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SpC2k5 - Oracle Challenge - Round 5 - Final Match
From: King Morgoth | Posted: 5/31/2005 3:59:57 PM | Message Detail
The Challenge

For each match in the GameFAQs SpringContest you need to pick a winner and predict the percentage of thevote they will receive. New participants are still being accepted untilat least the end of round 3 (please indicate that you are new and makea minimum of three picks).

Here are some examples of a valid entry:

Link with 85%
CATS - 60.05
Link over CATS 70.6%
Link vs. CATS 52%
Link 55.13

Thefirst option is preferable, but as long as it is clear which characteryou expect to win and what percentage you think it will achieve, youshould be alright.

The Scoring

For each match youwill earn points based on how close your guess was to the actualoutcome. Scoring is cumulative and the winner of the Oracle Challengewill be the person with the most points at the end of the final match.For each match you can earn anywhere between 0 and 50 points. Thisdepends on whether you correctly picked the winner and how close yourguess was to the actual percentage. The scoring system works as follows:

Correctly choosing the winner earns you 50-x points.
Incorrectly choosing the winner earns you 45-2x points.
(Where x is the difference between your guess and the character's actual percentage.)


Your guess: Link - 65%
My guess: CATS - 55%
Actual result: Link 60%, CATS 40%
Your points: 50 - (65-60) = 45 points
My points: 45 - 2*(55-40) = 15 points

Bonuspoints are awarded for the closest five guesses each match but do notfactor into the overall scoring. They are used only as a side ranking.Participants will also be ranked by average score from time to time.

The Rules

It is necessary to have a few rules to keep the challenge running smoothly. They are:

1)A valid entry consists of a clear pick and prediction (i.e. Link -85.03%). The prediction must be greater than or equal to 50.00%. Noalts, please. All predictions should be made with your main account tomake things easier on me. If you need to change accounts please let meknow.
2) Your prediction does not need to be different fromeverybody else’s guess. However, intentional and continuous predictionmimicry will not be allowed.
3) All predictions must be made onefull hour before the usual start time of that match’s poll (approx.2:00am EST, 1:00am CST, 11:00pm PST). Predictions submitted after thistime will not be counted or may be subject to penalty. No predictionswill be accepted after a poll has started, regardless of the start time.
4)You may change your prediction for any match at any time, subject tothe rules above. Please indicate clearly that this is a change to aprevious entry.
5) You many not delete any post in a predictiontopic (if you do, please post immediately after to explain thedeletion). This is to prevent abuse of the above rule (and to reduceconfusion).
6) You may predict matches in advance if you need to. Please make this very clear.
7) I reserve the right to disqualify a pick for any justifiable reason.

Let the Oracle Challenge test your prediction abilities down to the hundredth of a percent!
SpC2k4 - Triple Crown Winner! (Spread Betting, Betting, Oracle)
SC2k4 - 12th place!
From: King Morgoth | Posted: 5/31/2005 4:00:57 PM | Message Detail

I am now accepting predictions for the following matches:
Final Four: Diablo vs Ganondorf
Final Match: Sephiroth vs Diablo/Ganondorf

Ifyou are making predictions changes for any match, please make it veryclear. You can give me two predictions for the final match (dependingon the outcome of Diablo/Ganonodrf), I'll sort things out when we knowwho is facing Sephiroth in the final match.

As with previousinstallments, any comments/suggestions are welcome after the contest isover. Thanks to everyone who have helped make this contest a hugesuccess, once again.
SpC2k4 - Triple Crown Winner! (Spread Betting, Betting, Oracle)
SC2k4 - 12th place!
From: Draco1214 | Posted: 5/31/2005 4:05:23 PM | Message Detail

Ganondorf over Diablo (55.45%)


Sephiroth over Ganondorf (63.67%)
Spring Contest 2005 - Today's Pick: Sephiroth, Tomorrow's Pick: Ganondorf - 36/48 points
From: Haste2 | Posted: 5/31/2005 4:06:31 PM | Message Detail
Safety predictions:

Sephiroth over Ganondorf - 55%
Sephiroth over Diablo - 62%

"Ah, a party! We haven't had one of those. It could be fun! So...what is a party?"
"Well, you drink punch and eat CAKE! ...I think."
From: Heroic Mario | Posted: 5/31/2005 4:07:31 PM | Message Detail
Temporary prediction...

Sephiroth with 53%.

“Iam the Queen of Blades, and my stare alone would reduce you to ashes.You and your ilk cease to amuse me. Prepare yourself for oblivion’sembrace.” Kerrigan
From: creativename | Posted: 5/31/2005 4:09:06 PM | Message Detail

Ganon (over Diablo) with 56%

Final: Sephiroth with 65%
From: TisRiley | Posted: 5/31/2005 4:11:14 PM | Message Detail
Ganondorf over Diablo - 66.80%
Sephiroth over Ganondorf - 61.23%
Spring2005: 44/48 - Tied for #136
Today: Sephiroth Tomorrow Ganondorf
From: Master Moltar | Posted: 5/31/2005 4:12:16 PM | Message Detail
I believe you have my repost

Ganondorf with 60.35%
Moltar's Comics - (GAC)
Bowser vs. Sephiroth - Bracket: Seph - Vote: Bowser (38/48)
From: somdude04 | Posted: 5/31/2005 4:17:14 PM | Message Detail
Ganon over Diablo with 61.12%
and new
Seph over Ganon with 53.45% or....
Diablo over Seph with 100%

No chance at winning since: Robotnik > Sin
From: Salient | Posted: 5/31/2005 4:44:59 PM | Message Detail
Sephiroth over Ganondorf with 60%.
~~Teh Frue Blob of Pwnage~~
From: Weird Kirby Dude11 | Posted: 5/31/2005 4:46:50 PM | Message Detail
Ganondorf with 69%
Sephiroth over Ganondorf with 53.99%
Weird Kirby Dude ~Board Hunter~
Every fanboy war degenerates to a flame war over whether each debater likes the Halo series or not. - Android21A
From: Alanna82 | Posted: 5/31/2005 4:47:42 PM | Message Detail
Seph over Ganon: 53%
Seph over Diablo 55%

yeah, going low here.

Happiliy married to Wiggumfan267 on Valentines day, 2005. "What game is Diablo from"- My friend
From: Z1mZum | Posted: 5/31/2005 4:58:36 PM | Message Detail
Sephiroth with 57% for either opponent.
I'm charming, but I dip into the Prozac now and then.
I did pretty good in the guru challenge but yoblazer did slightly better.
From: Camden | Posted: 5/31/2005 5:01:45 PM | Message Detail
Ganon with 60% and then Sephiroth with 54% regardless of opposition.
"Does he exist in the same way as I exist?"
"You do not exist," said O'Brien.
From: meche313 | Posted: 5/31/2005 5:04:13 PM | Message Detail

Ganon over Diablo with 60.5%


Sephiroth over Ganon with 54.52%

...for now.
RPG/Square character /= instant win. Robotnik has proved such and owned my ass.
From: armitage999 | Posted: 5/31/2005 5:11:18 PM | Message Detail
If Diablo: Sephiroth with 52.01%

If Ganondorf: Sephiroth with 61.77%
Spring Contest Winner: Sephiroth over Ganondorf(or possibly Diablo)
From: Rodri316 | Posted: 5/31/2005 6:01:29 PM | Message Detail
Sephiroth - 61.01%
Current Match Prediction -- Bowser vs. Sephiroth
Spring 2005 Contest -- 47/48 points
From: Smurfin | Posted: 5/31/2005 6:05:01 PM | Message Detail
Ganondorf with 53.6 (over Diablo)
Sephiroth with 52.2% (over Ganondorf)
"Idealism is what precedes experience; cynicism is what follows." --David T. Wolf
From: jonthomson | Posted: 5/31/2005 6:15:19 PM | Message Detail
Tag, waiting until we know better what happens tomorrow.
Jon Thomson - 38/48, today: Sephiroth, tomorrow: Ganondorf
Nominate Ridley for Summer Contest 2005
From: Eggplant Lord | Posted: 5/31/2005 6:22:34 PM | Message Detail
Sephiroth with 58.9%

Albedo and I got PSYCHO CRUSHER'D by M.Bison and PepsiPlunge.
From: Garsha | Posted: 5/31/2005 6:46:32 PM | Message Detail
Sephiroth over Ganondorf with 57.99%
Sephiroth over Diablo with 62.66%
Look at my Winter Contest 2K4/2K5 Analysis Fanfiction:
From: Janus5000 | Posted: 5/31/2005 8:28:00 PM | Message Detail
Sephiroth wins the contest with 59.89%
yoblazer is my god. And your god. But mostly mine since I got PWND by his mad guru skills.
From: Darkash | Posted: 5/31/2005 9:11:07 PM | Message Detail
Ganondorf: 65.12%
I just can't see Robuttbeing that much weaker then Diablo that there will be a 20%+ swing inthe percent. Besides, what difference does it make now?
Winner of The GOLD Triforce in scientist pg's riddle contest!
From: Garsha | Posted: 5/31/2005 9:43:02 PM | Message Detail
Change: Ganondorf with 63% (Semi-Finals)
Look at my Winter Contest 2K4/2K5 Analysis Fanfiction:
From: Ringworm | Posted: 5/31/2005 9:57:51 PM | Message Detail
Seph v Ganondorf: Seph 53.02%

Seph v Diablo: Seph 62.93%
~ Ringworm ~
From: Paratroopa1 | Posted: 5/31/2005 9:58:55 PM | Message Detail

Sephiroth with 57.33%
From: King Morgoth | Posted: 5/31/2005 10:15:46 PM | Message Detail
Match #27 Results:
Ganondorf 76.64%
Dr. Robotnik 23.36%

That'sone hell of a beating for a Final 4 match as Ganondorf triplesRobotnik. The consensus was Ganondorf with 64.05% and the average was37.40 points.

Current Leaderboard

1) Dilated Chemist - 1230.65
2) Rodri316 - 1221.59
3) King Morgoth - 1210.16
4) Rufus Shinra 18 - 1195.44
5) creativename - 1192.62

No movement on the leaderboard today but Dilated Chemist takes a solid option on the title, extending his lead to 9 points.

Full standings:

Best Five Picks:

1) Draco1214 - Ganondorf 76.98% (+49.66)
2) SlayerofDeitys - Ganondorf 70.15% (+43.51)
3) Garsha - Ganondorf 70.00% (+43.36)
4) CaptainFluffez - Ganondorf 69.95% (+43.31)
5) Fiop - Ganondorf 68.44% (+41.80)

Onevery good pick and a few not-as-bad-as-everyone-else picks make the Top5 today... Draco1214 grabs the best pick for his first Top 5 of theseason, SlayerofDeitys grabs his 5th, Garsha comes back for the secondtime while CaptainFluffez takes his 6th this year and Fiop appears onthe list for the 3rd time.

Complete match ranking:

Triforce Division Leaderboard
WINNER) Fiop - 295.96
2) FastFalcon05 - 295.28
3) CaptainFluffez - 289.04
4) Rodri316 - 288.22
5) Dilated Chemist - 286.34

Fiop edges FastFalcon05 and grabs the Triforce Division Title!

Second Phase Leaderboard
1) Rodri316 - 533.28
2) Janus5000 - 529.21
3) Garsha - 529.13
4) FastFalcon05 - 525.80
5) Dilated Chemist - 522.26

Rodri316 keeps the lead both has now only a 4-point lead.
SpC2k4 - Triple Crown Winner! (Spread Betting, Betting, Oracle)
SC2k4 - 12th place!
From: PeaceOut64 | Posted: 5/31/2005 10:41:37 PM | Message Detail
Ganondorf with 60.8%
My goal since Ijoined the Leafs has always been to have on the ice a team as good asour fans. We have never quite gotten there. Some day we will. - KenDryden
From: Master Moltar | Posted: 5/31/2005 10:44:45 PM | Message Detail

Ganondorf with 64.24%
Moltar's Comics - (GAC)
Bowser vs. Sephiroth - Bracket: Seph - Vote: Bowser (38/48)
From: Ringworm | Posted: 5/31/2005 10:52:45 PM | Message Detail
Hooray!, Thought I'd probably be last for that match, but not quite. Thanks KM :)

Should be a bit closer in todays match, wish Bowser would pick up a bit though.
~ Ringworm ~
From: Phediuk | Posted: 5/31/2005 10:53:15 PM | Message Detail
Sephiroth w/57%
"Thank you, Mario. But our princess is in another castle."
-Toad in Super Mario Bros.
From: Ngamer64 | Posted: 5/31/2005 11:00:09 PM | Message Detail
Ganon with 65.39%

Ngamer's Contest Archives:
From: Fiop | Posted: 5/31/2005 11:11:13 PM | Message Detail
WOOOO! I can't believe I won the Triforce division! I could've sworn mypick was in the 50's for that last match, but I guess not....
Congratulations to yoblazer for winning the guru contest.
number 33 on the Sp2k5 leaderboard (would be higher if I didn't trust that stupid octopus)
From: FastFalcon05 | Posted: 5/31/2005 11:11:38 PM | Message Detail
For tomorrow I predict that Ganondorf wins with 67.89% of the vote.

Thatseems high to me for some reason, but you know, it really isn't. Peopleare impressed by diablo almost solely because he made it this far, but54ing Kefka is no real accomplishment when you enter Ganondorf'sleague. Stats predict him at greater than 70, and Ganon has displayedabsolutely no signs of weakness, at all. eesh, I'm so tempted to lowerit just a percent, but I think I'll try and resist.
One who knows nothing can understand nothing.
"Revenge is a dish best served cold." - Old Klingon Proverb
From: FastFalcon05 | Posted: 5/31/2005 11:23:04 PM | Message Detail
I will lower that pick down one percent to Sephiroth wins...oh, hell, let it be.
One who knows nothing can understand nothing.
"Revenge is a dish best served cold." - Old Klingon Proverb
From: King Morgoth | Posted: 5/31/2005 11:28:45 PM | Message Detail
Hooray!, Thought I'd probably be last for that match, but not quite. Thanks KM :)

It's always a pleasure...*grumbles*
SpC2k4 - Triple Crown Winner! (Spread Betting, Betting, Oracle)
SC2k4 - 12th place!
From: Xuxon | Posted: 6/1/2005 12:58:07 AM | Message Detail
Ganondorf over Diablo with 61.46%
"Let'sdrop this Xbox statue on Naomi's head! Oof! This thing's big! It'lltake over 3 years for it to start selling!" ~ Jaguar, Sega Fantasy VI
From: creativename | Posted: 6/1/2005 1:23:43 AM | Message Detail
Looks like my Ganon prediction is too risky, so I'm changing it back to my old prediction.

Change: Ganon (over Diablo) with 59%
From: Kaxon | Posted: 6/1/2005 1:27:18 AM | Message Detail
Round 5
Sephiroth with 61.36%
SC2K4 Oracle Ranking: 4th
Congrats to yoblazer, the Guru contest winner!
From: Kaxon | Posted: 6/1/2005 1:39:20 AM | Message Detail
Round 4 Change
Ganondorf with 63.99%
SC2K4 Oracle Ranking: 4th
Congrats to yoblazer, the Guru contest winner!
From: Camden | Posted: 6/1/2005 1:40:32 AM | Message Detail
Change: Ganon with 63%
"Does he exist in the same way as I exist?"
"You do not exist," said O'Brien.
From: CaptainFlufflez | Posted: 6/1/2005 1:49:05 AM | Message Detail
Out of curiousity, do I have the most top 5 Predictions? I know thatI'm now at 6, and will probably finish there. Just curious to see ifI'm really going to finish this horribly despite a handful of prettygood picks.

Against Kefka, HaRRicH said Wesker < 43%. I said Wesker > 43%...
...turns out 29.63% < 43%, as well as HaRRicH > CaptainFlufflez. Learn to love it.
From: King Morgoth | Posted: 6/1/2005 1:57:40 AM | Message Detail
Ganondorf over Diablo with 58.23%
SpC2k4 - Triple Crown Winner! (Spread Betting, Betting, Oracle)
SC2k4 - 12th place!
From: King Morgoth | Posted: 6/1/2005 2:00:15 AM | Message Detail
Ganondorf with 60.23%
SpC2k4 - Triple Crown Winner! (Spread Betting, Betting, Oracle)
SC2k4 - 12th place!
From: King Morgoth | Posted: 6/1/2005 2:00:43 AM | Message Detail
^^^^^^ late change, uggggggggggh
SpC2k4 - Triple Crown Winner! (Spread Betting, Betting, Oracle)
SC2k4 - 12th place!
From: Lagoona | Posted: 6/1/2005 3:02:32 AM | Message Detail
.Pred for the final match:

Sephiroth with 56.87% (over Ganondorf)
Sephiroth with 55.88% (over Diablo)
Nobody's perfect, I'm nobody.
From: TenkoStar17 | Posted: 6/1/2005 3:26:08 AM | Message Detail
Sephiroth over Ganondorf - 60.00%
"Tenko sleeping on me = Cowboy Ackbar! (proof inside)" - perdevious
Level 2: "Sundial" (260 points)
From: TenkoStar17 | Posted: 6/1/2005 3:26:38 AM | Message Detail
"Tenko sleeping on me = Cowboy Ackbar! (proof inside)" - perdevious
Level 2: "Sundial" (260 points)
From: Sephirot1 Returns | Posted: 6/1/2005 7:51:33 AM | Message Detail
Sephiroth over G-Dorf with 56.64%
All my favourites have lost... ... ...Damn!
From: Camden | Posted: 6/1/2005 1:13:54 PM | Message Detail
Sephiroth with 55%
"Does he exist in the same way as I exist?"
"You do not exist," said O'Brien.
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