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Board: ARCHIVE - SpC2k5 to SC2k6
Topic: SC2k8 Oracle Challenge Discussion Topic 2
From: King Morgoth Posted: 10/13/2008 5:59:02 PM
A bit late but trying to answer a few things:
creativename | Posted 10/12/2008 2:59:40 PM | message detail

The average prediction for Lucas was probably well over double what he's actually getting. Which has to be some sort of historic thing, come to think of it.

14.31% vs 5.65%, that's a 153% overestimation, and yes it's even worse than the infamous LoZ/Adventure match (10.92% vs 4.80%)


-LusterSoldier- | Posted 10/13/2008 2:44:18 PM | message detail
Do you mean consensus predictions? There isn't a good place to look them up for the current contest, no. We should fix that.

That could be put on the match results page, like this one:

It's been thought about for a long time, but the results pages are already pretty cluttered, still trying to figure out what we want to do with that...
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Kaxon is a figurehead. Morgoth has all the real power. - Janus5000

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