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CB5 Oracle Challenge - Round 1 - Spazer, Limit, Triforce, and Aeon Divisions
From: Kaxon | Posted: 8/26/2006 4:43:10 PM | Message Detail
It's back! Welcome to the Oracle Challenge, the contest that tests your prediction abilities down to the hundredth of a percent!

Character Battle 5 Notes

These rules are the same as last contest. If you are new please read all the rules; otherwise, just read rule #5.

The Challenge

For each match in the GameFAQs Summer Contest you need to pick a winner and predict the percentage of the vote they will receive. New participants are still being accepted until at least the end of round 3 (please indicate that you are new and make a minimum of three picks).

Post your predictions in this topic, one prediction per line. Your predictions must start with the name of your winner and end with your predicted percentage. Examples:

Link with 85%
Link 55.13%
Link over CATS with 67.55%
Link - 77.5%

Please use one of these formats, and always remember to include the % sign. Predictions are entered into our database by a script, which may miss your predictions if you use a weird format.

The Scoring

For each match you will earn points based on how close your guess was to the actual outcome. Scoring is cumulative and the winner of the Oracle Challenge will be the person with the most points at the end of the final match. For each match you can earn anywhere from 0 and 50 points. The scoring system works as follows:

Correctly choosing the winner earns you 50-x points.
Incorrectly choosing the winner earns you 45-x points.
(Where x is the difference between your guess and the character's actual percentage.)


Your guess: Link with 65%
My guess: CATS with 55%
Actual result: Link 60%, CATS 40%
Your score: 50 - (65-60) = 45 points
My score: 45 - (55-40) = 30 points

The Rules

It is necessary to have a few rules to keep the challenge running smoothly. They are:

1) A valid entry consists of a clear pick and prediction (i.e. Link with 85.03%). The prediction must be greater than or equal to 50.00%.
2) Your prediction does not need to be different from everybody else?s. However, intentional and continuous prediction mimicry will not be allowed.
3) All predictions must be made five minutes before the usual start time of that match?s poll (approx. 11:55pm EST, 10:55am CST, 8:55pm PST). Predictions submitted after this time will not be counted or may be subject to penalty. No predictions will be accepted after a poll has started, regardless of the start time.
4) You may change your prediction for any match at any time, subject to the rules above. Please indicate clearly that this is a change to a previous entry.
5) You may not delete any post in a prediction topic (if you do, please post immediately after to explain the deletion). This is to prevent abuse of the above rule and to reduce confusion.
6) If you post with an alt, you must clearly state the name of your main account. (Exception: if the alt is listed on your user profile page <>, I already know about it).
7) You may predict matches in advance if you need to. Please tell me beforehand so we can arrange this.
8) I reserve the right to disqualify a pick for any justifiable reason.

Team Challenge

The popular team challenge is returning for a second contest. The rules for the team challenge are simple:

1. Sign up with a partner before the beginning of the first match.
2. Make just one prediction per match - it counts for the Oracle Challenge and the Oracle Team Challenge.
3. Your team score for the day is equal to both team members' scores added together.
4. If one player misses a prediction, the team will get either (partner's score * 2) or (partner's score + average score for the day), whichever is lower. This is to keep teams from being eliminated by one missed prediction, and ONLY applies to the team scores.
CATS for SC2k6 champion
From: Kaxon | Posted: 8/26/2006 4:44:13 PM | Message Detail

In this topic we're taking team signups and accepting predictions. If you want to sign up for a team, please either state who you want to team up with, or say if you want me to assign a random partner.

We are now accepting predictions for round 1 matches in the Spazer, Limit, Triforce, and Aeon Divisions:

Spazer Division
Samus Aran vs Nidoran F
Ada Wong vs Jade
Rikku vs Lenneth Valkyrie
Kairi vs Claire Redfield

Limit Division
Tifa Lockhart vs Ivy Valentine
The Boss vs Celes Chere
Jill Valentine vs Sheena Fujibayashi
Princess Peach vs Princess Daisy

Triforce Division
Zelda vs Carmen Sandiego
Terra Branford vs Sarah Kerrigan
KOS-MOS vs Amy Rose
Aeris Gainsborough vs Marle

Aeon Division
Yuna vs Roll
Joanna Dark vs Cortana
Chun Li vs Kasumi
Lara Croft vs Alyx Vance

Let the Oracle Challenge test your prediction abilities down to the hundredth of a percent!
CATS for SC2k6 champion
From: General Barton | Posted: 8/26/2006 4:45:24 PM | Message Detail
I think I'll finally do this, I've been Interested for awhile. I also expect to come in last place, or somewhere close.
Lets see if people know who I am now...
From: ps2rulezzz | Posted: 8/26/2006 4:48:34 PM | Message Detail
Let me tag this for the future.
190/192 points in sc2004, winner team oracle challenge
Z1mzum owned me this spring
From: Zombies Yay | Posted: 8/26/2006 4:49:27 PM | Message Detail
Not going with Janus this time around. >_>

EC or tranny?
From: ChidoriNoJutsu | Posted: 8/26/2006 4:49:49 PM | Message Detail
Tag for later use.
"Not really. In return, I eat your soul. You just don't notice."-lettuce Kefka
From: XxSoulxX | Posted: 8/26/2006 4:49:52 PM | Message Detail
Spazer Division
Samus Aran with 90.04%
Ada Wong with 60.50%
Rikku with 68.95%
Kairi with 58.72%

Limit Division
Tifa Lockhart with 79.99%
The Boss with 63.25%
Jill Valentine with 63.45%
Princess Peach 87.85%

Triforce Division
Zelda with 84.75%
Terra Branford with 51.50%
KOS-MOS with 62.45%
Aeris Gainsborough with 75%

Aeon Division
Yuna with 72.42%
Joanna Dark with 57.65%
Chun Li with 65.56%
Alyx Vance 50.00%
--- -
"ertyu is actually a language. For example, 'dum' is ertyunese for 'godly'." - Topaz Kitsune
RIP Eddie Guerrero. 1967-2005. Deputy Chief!
From: XxSoulxX | Posted: 8/26/2006 4:50:16 PM | Message Detail
Random partner.
--- -
"ertyu is actually a language. For example, 'dum' is ertyunese for 'godly'." - Topaz Kitsune
RIP Eddie Guerrero. 1967-2005. Deputy Chief!
From: ObscureMammoth | Posted: 8/26/2006 4:50:23 PM | Message Detail
SeginusTemple wanna be partners again?

Spazer Division
Samus Aran - 89.76%
Ada Wong - 59.76%
Rikku - 73.64%
Kairi - 63.69%

Limit Division
Tifa Lockhart - 88.63%
Celes Chere - 53.98%
Jill Valentine - 54.13%
Princess Peach - 78.54%

Triforce Division
Zelda - 87.54%
Terra Branford - 53.72%
Amy Rose - 52.91%
Aeris Gainsborough - 68.92%

Aeon Division
Yuna - 85.02%
Cortana - 51.79%
Chun Li - 59.32%
Lara Croft - 83.43%
Vlado..thank god...another voice of sanity in this madhouse... - RealMarchhare
From: Kaxon | Posted: 8/26/2006 4:52:04 PM | Message Detail
Oh right... the first team will be Kaxon and King Morgoth. Name TBA.
CATS for SC2k6 champion
From: Alanna82 | Posted: 8/26/2006 4:52:09 PM | Message Detail
just a tag for now. Kawaiifan has agreed to be my partner for this contest *I asked her right after the last one ended and she said she would be my partner again*

Happily married to Wiggumfan267 on Valentines day, 2005. "Most unusual tastes ever" - The RPGDL
From: ScorpionXtinct | Posted: 8/26/2006 4:53:35 PM | Message Detail
tagging and this is ScorpionX3
4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42 ... Would you push the button?
From: Ness26 | Posted: 8/26/2006 4:54:19 PM | Message Detail
Anyone want to partner with me? :O

Spazer Division
Samus Aran with 90.22%
Ada Wong with 56.11%
Rikku with 74.71%
Kairi with 57.90%

Limit Division
Tifa Lockhart with 85.21%
The Boss with 54.00%
Jill Valentine with 67.88%
Princess Peach with 89.10%

Triforce Division
Zelda with 86.11%
Terra Branford with 54.11%
KOS-MOS with 55.55%
Aeris Gainsborough with 61.08%

Aeon Division
Yuna with 80.44%
Cortana with 50.88%
Chun Li with 68.32%
Lara Croft with 73.24%
Best. Board/Card Game. Ever Contest:
From: General Barton | Posted: 8/26/2006 4:54:57 PM | Message Detail
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
From: Kaxon | Posted: 8/26/2006 4:57:17 PM | Message Detail
For future reference, please do not quote the competitors in the match, just write your winner and percentage. If you write it like "Samus Aran vs Nidoran F Samus with 93.39%" I have to type it manually because the script gets confused.
CATS for SC2k6 champion
From: ScorpionXtinct | Posted: 8/26/2006 4:57:33 PM | Message Detail
wanna partner with me Ness? be warned that I'm not that good at this though.
4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42 ... Would you push the button?
From: Janus5000 | Posted: 8/26/2006 4:58:41 PM | Message Detail
I'll take whoever isn't deathly afraid of being my partner.

Spazer Division
Samus Aran with 92.31%
Ada Wong with 57.48%
Rikku with 65.87%
Kairi with 53.90%

Limit Division
Tifa Lockhart with 76.13%
Celes Chere with 54.32%
Jill Valentine with 56.24%
Princess Peach with 81.64%

Triforce Division
Zelda with 85.57%
Terra Branford with 62.79%
KOS-MOS with 55.22%
Aeris Gainsborough with 72.98%

Aeon Division
Yuna with 76.45%
Cortana with 52.33%
Chun Li with 61.28%
Lara Croft with 61.31%
"Those who cast the vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything."
From: General Barton | Posted: 8/26/2006 4:59:00 PM | Message Detail
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
From: Ness26 | Posted: 8/26/2006 5:03:13 PM | Message Detail
Scorp: I offered Redtooth, since he was my partner last year. If he declines, I'll accept that offer.
Best. Board/Card Game. Ever Contest:
From: Haste_2 | Posted: 8/26/2006 5:05:32 PM | Message Detail
This account is an alt of "Haste2".

I'll worry about the team a little later...

These are preliminary predictions...most'll change later.

Samus Aran - 90%
Ada Wong - 72%
Rikku - 77%
Claire Redfield - 53%

Limit Division
Tifa Lockhart - 69%
Celes Chere - 51%
Jill Valentine - 65%
Princess Peach - 87%

Zelda - 80%
Terra Branford - 55%
KOS-MOS - 67%
Aeris Gainsborough - 77%

Yuna vs Roll - 74%
Joanna Dark vs Cortana - 58%
Chun Li vs Kasumi - 56%
Lara Croft vs Alyx Vance - 62%

"Ah, a party! We haven't had one of those. It could be fun! So...what is a party?"
"Well, Z1mZum drinks punch and eats CAKE! ..I think."
From: LotteryTicket | Posted: 8/26/2006 5:10:56 PM | Message Detail
I'll sign up with Dante -- Or Mana if he is in this.

I'm stingers135 is the sig didn't tip you off ^_^.

Samus Aran with 82.16%
Ada Wong with 65.88%
Rikku with 72.17%
Kairi with 56.00%

Tifa Lockhart with 78.16%
The Boss with 56.56%
Jill Valentine with 71.37%
Princess Peach with 94.18%

Zelda with 78.05%
Terra Branford with 79.22%
KOS-MOS with 62.12%
Aeris Gainsborough with 72.99%

Yuna with 71.80%
Cortana with 54.88%
Chun Li with 60.15%
Lara Croft with 54.11%
From: General Barton | Posted: 8/26/2006 5:10:57 PM | Message Detail
Stingers asked me on AIM to be his partner, I accepted
Lets see if people know who I am now...
From: LotteryTicket | Posted: 8/26/2006 5:12:29 PM | Message Detail
Me and Dante are Team Illusion of Xenosaga.
From: Ninja_Freac | Posted: 8/26/2006 5:12:30 PM | Message Detail
This is freac

Spazer Division
Samus Aran with 93.04%
Ada Wong with 59.94%
Rikku with 65.44%
Kairi with 60.14%

Limit Division
Tifa Lockhart with 79.94%
Celes Chere with 51.94%
Jill Valentine with 56.64%
Princess Peach with 85.54%

Triforce Division
Zelda with 86.04%
Terra Branford with 56.04%
KOS-MOS with 58.04%
Aeris Gainsborough with 74.94%

Aeon Division
Yuna with 80.04%
Joanna Dark with 51.04%
Chun Li with 64.14%
Lara Croft with 53.44%

Razordragon is one awesome dude
"I didn't know i was cappable of suck bad spelling. 0.0"-warlogna
From: Haste_2 | Posted: 8/26/2006 5:12:31 PM | Message Detail
Eh, why not...

DekarTKB, if you're there, wanna partner up?

"Ah, a party! We haven't had one of those. It could be fun! So...what is a party?"
"Well, Z1mZum drinks punch and eats CAKE! ..I think."
From: General Barton | Posted: 8/26/2006 5:15:47 PM | Message Detail
Making a change...

Samus with 93.39%
Ada with 57.35%
Rikku with 67.24%
Kari with 73.16%

Limit Division
Tifa with 76.47%
The Boss with 64.38%
Jill Valentine with 53.68%
Princess Peach with 84.39%

Triforce Division
Zelda with 89.73%
Terra with 63.48%
KOS-MOS with 57.26%
Aeris with 72.94%

Aeon Division
Yuna with 86.24%
Joanna with 53.21%
Chun Li with 62.83%
Lara Croft with 54.37%
Lets see if people know who I am now...
From: Redtooth | Posted: 8/26/2006 5:16:33 PM | Message Detail
Ness26...of course I'll partner with you again. How could I possibly refuse the second place finisher from last year... =D

And I'll post my predictions soon...

Nice list, I counted twenty that would be in my top ten - BlondeAfroHero7
From: Draco1214 | Posted: 8/26/2006 5:16:36 PM | Message Detail
Spazer Division
Samus Aran with 90%
Ada Wong with 63%
Rikku with 71%
Kairi with 55%

Limit Division
Tifa Lockhart with 76%
The Boss with 56%
Jill Valentine 58%
Princess Peach with 84%

Triforce Division
Zelda with 85%
Terra Branford 59%
KOS-MOS with 60%
Aeris Gainsborough with 78%

Aeon Division
Yuna with 79%
Joanna Dark with 61%
Chun Li with 65%
Lara Croft 67%

Request Rodri316 as my teammate.
Organization XIII - Number III - Xordac
Owned by Z1mZum in the Best. Series. Ever. Guru Contest
From: Draco1214 | Posted: 8/26/2006 5:17:45 PM | Message Detail

Jill Valentine with 57%
Organization XIII - Number III - Xordac
Owned by Z1mZum in the Best. Series. Ever. Guru Contest
From: General Barton | Posted: 8/26/2006 5:18:52 PM | Message Detail
Ah hell, missed the delete rule...

First delete was to delete the quoted thing, because you said it was hell for the script,

Second delete was because I figured it would be easier for you, All I changed was Jade to Ada, kept same percent. Sorry about that.
Lets see if people know who I am now...
From: General Barton | Posted: 8/26/2006 5:19:28 PM | Message Detail
X_X I gotta get better at this... I'm already sucking
Lets see if people know who I am now...
From: pikaness | Posted: 8/26/2006 5:21:39 PM | Message Detail
I'll partner with somebody if they want, keep in mind that this is my first time trying this though!

Spazer Division
Samus Aran with 86.42%
Ada Wong with 74.86%
Rikku with 80.05%
Kairi with 56.15%

Limit Division
Tifa Lockhart 84.45%
The Boss with 59.20%
Jill Valentine with 70.00%
Princess Peach with 91.56%

Triforce Division
Zelda with 88.48%
Terra Branford with 56.00%
KOS-MOS with 59.68%
Aeris Gainsborough with 70.99%

Aeon Division
Yuna with 71.90%
Joanna Dark with 51.25%
Chun Li with 62.16%
Lara Croft with 58.92%
My name is Pikaness...and I love to fight.
Proud first Board 8er to see Snakes on a Plane.
From: mm6mrx | Posted: 8/26/2006 5:24:38 PM | Message Detail
Spazer Division
Samus Aran w/ 95.50%
Jade w/ 50.55%
Rikku w/ 66.44%
Kairi w/ 61.20%

Limit Division
Tifa Lockhart w/ 84.33%
The Boss w/ 50.50%
Jill Valentine w/ 77.33%
Princess Peach w/ 92.22%

Triforce Division
Zelda w/ 80.01%
Terra Branford w/ 50.99%
KOS-MOS w/ 59.99%
Aeris Gainsborough w/ 90.00%

Aeon Division
Yuna w/ 79.55%
Joanna Dark w/ 52.42%
Chun Li w/ 61.90%
Lara Croft w/ 68.55%
Ryu: Hey Ken, can I borrow a hammer?
From: Ringworm | Posted: 8/26/2006 5:30:46 PM | Message Detail
Random partner for the team contest please. They can choose the team name.

I'll enter my picks at some stage, probably in the next day or so. Still a few I've got to think about. I'm determined to do a bit better this time than last contest.
~ Ringworm ~
From: yoshifan823 | Posted: 8/26/2006 5:55:04 PM | Message Detail
Spazer Division
Samus Aran with 89.56%
Ada Wong with 62.37%
Rikku with 65.00%
Kairi with 63.45%

Limit Division
Tifa Lockhart with 71.35%
The Boss with 64.02%
Jill Valentine with 64.00%
Princess Peach with 87.64%

Triforce Division
Zelda with 87.08%
Terra Branford with 54.45%
KOS-MOS with 72.94%
Aeris Gainsborough with 80.45%

Aeon Division
Yuna with 74.451%
Joanna Dark with 56.21
Chun Li with 76.14%
Lara Croft with 82.15%

From: Seginustemple | Posted: 8/26/2006 6:01:21 PM | Message Detail
SeginusTemple wanna be partners again?

Sure d00d, same team name, too?

Spazer Division
Samus Aran with 87.54%
Ada Wong with 56.76%
Rikku 65.78%
Kairi with 54.76%

Limit Division
Tifa Lockhart with 77.87%
The Boss with 53.87%
Jill Valentine with 68.54%
Princess Peach with 67.54%

Triforce Division
Zelda with 74.54%
Terra Branford with 58.76%
KOS-MOS with 54.32%
Aeris Gainsborough with 72.21%

Aeon Division
Yuna with 67.76%
Joanna Dark with 56.55%
Chun Li with 67.76%
Lara Croft with 73.43%

I might pull a Lightbearer and never change my predictions :o
I've been called an idiot many times, mostly by people with poor grammar and a small vernicular. - ExtremeM65
From: Dekar TKB | Posted: 8/26/2006 6:06:23 PM | Message Detail
I'm teaming with Haste2. :^).

Spazer Division
Samus Aran with 93.82%
Ada Wong with 69.82%
Rikku with 66.82%
Claire Redfield with 53.82%

Limit Division
Tifa Lockhart with 77.82%
Celes Chere with 50.82%
Jill Valentine with 64.82%
Princess Peach with 95.82%

Triforce Division
Zelda with 70.82%
Terra Branford with 60.82%
KOS-MOS with 56.82%
Aeris Gainsborough with 76.82%

Aeon Division
Yuna with 66.82%
Joanna Dark with 52.82%
Chun Li with 64.82%
Lara Croft with 68.82%
Chief of Patrol in Sir Chris' police force DA!
Captain Falcon for Sc2k6!
From: Haste_2 | Posted: 8/26/2006 6:11:20 PM | Message Detail
Whoopsies! I messed up with the 4th division. Now you can tell who I actually have WINNING.

Yuna - 74%
Joanna Dark - 58%
Chun Li - 56%
Lara Croft - 62%

"Ah, a party! We haven't had one of those. It could be fun! So...what is a party?"
"Well, Z1mZum drinks punch and eats CAKE! ..I think."
From: ad00 | Posted: 8/26/2006 6:27:54 PM | Message Detail
Signing up, but ill put in the guesses at a later date.
Einstein would turn over in his grave. Not only does God play dice, the dice are loaded.
From: ad00 | Posted: 8/26/2006 6:29:22 PM | Message Detail
Wanna make the first team pika?
Einstein would turn over in his grave. Not only does God play dice, the dice are loaded.
From: ObscureMammoth | Posted: 8/26/2006 6:30:19 PM | Message Detail
either the same or PNesstemple. Your choice.
Vlado..thank god...another voice of sanity in this madhouse... - RealMarchhare
From: Seginustemple | Posted: 8/26/2006 6:31:23 PM | Message Detail
Well, I think Obscuretemple looks kewler. So that's my vote.
I've been called an idiot many times, mostly by people with poor grammar and a small vernicular. - ExtremeM65
From: Weird Kirby Dude11 | Posted: 8/26/2006 6:34:47 PM | Message Detail
I'll sign up for the team. I might as well request ActJef1077 again. We were pretty good in the second half.

Samus Aran with 95%
Ada Wong with 59%
Rikku with 78%
Kairi with 58%

Tifa Lockhart with 80%
Celes Chere with 50%
Jill Valentine with 66%
Princess Peach with 96%

Zelda with 75%
Terra Branford with 60%
KOS-MOS with 70%
Aeris Gainsborough with 73%

Yuna with 81%
Joanna Dark with 63%
Chun Li with 55%
Lara Croft with 76%

Daisy is the new Tanner (Yes, I actually wrote 96)
Weird Kirby Dude - spud2002 is alive! >_>
Every fanboy war degenerates to a flame war over whether each debater likes the Halo series or not. -Android21A
From: mantastorm | Posted: 8/26/2006 6:36:18 PM | Message Detail
Spazer Division

Samus Aran - 88.13%
Ada Wong - 57.59%
Rikku - 72.33%
Kairi - 66.55%

Limit Division

Tifa Lockhart - 81.87%
The Boss - 52.04%
Jill Valentine - 59.69%
Princess Peach - 77.28%

Triforce Division

Zelda - 82.88%
Terra Branford - 67.96%
KOS-MOS - 73.11%
Aeris Gainsborough - 72.60%

Aeon Division

Yuna - 83.15%
Joanna Dark - 53.81%
Chun Li - 68.09%
Lara Croft - 70.14%
Manty (10), Sub-Sub-Apprentice Accordion Thief, Muscle: 78, Mysticality: 77, Moxie: 92
From: Thunder Slash | Posted: 8/26/2006 6:38:03 PM | Message Detail
Me and longbladeofhiko are Team Stupid. I'll make my FIRST ORACLE CHALLENGE GUESSES EVER OMG tomorrow.
[King of Board 8]
From: DarkLink89 | Posted: 8/26/2006 6:38:24 PM | Message Detail
Spazer Division:

Samus Aran with 91.02%
Ada Wong with 64.23%
Rikku with 69.56%
Kairi with 56.33%
Toronto Blue Jays: 68-59
Last Game: 8/25 vs. Kansas City Royals, Win 6-3
From: Thunder Slash | Posted: 8/26/2006 6:39:52 PM | Message Detail
This is Steinershocker, by the way
[King of Board 8]
From: Zombies Yay | Posted: 8/26/2006 6:40:22 PM | Message Detail
ec and me team hot and steamy :O
From: Applekidjosh | Posted: 8/26/2006 6:42:11 PM | Message Detail
Applekidjosh and Brakmaster

i'll predict later
From: Radix | Posted: 8/26/2006 6:42:24 PM | Message Detail
Tag and looking for random partner
I'll keep this short and simple
Z1mZum > me in the BSE Guru Contest
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