Einstein would turn over in his grave. Not only does God play dice, the dice are loaded.
Runner of Winning Streak
From: trannyscience
| Posted: 8/13/2007 9:12:23 PM | Message Detail
I guess KH is avoiding me! damn ed bellis fanboy
uhh looks like team indie cred ii is a likely possibility
uhh looks like team indie cred ii is a likely possibility
From: King Morgoth
| Posted: 8/14/2007 11:46:08 AM | Message Detail
Keep it coming!
People who have been formally requested: (requester):
ActJef (Weird Kirby Dude)
Darkash (Heroic Viktor)
GMUN (warning_crazy)
HM (consolefreak)
Icon (Tom Bombadil)
Luster (FigureOfSpeech)
Menji76 (Seguinstemple)
Sine (jonthomson)
StifledSilence (Shaduln)
transience (Icon)
People looking for a partner: (Requests)
Aprosenf (Top 25)
consolefreak (HM)
FigureOfSpeech (Luster)
GoldSlime35 (?)
Heroix Viktor (Darkash)
Icon (transience)
jonthomson (Sine)
Luster Soldier
Seguinustemple (Menji)
Shoenin_Kakashi (?)
Spark Mandrill
Taslion (Luster, Tombawocxer)
Tom Bombadil (icon)
transience (looking for someone to hold his nuts)
warning_crazy (GMUN)
Weird Kirby Dude 11 (ActJef)
1. Kaxon/King Morgoth - Team We Used To Be Good?
2. Janus5000/KleenexTissue50 - Team Battle with Gilgamesh = J-E-N-O-V-A
3. neonreaper/Sess - Team Jagermeister
4. amyvitality66/raytan7585 - Team Klonoa Alliance
5. Dekar TKB/Haste2 - Team Drunkadelict Armadillos
6. Explicit Content/Master Moltar - Team Big Black Wangs
7. linkhatesganon/ScorpionX3 - Team Los Gonzalez
8. DSRage/War13104 - Team RAGE OF WARCRAFT
9. _Yonex_/Ayvuir - Team The Shy Teds
10. Stingers/Tirofog - Team Eltbus
11. MajinZidane/Smurf - Team The X Crewstaters
12. Alanna82/kawaiifan - Team Jigglypuff
13. BBallman7/LinkLegend27 - Team ???
14. Luis_Sera89/StifledSilence - Team StifledSera
15. TRE/Xcarvengerx - Team ???
16. FastFalcon05/kaonashi1 - Team ???
17. CrimsonOcean/Lady Ashe - Team Vector Industries
18. Applekidjosh/Jay Lv99 - Team Elitist Clique Members
19. outback/Rodri316 - Team ???
20. AmazingKirby/Draco1214 - Team ???
21. satai_delenn/Lopen - Team The Council of Two
22. MaxedOutRyu/yoshifan823 - Team Boondock Saints
23. Sir Chris/yoblazer33 - Team ???
24. Forceful Dragon/SBell0105 - Team DragonBellZ
25. BZer0/ShatteredElysium - Team Ice Cream
26. basmeyer42/ps2rulezzz - Team mvp's
27. GameBopAdv/IhatethisCPU - Team It's An Upset! And You're On Your Own
28. Eeeevil Overlord/Maniac64 - Team ???
29. Camden/meche313 - Team Happy Happyists
30. Vlado/Zylo the wolf - Team ???
31. alpha door/Lagoona - Team ???
32. Ness26/TheKnightOfNee - Team ???
33. BlAcK TuRtLe/XxSoulxX - Team lol xstats
34. Jmast7/Leebo86 - Team ?Discovery Channel?
35. Dilated Chemist/Z1mZum - Team Awesome
36. Pats_Dynasty/SuperSmash Master - Team ?ISS GON RAIN?
37. creativename/Ngamer64 - Team Predestined Divination
38. StopPokingMe/ToadYoshi - Team ???
39. GrapefruitKing/Xuxon - Team ???
40. DpObliVion/WiggumFan267 - Team Mets & Sonic at the Oracle Games!
41. Canth/Scythe Marshall - Team Hyperion
42. ad00/cyko - Team ???
Kaxon is a figurehead. Morgoth has all the real power. - Janus5000
SpC2k4 Triple Crown WINNER (Oracle, Betting, Spread Betting)
People who have been formally requested: (requester):
ActJef (Weird Kirby Dude)
Darkash (Heroic Viktor)
GMUN (warning_crazy)
HM (consolefreak)
Icon (Tom Bombadil)
Luster (FigureOfSpeech)
Menji76 (Seguinstemple)
Sine (jonthomson)
StifledSilence (Shaduln)
transience (Icon)
People looking for a partner: (Requests)
Aprosenf (Top 25)
consolefreak (HM)
FigureOfSpeech (Luster)
GoldSlime35 (?)
Heroix Viktor (Darkash)
Icon (transience)
jonthomson (Sine)
Luster Soldier
Seguinustemple (Menji)
Shoenin_Kakashi (?)
Spark Mandrill
Taslion (Luster, Tombawocxer)
Tom Bombadil (icon)
transience (looking for someone to hold his nuts)
warning_crazy (GMUN)
Weird Kirby Dude 11 (ActJef)
1. Kaxon/King Morgoth - Team We Used To Be Good?
2. Janus5000/KleenexTissue50 - Team Battle with Gilgamesh = J-E-N-O-V-A
3. neonreaper/Sess - Team Jagermeister
4. amyvitality66/raytan7585 - Team Klonoa Alliance
5. Dekar TKB/Haste2 - Team Drunkadelict Armadillos
6. Explicit Content/Master Moltar - Team Big Black Wangs
7. linkhatesganon/ScorpionX3 - Team Los Gonzalez
8. DSRage/War13104 - Team RAGE OF WARCRAFT
9. _Yonex_/Ayvuir - Team The Shy Teds
10. Stingers/Tirofog - Team Eltbus
11. MajinZidane/Smurf - Team The X Crewstaters
12. Alanna82/kawaiifan - Team Jigglypuff
13. BBallman7/LinkLegend27 - Team ???
14. Luis_Sera89/StifledSilence - Team StifledSera
15. TRE/Xcarvengerx - Team ???
16. FastFalcon05/kaonashi1 - Team ???
17. CrimsonOcean/Lady Ashe - Team Vector Industries
18. Applekidjosh/Jay Lv99 - Team Elitist Clique Members
19. outback/Rodri316 - Team ???
20. AmazingKirby/Draco1214 - Team ???
21. satai_delenn/Lopen - Team The Council of Two
22. MaxedOutRyu/yoshifan823 - Team Boondock Saints
23. Sir Chris/yoblazer33 - Team ???
24. Forceful Dragon/SBell0105 - Team DragonBellZ
25. BZer0/ShatteredElysium - Team Ice Cream
26. basmeyer42/ps2rulezzz - Team mvp's
27. GameBopAdv/IhatethisCPU - Team It's An Upset! And You're On Your Own
28. Eeeevil Overlord/Maniac64 - Team ???
29. Camden/meche313 - Team Happy Happyists
30. Vlado/Zylo the wolf - Team ???
31. alpha door/Lagoona - Team ???
32. Ness26/TheKnightOfNee - Team ???
33. BlAcK TuRtLe/XxSoulxX - Team lol xstats
34. Jmast7/Leebo86 - Team ?Discovery Channel?
35. Dilated Chemist/Z1mZum - Team Awesome
36. Pats_Dynasty/SuperSmash Master - Team ?ISS GON RAIN?
37. creativename/Ngamer64 - Team Predestined Divination
38. StopPokingMe/ToadYoshi - Team ???
39. GrapefruitKing/Xuxon - Team ???
40. DpObliVion/WiggumFan267 - Team Mets & Sonic at the Oracle Games!
41. Canth/Scythe Marshall - Team Hyperion
42. ad00/cyko - Team ???
Kaxon is a figurehead. Morgoth has all the real power. - Janus5000
SpC2k4 Triple Crown WINNER (Oracle, Betting, Spread Betting)
From: Darkash
| Posted: 8/14/2007 3:51:01 PM | Message Detail
What's this? A new bracket.....a new contest.....I recognize the signs.....
I'm back, and I'm better then ever!!!!
(Of course....could I be worse then ever? *cough*)
Anyway, I finally saw this, sign me up. HV, I'll be honoured to crash and burn with you for another year!
(....unless one of us captures some of our brillance from past years. Right........)
1st place in scientist pg's TLoZ MM riddle contest!
12th in the SpC2k4 Oracle Challenge!
I'm back, and I'm better then ever!!!!
(Of course....could I be worse then ever? *cough*)
Anyway, I finally saw this, sign me up. HV, I'll be honoured to crash and burn with you for another year!
(....unless one of us captures some of our brillance from past years. Right........)
1st place in scientist pg's TLoZ MM riddle contest!
12th in the SpC2k4 Oracle Challenge!
From: GoldSlime35
| Posted: 8/14/2007 3:52:58 PM | Message Detail how are we going to score this the Battle Royal?
From: DarkLink89
| Posted: 8/14/2007 3:54:05 PM | Message Detail
I request a good partner.
Toronto Blue Jays: 59-58 (Next: 8/14 vs Los Angeles Angels)
Alex Rios MVP Watch: .308/.361/.549/.909/20 HR/59 RBI/71 R
Toronto Blue Jays: 59-58 (Next: 8/14 vs Los Angeles Angels)
Alex Rios MVP Watch: .308/.361/.549/.909/20 HR/59 RBI/71 R
From: Kaxon
| Posted: 8/14/2007 3:54:38 PM | Message Detail
Oh geez. We're going to have to think about this. It will probably not be battle royale style, since two people advance instead of one. Never fear, the Oracle WILL continue, even if we have to change things around this time.
Tia mi aven Moridin isainde vadin
Nominate Ecco the Dolphin for Character Battle 6!
Tia mi aven Moridin isainde vadin
Nominate Ecco the Dolphin for Character Battle 6!
From: Ness26
| Posted: 8/14/2007 4:05:16 PM | Message Detail
This could be interesting. <_<
No amount of planning will ever replace dumb luck.
No amount of planning will ever replace dumb luck.
From: Seginustemple
| Posted: 8/14/2007 4:06:41 PM | Message Detail
Yeah, this might be difficult on everyone's part. How in hell will scoring work.....
If I had written the book, I would have made it so the spirit of man pops out of Winston and socks O'Brien in the face really hard...
If I had written the book, I would have made it so the spirit of man pops out of Winston and socks O'Brien in the face really hard...
From: Camden
| Posted: 8/14/2007 4:13:36 PM | Message Detail
There's over 20 characters I don't even recognize. However, L-Block is going all the way!
Don't worry. Have a nectarine. -Christopher Walken
Huh? Finger!? What the hell? -Cloud
Don't worry. Have a nectarine. -Christopher Walken
Huh? Finger!? What the hell? -Cloud
From: Giggsalot
| Posted: 8/14/2007 4:16:42 PM | Message Detail
uh i better sign up now
if cokes wouldn't mind teaming up that'd be cool
The nature of Monkey was... irrepressible!
if cokes wouldn't mind teaming up that'd be cool
The nature of Monkey was... irrepressible!
From: Darkash
| Posted: 8/14/2007 4:19:38 PM | Message Detail
Troubles in the Oracle contest!? No fear, it's DARKASH to the rescue!!!!
Ok, in all seriousness, I have an idea for scoring to float. Let me run it down;
Let's say we have a 4-way vote between A, B, C, and D. I guess
A with 35%
B with 30%.
Because I'm just so HAX, the final scoring is
A with 40%
B with 30%
C with 20%
D with 10%
Now, i propose that we score on a 100-X-Y scale. Under my proposed system, I would score 95 points. X would be the difference between one of my predictions(let's say the one for A, 35%) and its actual score(40%), or 5. Y would be the difference between B's prediction and actual score.(0, since I'm just that good).
"But, Darkash" (I hear you cry) "What if you're not so hax, and guess the wrong winners?"
Ah, that's where it gets interesting.
Lets say I picked B with 40% and C with 30%. Oh noes, I had one wrong! Well, we would do the scoring the same....
The score would be 95-X-Y. In other words, 75. 95 - (40-30)-(30-20).
This penalizes you for guessing one winner wrong. Of course, if you GUESS both winners wrong, it would be 90-X-Y.
Now, the 100, 95, and 90 constants can be tweaked however Kaxon and KM desire. (Heck, so can all of this). Maybe 100/90/80 is the way to go? I don't know, that's up to the bosses. Opinions?
All-time record holder for most top 5's in a single Oracle Challenge(12)
12th in the SpC2k4 Oracle Challenge!
Ok, in all seriousness, I have an idea for scoring to float. Let me run it down;
Let's say we have a 4-way vote between A, B, C, and D. I guess
A with 35%
B with 30%.
Because I'm just so HAX, the final scoring is
A with 40%
B with 30%
C with 20%
D with 10%
Now, i propose that we score on a 100-X-Y scale. Under my proposed system, I would score 95 points. X would be the difference between one of my predictions(let's say the one for A, 35%) and its actual score(40%), or 5. Y would be the difference between B's prediction and actual score.(0, since I'm just that good).
"But, Darkash" (I hear you cry) "What if you're not so hax, and guess the wrong winners?"
Ah, that's where it gets interesting.
Lets say I picked B with 40% and C with 30%. Oh noes, I had one wrong! Well, we would do the scoring the same....
The score would be 95-X-Y. In other words, 75. 95 - (40-30)-(30-20).
This penalizes you for guessing one winner wrong. Of course, if you GUESS both winners wrong, it would be 90-X-Y.
Now, the 100, 95, and 90 constants can be tweaked however Kaxon and KM desire. (Heck, so can all of this). Maybe 100/90/80 is the way to go? I don't know, that's up to the bosses. Opinions?
All-time record holder for most top 5's in a single Oracle Challenge(12)
12th in the SpC2k4 Oracle Challenge!
From: Darkash
| Posted: 8/14/2007 4:25:24 PM | Message Detail
EDIT: An example for the two-wrong-winners, if you please.
If I predict C with 35% and D with 30%, I would score 90-(35-20)-(30-10), or 55.
1st place in scientist pg's TLoZ MM riddle contest!
12th in the SpC2k4 Oracle Challenge!
If I predict C with 35% and D with 30%, I would score 90-(35-20)-(30-10), or 55.
1st place in scientist pg's TLoZ MM riddle contest!
12th in the SpC2k4 Oracle Challenge!
From: King Morgoth
| Posted: 8/14/2007 5:11:57 PM | Message Detail
Just got back from my almost-daily bike ride and....
This is going to be crazy
I'll read all of those posts up there and then we'll have to think of something....
No prediction topic will be made until at least a few more days (we need to make sure we can twist our system to work) so if there's some insanely urgent reason why you need to make predictions, send us an e-mail (
Otherwise, do like Darkash, we need scoring ideas, I'm tweaking an idea I have but I'll need to talk to Kaxon first...
Kaxon is a figurehead. Morgoth has all the real power. - Janus5000
SpC2k4 Triple Crown WINNER (Oracle, Betting, Spread Betting)
This is going to be crazy
I'll read all of those posts up there and then we'll have to think of something....
No prediction topic will be made until at least a few more days (we need to make sure we can twist our system to work) so if there's some insanely urgent reason why you need to make predictions, send us an e-mail (
Otherwise, do like Darkash, we need scoring ideas, I'm tweaking an idea I have but I'll need to talk to Kaxon first...
Kaxon is a figurehead. Morgoth has all the real power. - Janus5000
SpC2k4 Triple Crown WINNER (Oracle, Betting, Spread Betting)
From: Tomoyo
| Posted: 8/14/2007 5:13:30 PM | Message Detail
Hello, I would like to sign up if possible, any team member is fine. ^_^
Tooi Kono Machi De-"daisuki datta ano uta furui teepu no naka chiisana kizu iro aseta taitoru nijinda yoake"
Tooi Kono Machi De-"daisuki datta ano uta furui teepu no naka chiisana kizu iro aseta taitoru nijinda yoake"
From: Heroic Viktor
| Posted: 8/14/2007 5:21:18 PM | Message Detail
Hey hey, Darkash is back! Nice. For a team name... how about Team Battle Royale? Since, well, that's what this is.
I think guessing 1st and 2nd place each day works well. Scoring, well, I'm not married to anything. Whatever you decide will be amazing. My major suggestion point is to guess both a first and second place.
PS - this is going to be so much fun, my head already hurts.
Trivia: Two Comps and a Tnote
RIP: Tnote827 - 4/4/05
I think guessing 1st and 2nd place each day works well. Scoring, well, I'm not married to anything. Whatever you decide will be amazing. My major suggestion point is to guess both a first and second place.
PS - this is going to be so much fun, my head already hurts.
Trivia: Two Comps and a Tnote
RIP: Tnote827 - 4/4/05
From: Spark Mandrill
| Posted: 8/14/2007 5:22:33 PM | Message Detail
You may want to re-sign me as Biolizard28. That's my main, after all.
Biolizard28: The cream of Fire Emblem (And Ike!) fanboyism.
Pokemon Diamond FC: 4510-6960-6498
Biolizard28: The cream of Fire Emblem (And Ike!) fanboyism.
Pokemon Diamond FC: 4510-6960-6498
From: Menji76
| Posted: 8/14/2007 5:46:55 PM | Message Detail
Seguinstemple is my partner
Board 8's #1 Duke Fan - Be Honest©
Diamond (Nick): 4424 8857 3905 Mario Kart DS: 244920 079114
Board 8's #1 Duke Fan - Be Honest©
Diamond (Nick): 4424 8857 3905 Mario Kart DS: 244920 079114
From: BeTheMan
| Posted: 8/14/2007 5:52:31 PM | Message Detail
Yeah, this is certainly going to throw a wrench into the works.
A fairly simplistic option for a scoring system: Oracles make a prediction for all four characters involved in each match, with each of the four predictions worth up to 12.50 points (12.50 x 4 = traditional max score of 50 points per match).
Oracle contestant predicts A with 40%, B with 30%, C with 20%, and D with 10%
Match turns out A with 35%, B with 30%, C with 30%, and D with 5%
A = 12.5 - (40-35) = 7.5 points
B = 12.5 - (30-30) = 12.5 points
C = 12.5 - (30-20) = 2.5 points
D = 12.5 - (10-5) = 7.5 points
Grand total: 30 points
I'm not sure how a penalty for incorrect winners would factor into that kind of system, though I suppose people could get negativescores if they missed by more than 12.50%...but this kind of system may be harsh enough as it is.
A fairly simplistic option for a scoring system: Oracles make a prediction for all four characters involved in each match, with each of the four predictions worth up to 12.50 points (12.50 x 4 = traditional max score of 50 points per match).
Oracle contestant predicts A with 40%, B with 30%, C with 20%, and D with 10%
Match turns out A with 35%, B with 30%, C with 30%, and D with 5%
A = 12.5 - (40-35) = 7.5 points
B = 12.5 - (30-30) = 12.5 points
C = 12.5 - (30-20) = 2.5 points
D = 12.5 - (10-5) = 7.5 points
Grand total: 30 points
I'm not sure how a penalty for incorrect winners would factor into that kind of system, though I suppose people could get negativescores if they missed by more than 12.50%...but this kind of system may be harsh enough as it is.
From: somdude04
| Posted: 8/14/2007 5:56:33 PM | Message Detail
*Signs up*
And whoever next says something to the effect of "and I'll partner with anyone" I'd like to partner with.
And whoever next says something to the effect of "and I'll partner with anyone" I'd like to partner with.
From: Eeeevil Overlord
| Posted: 8/14/2007 6:00:01 PM | Message Detail
"Sounds good to me. What kind of name should we have? Team Fodder?"
Sounds fitting!
James - The Cream Of Porcupine Tree Fanboyism
Sounds fitting!
James - The Cream Of Porcupine Tree Fanboyism
From: Seginustemple
| Posted: 8/14/2007 6:02:54 PM | Message Detail
Seguinstemple is my partner
How about "Team magical innuendo pirates with guitars"
or are you a ninja kind of person?
If I had written the book, I would have made it so the spirit of man pops out of Winston and socks O'Brien in the face really hard...
How about "Team magical innuendo pirates with guitars"
or are you a ninja kind of person?
If I had written the book, I would have made it so the spirit of man pops out of Winston and socks O'Brien in the face really hard...
From: Menji76
| Posted: 8/14/2007 6:10:10 PM | Message Detail
sounds good
Board 8's #1 Duke Fan - Be Honest©
Diamond (Nick): 4424 8857 3905 Mario Kart DS: 244920 079114
Board 8's #1 Duke Fan - Be Honest©
Diamond (Nick): 4424 8857 3905 Mario Kart DS: 244920 079114
From: andylt
| Posted: 8/14/2007 6:11:41 PM | Message Detail
I'll partner with anyone, but I should warn them, I'm incredibly bad at this. >_>
From: Kaxon
| Posted: 8/14/2007 6:13:07 PM | Message Detail
A fairly simplistic option for a scoring system: Oracles make a prediction for all four characters involved in each match, with each of the four predictions worth up to 12.50 points (12.50 x 4 = traditional max score of 50 points per match).
I think I like the idea of predicting all four characters. The problem with predicting only 2 is that different people will be predicting different characters. This will lead to very inconsistent scoring. Say one character completely overperforms expectations... the people who predicted he would advance will actually lose MORE points than the people who didn't.
Tia mi aven Moridin isainde vadin
Nominate Ecco the Dolphin for Character Battle 6!
I think I like the idea of predicting all four characters. The problem with predicting only 2 is that different people will be predicting different characters. This will lead to very inconsistent scoring. Say one character completely overperforms expectations... the people who predicted he would advance will actually lose MORE points than the people who didn't.
Tia mi aven Moridin isainde vadin
Nominate Ecco the Dolphin for Character Battle 6!
From: PeaceOut64
| Posted: 8/14/2007 6:15:03 PM | Message Detail
Any partner is fine for me.
My goal since I joined the Leafs has always been to have on the ice a team as good as our fans. We have never quite gotten there. Some day we will. - Ken Dryden
My goal since I joined the Leafs has always been to have on the ice a team as good as our fans. We have never quite gotten there. Some day we will. - Ken Dryden
From: Z1mZum
| Posted: 8/14/2007 6:23:39 PM | Message Detail
Man I don't even know what the hell.
Who are some of these characters?!
Former All-knowing guru.
Rufus Shinra is a guru fiend!
Who are some of these characters?!
Former All-knowing guru.
Rufus Shinra is a guru fiend!
From: Ngamer64
| Posted: 8/14/2007 6:26:53 PM | Message Detail
Oh ho! It's a darn good thing I forced you guys to rework the system to run last year's Battle Royale- just think how much time that will save in setting up for CB6!
And I agree, everyone should predict all four results. Doing that we should just be able to score it straight up... with so many variables I don't see the need to include an extra punishment for not getting the "winners" correctly chosen.
--- = lol x-stats
Still smarting from the beatdown Rufus applied in the Guru Contest!
And I agree, everyone should predict all four results. Doing that we should just be able to score it straight up... with so many variables I don't see the need to include an extra punishment for not getting the "winners" correctly chosen.
--- = lol x-stats
Still smarting from the beatdown Rufus applied in the Guru Contest!
From: cyko
| Posted: 8/14/2007 6:54:48 PM | Message Detail
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
From: cyko
| Posted: 8/14/2007 6:56:06 PM | Message Detail
A fairly simplistic option for a scoring system: Oracles make a prediction for all four characters involved in each match, with each of the four predictions worth up to 12.50 points (12.50 x 4 = traditional max score of 50 points per match).
i also like this idea. however, i propose that there should be a small penalty for getting the winners of the match wrong. how about a 2.5 point penalty for each character placed in the wrong spot, giving you a maximum of 12.5 points for each character guessed in the right spot, but 10 points for each character in the wrong spot?
example -
i guess:
A with 35%
B with 30%
C with 25%
D with 10%
Kaxon guesses:
B with 35%
C with 25%
A with 22%
D with 18%
Morgoth guesses:
A with 40%
C with 30%
B with 25%
D with 5%
the match actually finishes with:
A with 40%
B with 35%
C with 25%
D with 10%
in this case, once the points are figured out (out of a possible 50 points), Kaxon would be penalized 7.5 points for getting three of the characters in the wrong spots. Morgoth would be penalized 5 points for having two characters in the wrong spot. i would not be penalized for having all four characters in the right spots. if someone got all four characters in the wrong spots, then they would be penalized 10 points.
the benefit of this added penalty is that there is an extra reward for picking the winners in order. as you can see in the above example, Kaxon and i made the same prediction for character C. however, i had him placed in the right spot, while Kaxon had him in the wrong spot. even though we both got the percentage right, there should be more points awarded for getting the spot and the percentage right, than just the percentage.
I support the following SC2K6 characters:
L-Block, Phoenix Wright, Magus, Agent J, Vincent Valentine, Miles Edgeworth, HK-47, Zero, Kefka
i also like this idea. however, i propose that there should be a small penalty for getting the winners of the match wrong. how about a 2.5 point penalty for each character placed in the wrong spot, giving you a maximum of 12.5 points for each character guessed in the right spot, but 10 points for each character in the wrong spot?
example -
i guess:
A with 35%
B with 30%
C with 25%
D with 10%
Kaxon guesses:
B with 35%
C with 25%
A with 22%
D with 18%
Morgoth guesses:
A with 40%
C with 30%
B with 25%
D with 5%
the match actually finishes with:
A with 40%
B with 35%
C with 25%
D with 10%
in this case, once the points are figured out (out of a possible 50 points), Kaxon would be penalized 7.5 points for getting three of the characters in the wrong spots. Morgoth would be penalized 5 points for having two characters in the wrong spot. i would not be penalized for having all four characters in the right spots. if someone got all four characters in the wrong spots, then they would be penalized 10 points.
the benefit of this added penalty is that there is an extra reward for picking the winners in order. as you can see in the above example, Kaxon and i made the same prediction for character C. however, i had him placed in the right spot, while Kaxon had him in the wrong spot. even though we both got the percentage right, there should be more points awarded for getting the spot and the percentage right, than just the percentage.
I support the following SC2K6 characters:
L-Block, Phoenix Wright, Magus, Agent J, Vincent Valentine, Miles Edgeworth, HK-47, Zero, Kefka