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SC2k8 Oracle Challenge - Round 2 - Divisions 1-4
From: oneills1 | Posted: 10/19/2008 6:13:32 PM | Message Detail
New Ones:

Zack Fair - 25.10%
Wario - 11.10%
Link - 49.55%
Zidane - 14.25%

Marth - 26.95%
Duke Nukem - 27.55%
Altair - 30.05%
Lucario - 15.45%
In Memoriam: Ramza's hopes dreams and aspirations.
From: SFF_potential | Posted: 10/19/2008 6:14:18 PM | Message Detail
Division 1
Zack Fair - 23.71%
Wario - 8.59%
Link - 47.51%
Zidane - 20.19%

Marth - 29.72%
Duke Nukem - 25.57%
Altair - 28.42%
Lucario -18.29%

Division 2
Luigi - 30.17%
Liquid Snake - 26.21%
Bowser -27.41%
Phoenix Wright - 16.21%

Mario - 37.87%
Zelda -14.41%
Mega Man X - 24.21%
Mudkip - 22.51%

Division 3
Samus - 40.51%
Nightmare -15.86%
Ganondorf - 28.42%
Frog - 15.21%

Vincent Valentine - 37.51%
Falco Lombardi - 22.41%
Scorpion -20.67%
Gordon -21.41%

Division 4
Crono - 33.76%
Amaterasu - 12.44%
L-Block - 32.57%
Ryu (Street Fighter) - 21.23%

Alucard - 26.54%
Captain Falcon - 17.55%
Pikachu - 31.34%
Arthas Menethil -24.57%

Character Battle 7 Currently on 97/124 Points.
Today: Kratos>Ocelot Tomorrow: Link>Shadow(lol)
From: DSiRage | Posted: 10/19/2008 6:22:30 PM | Message Detail
I'm DS, with more functionality than ever ...
From: Tomoyo | Posted: 10/19/2008 6:26:21 PM | Message Detail

Link - 53.67%
Wario - 5.87%
Zack Fair - 22.87%
Zidane Tribal - 17.59%
Tooi Kono Machi De-"daisuki datta ano uta furui teepu no naka chiisana kizu iro aseta taitoru nijinda yoake"
From: DSiRage | Posted: 10/19/2008 6:40:03 PM | Message Detail

Zack Fair - 24.07%
Wario - 8.43%
Link - 52.39%
Zidane - 15.11%
I'm DS, with more functionality than ever ...
From: octoinky | Posted: 10/19/2008 7:01:04 PM | Message Detail
Division 1
Zack Fair - 21%
Wario - 9%
Link - 55%
Zidane - 15%

Marth - 22%
Duke Nukem - 18%
Altair - 37%
Lucario - 23%

Division 2
Luigi - 28%
Liquid Snake - 29%
Bowser - 26%
Phoenix Wright - 17%

Mario - 39%
Zelda - 17%
Mega Man X - 32%
Mudkip - 12%

Division 3
Samus - 41%
Nightmare - 12%
Ganondorf - 29%
Frog - 18%

Vincent Valentine - 39%
Falco Lombardi - 18%
Scorpion - 23%
Gordon - 20%

Division 4
Crono - 37%
Amaterasu - 10%
L-Block - 27%
Ryu (Street Fighter) - 26%

Alucard - 22%
Captain Falcon - 19%
Pikachu - 34%
Arthas Menethil - 25%
From: Xcarvenger | Posted: 10/19/2008 7:04:26 PM | Message Detail
Link - 48.51%
Zack Fair - 27.77%
Zidane - 13.77%
Wario - 9.95%

Kweh! Kweh!!! -->
For all your board 8 needs:
From: oneills1 | Posted: 10/19/2008 7:09:46 PM | Message Detail

Zack Fair - 25.10%
Wario - 10.15%
Link - 49.40%
Zidane - 15.35%
In Memoriam: Ramza's hopes dreams and aspirations.
From: Z1mZum | Posted: 10/19/2008 7:10:24 PM | Message Detail
Zack Fair - 30%
Wario - 10%
Link - 45%
Zidane - 15%
Former All-knowing guru.
Explicit Content and the L-Block were in bed together for a Guru win.
From: TheArkOfTurus | Posted: 10/19/2008 7:17:59 PM | Message Detail

Link - 52.25%
Wario - 11.25%
Zack Fair - 20.25%
Zidane Tribal - 16.25%
Our eyes were removed
For our own safety. 3823-8286-6059
From: StopPokingMe | Posted: 10/19/2008 7:26:44 PM | Message Detail
Zack Fair - 22.83%
Wario - 9.58%
Link - 49.92%
Zidane - 17.67%

Marth - 24.58%
Duke Nukem - 25.58%
Altair - 33.00%
Lucario - 16.83%

Luigi - 26.92%
Liquid Snake - 30.00%
Bowser - 26.75%
Phoenix Wright - 16.33%

Mario - 34.75%
Zelda - 18.50%
Mega Man X - 26.40%
Mudkip - 20.35%
SC 2007 Spread Betting Champion
The Summer Contest 2003 Fanfiction Project:
From: DSiRage | Posted: 10/19/2008 7:31:34 PM | Message Detail

Zack Fair - 23.07%
Wario - 8.43%
Link - 53.00%
Zidane - 15.50%
I'm DS, with more functionality than ever ...
From: SF_Clowns | Posted: 10/19/2008 7:34:21 PM | Message Detail
Division 1
Zack Fair - 24.22%
Wario - 13.89%
Link - 41.15%
Zidane - 20.74%

Marth - 18.20%
Duke Nukem - 25.01%
Altair - 31.05%
Lucario - 26.74%

Division 2
Luigi - 18.45%
Liquid Snake - 31.01
Bowser - 37.47%
Phoenix Wright - 13.07%

Mario - 36.91%
Zelda - 12.82%
Mega Man X - 34.07%
Mudkip - 16.30%

Rick Ankiel Watch: 98-348, 57 R, 22 HR, 59 RBI, 2 SB
21 2B, 2 3B, 34 BB, 80 K, .282 AVG, .349 OBP, .543 SLG, .892 OPS
From: Ngamer64 | Posted: 10/19/2008 7:42:58 PM | Message Detail
Link - 52.91%
Zack Fair - 20.94%
Zidane Tribal - 16.16%
Wario - 9.99%

Check out the '08 Guru Site!
Other Hot Content: |
From: King Morgoth | Posted: 10/19/2008 7:45:35 PM | Message Detail
Kaxon's crappyily formatted cellphone prediction
link 50%
wario 9%
zack 25%
zidane 16%
Explicit Content is shaped like a boot to kick my ass!
Kaxon is a figurehead. Morgoth has all the real power. - Janus5000
From: DpObliVion | Posted: 10/19/2008 7:46:25 PM | Message Detail
Link - 53%
Zack - 23%
Zidane - 13%
Wario - 11%

Shea Stadium - My home. You will be missed. 1964-2008
From: charmander6000 | Posted: 10/19/2008 7:47:00 PM | Message Detail
Zack Fair - 18.77%
Wario - 8.32%
Link - 55.93%
Zidane - 16.98%

Board 8 BOP:
Character Battle 2008: Points 95/124 Today's Match: Kratos > Ocelot
From: Master Moltar | Posted: 10/19/2008 8:02:12 PM | Message Detail
Zack Fair - 23.80%
Wario - 8.20%
Link - 52.40%
Zidane - 15.60%
Moltar Status: augh
Zack/Wario/Link/Zidane - Bracket: Link > Shadow - Vote: Link (99/128)
From: PeaceOut64 | Posted: 10/19/2008 8:05:18 PM | Message Detail

Link - 51.4%
Wario - 9.4%
Zack Fair - 25.1%
Zidane Tribal - 14.1%
My goal since I joined the Leafs has always been to have on the ice a team as good as our fans. We have never quite gotten there. Some day we will. - Ken Dryden
From: Xuxon | Posted: 10/19/2008 8:05:47 PM | Message Detail
Zack Fair - 22.34%
Wario - 11.09%
Link - 50.55%
Zidane - 16.02%
DQVIII LLG - level 1/6/10/20, Captain Crow defeated (14 attempts)
Brawl FC: 0344-9611-6716
From: Menji76 | Posted: 10/19/2008 8:07:54 PM | Message Detail
Zack Fair - 23.31%
Wario - 13.29%
Link - 54.84%
Zidane - 12.92%

From: Draco1214 | Posted: 10/19/2008 8:09:26 PM | Message Detail
Division 1
Zack Fair - 22%
Wario - 9%
Link - 52%
Zidane - 17%

Marth - 20%
Duke Nukem - 20%
Altair - 35%
Lucario - 15%

Division 2
Luigi - 30%
Liquid Snake - 30%
Bowser - 25%
Phoenix Wright - 15%

Mario - 30%
Zelda - 15%
Mega Man X - 25%
Mudkip - 20%
"Men that are trapped by chains of 'maybe' can never reach their dreams!"
Explicit Content > me in the Guru
From: TheArkOfTurus | Posted: 10/19/2008 8:12:58 PM | Message Detail

Link - 52.25%
Wario - 11.25%
Zack Fair - 18.26%
Zidane Tribal - 18.24%
Our eyes were removed
For our own safety. 3823-8286-6059
From: th3l3fty | Posted: 10/19/2008 8:13:14 PM | Message Detail
Zack Fair - 20.53%
Wario - 11.34%
Link - 51.37%
Zidane - 16.76%
thelefty for analysis crew 2008 imo -tranny
I have a third degree burn in flame-o-nomics -Sir Chris
From: -LusterSoldier- | Posted: 10/19/2008 8:14:43 PM | Message Detail
Zack Fair - 25.01%
Wario - 9.26%
Link - 51.82%
Zidane - 13.91%

I got word from my partner kawaiifan that she emailed some predictions earlier today. Also, this prediction is missing a percent sign:
Luster Soldier - Popular at school. ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~
From: smitelf | Posted: 10/19/2008 8:19:59 PM | Message Detail
Zack Fair - 22.75%
Wario - 11%
Link - 51.25%
Zidane - 15%
Official Queen ***** of the Universe!
Biden/, I mean Obama/Biden '08!
From: rpgsruleall | Posted: 10/19/2008 8:22:09 PM | Message Detail
Zack Fair - 26.78%
Wario - 10.01%
Link - 50.1%
Zidane - 13.11%

Fortune favors the bold.
From: Justin_Crossing | Posted: 10/19/2008 8:23:34 PM | Message Detail
Link - 49.5%
Zack - 25.5%
Zidane - 14%
Wario - 11%
Justin's CB Points: 104 | Points After this Round: 106
Today: Kratos > Ocelot | Tomorrow: Link > Zack
From: rpgsruleall | Posted: 10/19/2008 8:27:30 PM | Message Detail
Safety picks:

Marth - 29%
Duke Nukem - 26%
Altair - 30%
Lucario - 15%

Division 2
Luigi - 29%
Liquid Snake -27%
Bowser -28%
Phoenix Wright - 16%

Fortune favors the bold.
From: MartinFF7 | Posted: 10/19/2008 8:27:38 PM | Message Detail
Link - 51.5%
Zack - 22.5%
Zidane - 15.5%
Wario - 10.5%

I'll see you in Hell! (From Heaven!)
From: RockMFR 5 | Posted: 10/19/2008 8:32:54 PM | Message Detail
Zack Fair - 25%
Wario - 9%
Link - 52%
Zidane - 14%
Be a good little washing machine, now... o_0
The Ohio State University: We are so much better than m*ch!g@n.
From: Xeybozn | Posted: 10/19/2008 8:33:42 PM | Message Detail
Zack Fair - 24.48%
Wario - 9.44%
Link - 53.04%
Zidane - 13.04%
Character Battle VII: Current score: 99/124
My bracket:
From: Salient | Posted: 10/19/2008 8:36:31 PM | Message Detail
Also, this prediction is missing a percent sign:

Whoops. Not a good way to start off the round!


Zack Fair - 22.50%
Wario - 9.50%
Link - 53.00%
Zidane - 15.00%
~~Teh Frue Blob of Pwnage~~
From: amyvitality66 | Posted: 10/19/2008 8:43:24 PM | Message Detail
Zack Fair - 26%
Wario - 8%
Link - 51.5%
Zidane - 14.5%

amyvitality, The Cream of Final Fantasy IX Fangirlism.
"Ecchi is bad." - Mahoro Andou
From: Camden | Posted: 10/19/2008 8:48:20 PM | Message Detail
Zack Fair - 24.50%
Wario - 10%
Link - 51%
Zidane - 14.50%
Wildcard, *****es! Yeeeeeehaaaaw! -Charlie
Orange poop! Orange poop! -Billy
From: meche313 | Posted: 10/19/2008 8:48:32 PM | Message Detail
Link - 52%
Wario - 10%
Zack Fair - 23%
Zidane Tribal - 15%
The one and only.
Brawl FC: 1375-6860-1887
From: CherryCokes | Posted: 10/19/2008 8:48:39 PM | Message Detail
Zack Fair - 24.19%
Wario - 10.13%
Link - 47.06%
Zidane - 18.62%
[The Dainty Assassins]
From: ActJef1077 | Posted: 10/19/2008 8:50:22 PM | Message Detail
Zack Fair -24%
Wario - 11%
Link - 48%
Zidane - 16%

Marth - 24%
Duke Nukem - 22%
Altair - 32%
Lucario - 22%

Call me Jeff Official midget of The Book Club
If you paint a W on each of your buttcheeks and do cartwheels it will say WoW MoM WoW! -C Bar
From: kaonashi1 | Posted: 10/19/2008 8:50:41 PM | Message Detail
Zack Fair - 22.08%
Wario - 8.21%
Link - 55.25%
Zidane - 14.46%
From: King Morgoth | Posted: 10/19/2008 8:53:57 PM | Message Detail
Zack Fair - 23.50%
Wario - 9.25%
Link - 52.50%
Zidane - 14.75%
Explicit Content is shaped like a boot to kick my ass!
Kaxon is a figurehead. Morgoth has all the real power. - Janus5000
From: King Morgoth | Posted: 10/19/2008 8:57:53 PM | Message Detail
Zack Fair - 22.75%
Wario - 9.00%
Link - 53.00%
Zidane - 15.25%
Explicit Content is shaped like a boot to kick my ass!
Kaxon is a figurehead. Morgoth has all the real power. - Janus5000
From: BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted: 10/19/2008 9:00:57 PM | Message Detail
Zack Fair - 23%
Wario - 10%
Link - 53%
Zidane - 14%
I want adventure in the great wide somewhere... I want it more than I can tell! - Belle
From: Kaxon | Posted: 10/19/2008 11:06:51 PM | Message Detail
These were emailed at the beginning of the match... if Morgoth didn't already post them then I'm putting them here.

kawaiifan's guesses for the first half of the second round:

Zack Fair 25%
Wario 10%
Link 50%
Zidane 15%

Marth 25%
Duke Nukem 25%
Altair 33%
Lucario 17%

Luigi 28%
Liquid Snake 29%
Bowser 28%
Phoenix Wright 15%

Mario 35%
Zelda 17%
Mega Man X 28%
Mudkip 20%

Samus 39%
Nightmare 15%
Ganondorf 27%
Frog 19%

Vincent Valentine 38%
Falco Lombardi 20%
Scorpion 22%
Gordon Freeman 20%

Crono 31%
Amaterasu 14%
L-Block 30%
Ryu (SF) 25%

Alucard 28%
Captain Falcon 19%
Pikachu 30%
Arthas Menethil 23%
I made a living on time trial blowing myself off to cross the finish line at ludicrous speed. -transience
From: _Lagoona_ | Posted: 10/20/2008 3:11:04 AM | Message Detail
.Well, I'm back, and here are some more preds:


Marth - 23.5%
Duke Nukem - 22.5%
Altair - 32%
Lucario - 22%


Luigi - 30%
Liquid Snake - 31%
Bowser - 26%
Phoenix Wright - 13%

Mario - 35%
Zelda - 20%
Mega Man X - 23%
Mudkip - 22%

Samus - 40%
Nightmare - 16%
Ganondorf - 26%
Frog - 18%

Vincent Valentine - 40%
Falco Lombardi - 20%
Scorpion - 20%
Gordon Freeman - 20%

Crono - 30%
Amaterasu - 15.5%
L-Block - 28.5%
Ryu (SF) - 26%

Alucard - 28%
Captain Falcon - 20%
Pikachu - 31%
Arthas Menethil - 21%

.Nobody is perfect, I'm nobody. :-Þ
From: The n00b Avenger | Posted: 10/20/2008 3:25:47 AM | Message Detail
Altair - 34.25%
Duke Nukem - 25.35%
Lucario - 16.75%
Marth - 23.65%
A refusal of praise is a desire to be praised twice.
From: cyko | Posted: 10/20/2008 4:09:16 AM | Message Detail
Marth - 27.42%
Duke Nukem - 25.81%
Altair - 31.46%
Lucario - 15.31%

Luigi - 29.49%
Liquid Snake - 28.50%
Bowser - 29.62%
Phoenix Wright - 13.39%

Mario - 34.42%
Zelda - 13.52%
Mega Man X - 26.87%
Mudkip - 25.09%

is the guru champion of awesomeness.
From: Alanna82 | Posted: 10/20/2008 9:06:57 AM | Message Detail

Marth - 27%
Duke Nukem - 25%
Altair - 35%
Lucario - 13%
Happily married to Wiggumfan267 on Valentines day, 2005.
Current Contest points: 98
From: Ghost Cyborg | Posted: 10/20/2008 9:15:31 AM | Message Detail
Marth 23.5%
Duke Nukem 24%
Altair 35%
Lucario 17.5%

Don't finish what you can't start.
From: red sox 777 | Posted: 10/20/2008 9:42:29 AM | Message Detail
Marth - 28.00%
Duke Nukem - 28.00%
Altair - 30.00%
Lucario - 13.00%
Evvivan: Character Battle VII --- Score: 100/132 --- T-309 (97 way)
Bracket: Link > Zack --- Vote: Zack
From: red sox 777 | Posted: 10/20/2008 9:44:05 AM | Message Detail
Marth - 28.50%
Duke Nukem - 28.50%
Altair - 30.00%
Lucario - 13.00%
Evvivan: Character Battle VII --- Score: 100/132 --- T-309 (97 way)
Bracket: Link > Zack --- Vote: Zack
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