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SC2k8 Oracle Challenge - Round 2
From: Kaxon | Posted: 10/11/2008 4:23:51 PM | Message Detail
The Challenge

For each match in the GameFAQs Summer Contest you need to predict the percentage of the vote that each contestant will receive. New participants are always accepted - please indicate that you are new and predict at least three matches.

Post your predictions in this topic, one prediction per line. This means you need four predictions and four lines per match. Your predictions must start with the name of the character and end with your predicted percentage. Examples:

Strider Hiryu - 45%
Tina Armstrong - 24%
Bub 27%
Chop Chop Master Onion with 4%

Please use one of these formats, and always remember to include the % sign. Predictions are entered into our database by a script, which may miss your predictions if you use a weird format. Your predictions don't have to add up to 100%, but it is recommended. =)

The Scoring

For each match you will earn points based on how close your guess was to the actual outcome. The winner of the Oracle Challenge will be the person with the most total points at the end of the contest. For each match you can score between 0 and 50 points, depending on how close your guesses were to the actual results. The scoring system works as follows:

You will earn 50-(w+x+y+z)/4 points
(Where w,x,y and z are the differences between your guesses and the characters' actual percentages.)
You can also think of this as 50 - the average difference between your guesses and the actual results.


Your guess:
Strider Hiryu - 65%
Tina Armstrong - 15%
Bub - 10%
Chop Chop Master Onion - 10%

My guess:
Strider Hiryu - 50%
Tina Armstrong - 20%
Bub - 17%
Chop Chop Master Onion - 13%

Actual result:
Strider Hiryu 60%, Tina Armstrong 22%, Chop Chop Master Onion 11%, Bub 7%

Your points: 50 - [(65-60) + (22-15) + (10-7) + (11-10)]/4 = 46 points
My points: 50 - [(60-50) + (22-20) + (17-7) + (13-11)]/4 = 44 points

The Rules

It is necessary to have a few rules to keep the challenge running smoothly. They are:

1) A valid entry consists of four clear predictions per match. The sum of your predictions in a match does not need to be equal to 100.00%.
2) Your prediction does not need to be different from everybody else's. However, intentional and continuous prediction mimicry will not be allowed.
3) All predictions must be made before the usual start time of the match (Midnight Eastern, 9pm Pacific, 5am GMT). Predictions submitted after this time will not be counted. No predictions will be accepted after a poll has started, regardless of the start time.
4) You may change your prediction for any match at any time, subject to the rules above.
5) You may not delete any post in a prediction topic (if you do, please post immediately after to explain the deletion). This is to prevent cheating and to reduce confusion.
6) If you post with an alt, you must clearly state the name of your main account. (Exception: if the alt is listed on your user profile page, I already know about it).
7) You may predict matches in advance if you need to. Please tell me beforehand so we can arrange this.
8) I reserve the right to disqualify a pick for any justifiable reason.

Note the change to rule 3 - I think the 5 minute buffer was causing more trouble than it prevented.


Given the difficulty of predicting four different characters, King Morgoth and I have decided to offer a special prize this contest. Anyone who gets a perfect score of 50.00 for a match will get a free new game of their choice! (Maximum cost of $60 USD). The overall contest winner also gets a free game, courtesy of solarshadow, creator of the Oracle Challenge!
I made a living on time trial blowing myself off to cross the finish line at ludicrous speed. -transience
From: Kaxon | Posted: 10/11/2008 4:24:13 PM | Message Detail

Oracle Discussion Topic

We are now accepting predictions for all remaining round 1 matches and the first four divisions of round 2.

Division 7
Big Boss -
Jinjo -
Kirby -
Lucas -

Kain Highwind -
Master Chief -
Professor Layton -
Raiden -

Captain MacMillan -
Leon Kennedy -
Riku -
Siegfried Schtauffen -

Dante -
Hogger -
Laharl -
Ramza Beoulve -

Division 8
Commander Shepard -
Magus -
Sandbag -
Sonic the Hedgehog -

Auron -
Marcus Fenix -
Rydia -
Sub-Zero -

Nana -
Ratchet -
Sephiroth -
Tifa Lockheart -

Heavy -
Jill Valentine -
Kratos -
Revolver Ocelot -

Division 1
Zack Fair -
Wario -
Link -
Zidane -

Marth -
Duke Nukem -
Altair -
Lucario -

Division 2
Luigi -
Liquid Snake -
Bowser -
Phoenix Wright -

Mario -
Zelda -
Mega Man X -
Mudkip -

Division 3
Samus -
Nightmare -
Ganondorf -
Frog -

Vincent Valentine -
Falco Lombardi -
Scorpion -
Gordon -

Division 4
Crono -
Amaterasu -
L-Block -
Ryu (Street Fighter) -

Alucard -
Captain Falcon -
Pikachu -
Arthas Menethil -

Let the Oracle Challenge test your prediction abilities down to the hundredth of a percent!
I made a living on time trial blowing myself off to cross the finish line at ludicrous speed. -transience
From: Xcarvenger | Posted: 10/11/2008 4:29:21 PM | Message Detail
Link - 49.61%
Zack Fair - 27.77%
Zidane - 13.37%
Wario - 9.25%

Altair - 31.13%
Duke Nukem - 26.65%
Marth - 23.03%
Lucario - 19.19%

Luigi - 30.09%
Bowser - 29.14%
Liquid Snake - 29.08%
Phoenix Wright - 11.69%

Mario - 30.05%
Mega Man X - 27.40%
Mudkip - 25.88%
Zelda - 17.77%

Samus Aran - 37.95%
Ganondorf - 29.95%
Frog - 19.76%
Nightmare - 12.34%

Vincent Valentine - 37.07%
Scorpion - 22.88%
Falco Lombardi - 22.30%
Gordon Freeman - 17.75%

L-Block - 31.13%
Crono - 30.03%
Ryu (Street Fighter) - 25.52%
Amaterasu - 13.31%

Pikachu - 28.82%
Captain Falcon - 25.11%
Alucard - 23.69%
Arthas Menethil - 22.38%

For all your board 8 needs:
From: Xuxon | Posted: 10/11/2008 4:38:47 PM | Message Detail
Division 1
Zack Fair - 22%
Wario - 9%
Link - 54%
Zidane - 15%

Marth - 22%
Duke Nukem - 27%
Altair - 35%
Lucario - 16%

Division 2
Luigi - 27%
Liquid Snake - 30%
Bowser - 28%
Phoenix Wright - 15%

Mario - 31%
Zelda - 17%
Mega Man X - 25%
Mudkip - 27%

Division 3
Samus - 38%
Nightmare - 15%
Ganondorf - 27%
Frog - 20%

Vincent Valentine - 36%
Falco Lombardi - 22%
Scorpion - 20%
Gordon - 22%

Division 4
Crono - 30%
Amaterasu - 13%
L-Block - 32%
Ryu (Street Fighter) - 25%

Alucard - 26%
Captain Falcon - 19%
Pikachu - 30%
Arthas Menethil - 25%
DQVIII LLG - level 1/6/10/19, before Captain Crow
Brawl FC: 0344-9611-6716
From: Master Moltar | Posted: 10/11/2008 4:44:33 PM | Message Detail
Big Boss - 38%
Jinjo - 10%
Kirby - 41%
Lucas - 11%

Kain Highwind - 15%
Master Chief - 45%
Professor Layton - 8%
Raiden - 32%

Captain MacMillan - 6%
Leon Kennedy - 38%
Riku - 36%
Siegfried Schtauffen - 20%

Dante - 45%
Hogger - 10%
Laharl - 20%
Ramza Beoulve - 25%

Commander Shepard - 5%
Magus - 25%
Sandbag - 30%
Sonic the Hedgehog - 40%

Auron - 45%
Marcus Fenix - 15%
Rydia - 15%
Sub-Zero - 25%

Nana - 15%
Ratchet - 11%
Sephiroth - 55%
Tifa Lockheart - 19%

Heavy - 15%
Jill Valentine - 20%
Kratos - 35%
Revolver Ocelot - 30%
Moltar Status: augh
Mewtwo/Ness/Pac-Man/Travis - Bracket: Mewtwo > Ness - Vote: Travis (73/92)
From: Sk0rne3000 | Posted: 10/11/2008 4:53:08 PM | Message Detail
Big Boss - 34.91%
Jinjo - 10.30%
Kirby - 39.47%
Lucas - 15.32%
GamerTag : Ssk0rne
Nominate Ball from Pong!! It's the next L-Block
From: XxSoulxX | Posted: 10/11/2008 5:02:56 PM | Message Detail
Big Boss - 38.41%
Jinjo - 6.34%
Kirby - 43.28%
Lucas - 11.97%

Kain Highwind - 12.36%
Master Chief - 49.42%
Professor Layton - 6.81%
Raiden - 29.41%
Good Times,
Great Memories
From: blindhobo13 | Posted: 10/11/2008 5:11:57 PM | Message Detail
Division 7

Big Boss - 30.87%
Jinjo - 15.86%
Kirby - 36.24%
Lucas - 17.03%

Kain Highwind - 13.88%
Master Chief - 44.78%
Professor Layton - 7.89%
Raiden - 33.45%

Captain MacMillan - 14.01%
Leon Kennedy - 35.81%
Riku - 26.74%
Siegfried Schtauffen - 23.44%

Dante - 45.76%
Hogger - 18.72%
Laharl - 13.85%
Ramza Beoulve - 21.67%

Division 8
Commander Shepard - 13.45%
Magus - 19.46%
Sandbag - 23.37%
Sonic the Hedgehog - 43.72%

Auron - 37.13%
Marcus Fenix - 19.79%
Rydia - 13.67%
Sub-Zero - 29.41%

Nana - 16.14%
Ratchet - 12.03%
Sephiroth - 47.12%
Tifa Lockheart - 24.71%

Heavy - 11.37%
Jill Valentine - 24.87%
Kratos - 34.62%
Revolver Ocelot - 29.14%
I've already taken the form of a monster known as the Nightmare Penguin, you fool!
From: Draco1214 | Posted: 10/11/2008 5:28:46 PM | Message Detail
Big Boss - 35%
Jinjo - 15%
Kirby - 35%
Lucas - 15%

Kain Highwind - 18%
Master Chief - 50%
Professor Layton - 10%
Raiden - 22%

Captain MacMillan - 12%
Leon Kennedy - 35%
Riku - 35%
Siegfried Schtauffen - 18%

Dante - 48%
Hogger - 12%
Laharl - 15%
Ramza Beoulve - 25%
"Men that are trapped by chains of 'maybe' can never reach their dreams!"
Explicit Content > me in the Guru
From: Vlado | Posted: 10/11/2008 5:29:23 PM | Message Detail
Big Boss - 37.04%
Jinjo - 11.23%
Kirby - 35.25%
Lucas - 16.48%
A detailed explanation of L-Block's stunning contest victory:
From: The n00b Avenger | Posted: 10/11/2008 5:47:36 PM | Message Detail
Big Boss - 37.77%
Jinjo - 12.60%
Kirby - 37.01%
Lucas - 12.61%
A refusal of praise is a desire to be praised twice.
From: neonreaper777 | Posted: 10/11/2008 5:51:09 PM | Message Detail
Division 1
Zack Fair - 30%
Wario - 13%
Link - 46%
Zidane - 11%

Marth - 28%
Duke Nukem - 25%
Altair - 30%
Lucario - 17%

Division 2
Luigi - 34%
Liquid Snake - 23%
Bowser - 31.5%
Phoenix Wright - 11.5%

Mario - 36.5%
Zelda - 15.5%
Mega Man X - 33%
Mudkip - 15%%

Division 3
Samus - 41%
Nightmare - 15.5%
Ganondorf - 24.5%
Frog - 19%

Vincent Valentine - 40%
Falco Lombardi - 18%
Scorpion - 24%
Gordon - 18%

Division 4
Crono - 34.5%
Amaterasu - 14.4%
L-Block - 28.1%
Ryu (Street Fighter) - 23%

Alucard - 26.5%
Captain Falcon - 26.5%
Pikachu - 33%
Arthas Menethil - 20%%

Seriously neon you fail soooooooo much at being a user all the time. You're like Moar Fightos.
-Link The Midget
From: Weird Kirby Dude11 | Posted: 10/11/2008 5:57:52 PM | Message Detail
Big Boss - 34%
Jinjo - 14%
Kirby - 38%
Lucas - 14%
spud2002 is alive! >_>
From: Paratroopa1 | Posted: 10/11/2008 5:59:52 PM | Message Detail
Big Boss - 37.39%
Jinjo - 9.00%
Kirby - 39.26%
Lucas - 14.35%
From: neonreaper777 | Posted: 10/11/2008 6:01:31 PM | Message Detail

Big Boss - 35.78%
Jinjo - 7.77%
Kirby - 40.55%
Lucas - 15.9%
Seriously neon you fail soooooooo much at being a user all the time. You're like Moar Fightos.
-Link The Midget
From: ECW RVD420 | Posted: 10/11/2008 6:16:47 PM | Message Detail
Big Boss - 30.25%
Jinjo - 14.25%
Kirby - 35.25%
Lucas - 20.25%

Kain Highwind - 20.25%
Master Chief - 40.25%
Professor Layton - 11.25%
Raiden - 29.25%

From: CherryCokes | Posted: 10/11/2008 6:19:54 PM | Message Detail
Big Boss - 36.13%
Jinjo - 11.46%
Kirby - 31.97%
Lucas - 20.44%
[The Dainty Assassins]
From: Team Rocket Elite | Posted: 10/11/2008 6:25:04 PM | Message Detail
Big Boss - 33.00%
Jinjo - 22.00%
Kirby - 33.00%
Lucas - 12.00%
What do you think of the planetarium? The beautiful twinkling of eternity that will never fade, no matter when. All the stars in all the sky are waiting for you
From: Xeybozn | Posted: 10/11/2008 6:33:52 PM | Message Detail
Big Boss - 34.11%
Jinjo - 17.81%
Kirby - 36.86%
Lucas - 11.22%
Character Battle VII: Current score: 73/92
My bracket:
From: Claude00 | Posted: 10/11/2008 6:49:42 PM | Message Detail
Big Boss - 33.92%
Jinjo - 17.40%
Kirby - 30.12%
Lucas - 18.56%

Kain Highwind - 18.28%
Master Chief - 40.28%
Professor Layton - 13.61%
Raiden - 27.83%

Captain MacMillan - 8.04%
Leon Kennedy - 39.21%
Riku - 36.57%
Siegfried Schtauffen - 16.18%

Dante - 41.83%
Hogger - 23.12%
Laharl - 10.06%
Ramza Beoulve - 24.99%

FFT SSCCs Completed: Su, TM, Or, UberSq, Ch, Me, Mk
In progress: Wizard (Stuck at Altima)
From: Justin_Crossing | Posted: 10/11/2008 6:57:42 PM | Message Detail
Safety picks just in case. And either way, I'm not here on Tuesday >.>

Kain Highwind - 20%
Master Chief - 38%
Professor Layton - 11%
Raiden - 31%

Captain MacMillan - 16%
Leon Kennedy - 35%
Riku - 29%
Siegfried Schtauffen - 20%

Dante - 47%
Hogger - 10%
Laharl - 19%
Ramza Beoulve - 24%

Division 8
Commander Shepard - 18%
Magus - 26%
Sandbag - 13%
Sonic the Hedgehog - 43%

Auron - 31%
Marcus Fenix - 26%
Rydia - 15%
Sub-Zero - 28%

That's good enough for now.
Justin's CB Points: 78 | Points After this Round: 82
Today: Mewtwo > Pac-Man | Tomorrow: Kirby > Big Boss
From: -LusterSoldier- | Posted: 10/11/2008 7:05:27 PM | Message Detail
Zack Fair - 25.01%
Wario - 9.66%
Link - 51.02%
Zidane - 14.31%

Marth - 22.27%
Duke Nukem - 25.36%
Altair - 35.90%
Lucario - 16.47%

Luigi - 31.55%
Liquid Snake - 30.40%
Bowser - 27.19%
Phoenix Wright - 10.86%

Mario - 32.67%
Zelda - 14.68%
Mega Man X - 30.40%
Mudkip - 22.25%

Samus - 37.31%
Nightmare - 13.22%
Ganondorf - 29.36%
Frog - 20.11%

Vincent Valentine - 38.12%
Falco Lombardi - 18.55%
Scorpion - 22.31%
Gordon - 21.02%

Crono - 31.86%
Amaterasu - 12.93%
L-Block - 29.72%
Ryu (Street Fighter) - 25.49%

Alucard - 25.98%
Captain Falcon - 19.75%
Pikachu - 29.70%
Arthas Menethil - 24.57%
Luster Soldier - Popular at school. ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~
From: Yesmar | Posted: 10/11/2008 7:06:47 PM | Message Detail
Big Boss: 41.98%
Jinjo: 10.15%
Kirby: 40.36%
Lucas: 7.51%

Kain: 15.12%
Professor Layton: 10.84%
Master Chief: 47.93%
Raiden: 26.11%
"Oh! Those no-good dirty rotten low-down yellow-bellied thievin' slime-sucking salamanders!!""--Diddy Kong
From: SF_Clowns | Posted: 10/11/2008 7:12:49 PM | Message Detail
Big Boss - 35.75%
Jinjo - 7.5%
Kirby - 37.75%
Lucas - 19.00%

Kain Highwind - 18.25%
Master Chief - 34.50%
Professor Layton - 14.75%
Raiden - 32.50%

Captain MacMillan - 11.75%
Leon Kennedy - 35.00%
Riku - 27.50%
Siegfried Schtauffen - 25.75%

Dante - 46.75%
Hogger - 17.25%
Laharl - 18.25%
Ramza Beoulve - 17.75%

Commander Shepard - 9.75%
Magus - 23.25%
Sandbag - 23.00%
Sonic the Hedgehog - 44.50%

Auron - 30.50%
Marcus Fenix - 27.75%
Rydia - 12.75%
Sub-Zero - 29.00%

Nana - 14.00%
Ratchet - 19.50%
Sephiroth - 42.25%
Tifa Lockheart - 24.25%

Heavy - 22.00%
Jill Valentine - 27.00%
Kratos - 24.75%
Revolver Ocelot - 26.25%
Rick Ankiel Watch: 98-348, 57 R, 22 HR, 59 RBI, 2 SB
21 2B, 2 3B, 34 BB, 80 K, .282 AVG, .349 OBP, .543 SLG, .892 OPS
From: Ngamer64 | Posted: 10/11/2008 7:13:57 PM | Message Detail
Big Boss - 36.14%%
Kirby - 36.10%
Jinjo - 14.30%
Lucas - 13.46%

Check out the '08 Guru Site!
Other Hot Content: |
From: ActJef1077 | Posted: 10/11/2008 7:18:16 PM | Message Detail
Big Boss - 36%
Jinjo - 12%
Kirby - 40%
Lucas - 12%

Kain Highwind - 21%
Master Chief - 46%
Professor Layton - 13%
Raiden - 30%

Captain MacMillan - 10%
Leon Kennedy - 38%
Riku - 34%
Siegfried Schtauffen - 18%

Dante - 41%
Hogger - 13%
Laharl - 21%
Ramza Beoulve - 25%

Call me Jeff Official midget of The Book Club
If you paint a W on each of your buttcheeks and do cartwheels it will say WoW MoM WoW! -C Bar
From: Team Rocket Elite | Posted: 10/11/2008 7:21:49 PM | Message Detail
Kain Highwind - 14.50%
Master Chief - 48.50%
Professor Layton - 9.00%
Raiden - 28.00%

Captain MacMillan - 19.00%
Leon Kennedy - 38.00%
Riku - 27.50%
Siegfried Schtauffen - 15.50%

Dante - 47.00%
Hogger - 14.50%
Laharl - 13.50%
Ramza Beoulve - 25.00%

Commander Shepard -15.50%
Magus - 20.00%
Sandbag - 20.50%
Sonic the Hedgehog - 44.00%

Auron - 42.00%
Marcus Fenix - 21.00%
Rydia - 12.00%
Sub-Zero - 25.00%

Nana - 10.50%
Ratchet - 13.50%
Sephiroth - 58.00%
Tifa Lockheart - 18.00%

Heavy - 13.00%
Jill Valentine - 23.00%
Kratos - 37.00%
Revolver Ocelot - 27.00%
What do you think of the planetarium? The beautiful twinkling of eternity that will never fade, no matter when. All the stars in all the sky are waiting for you
From: Lady Ashe | Posted: 10/11/2008 7:35:20 PM | Message Detail
Big Boss - 40%
Jinjo - 10%
Kirby - 40%
Lucas - 10%
From: Justin_Crossing | Posted: 10/11/2008 7:37:36 PM | Message Detail
Jinjo - 16%
Lucas - 11%
Kirby - 43%
Big Boss - 40%
Justin's CB Points: 78 | Points After this Round: 82
Today: Mewtwo > Pac-Man | Tomorrow: Kirby > Big Boss
From: -LusterSoldier- | Posted: 10/11/2008 7:38:20 PM | Message Detail
Big Boss - 35.49%
Jinjo - 13.77%
Kirby - 37.14%
Lucas - 13.60%
Luster Soldier - Popular at school. ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~
From: Ed Bellis | Posted: 10/11/2008 7:38:35 PM | Message Detail
Big Boss – 37.90%
Jinjo – 12.34%
Kirby – 38.88%
Lucas – 10.88%
ed status: throw bees on everything
From: creativename | Posted: 10/11/2008 7:41:53 PM | Message Detail
Big Boss - 36.25%
Jinjo - 13.5%
Kirby - 36.25%
Lucas - 14%
From: Justin_Crossing | Posted: 10/11/2008 7:43:42 PM | Message Detail
Oh wait, I made a careless mistake.

Jinjo - 16%
Lucas - 11%
Big Boss - 35.5%
Kirby - 37.5%
Justin's CB Points: 78 | Points After this Round: 82
Today: Mewtwo > Pac-Man | Tomorrow: Kirby > Big Boss
From: Menji76 | Posted: 10/11/2008 7:48:22 PM | Message Detail
Big Boss - 32.65%
Jinjo - 9.00%
Kirby - 36.54%
Lucas - 17.54%

Kain Highwind - 14.89%
Master Chief - 38.65%
Professor Layton - 8.56%
Raiden - 33.59%

Captain MacMillan - 14.12%
Leon Kennedy - 34.56%
Riku - 29.78%
Siegfried Schtauffen - 13.67%

Dante - 43.69%
Hogger - 7.89%
Laharl - 18.67%
Ramza Beoulve - 20.78%

Division 8
Commander Shepard - 10.56%
Magus - 24.67%
Sandbag - 26.23%
Sonic the Hedgehog - 45.56%

Auron - 29.67%
Marcus Fenix - 16.89%
Rydia - 17.00%
Sub-Zero - 30.00%

Nana - 15.56%
Ratchet - 15.78%
Sephiroth - 45.78%
Tifa Lockheart - 22.78%

Heavy - 12.45%
Jill Valentine - 23.79%
Kratos - 33.89%
Revolver Ocelot - 31.69%

Division 1
Zack Fair - 25.94%
Wario - 13.95%
Link - 55.79%
Zidane - 12.73%

Marth - 21.85%
Duke Nukem - 27.95%
Altair - 32.75%
Lucario - 16.94%

Division 2
Luigi - 25.95%
Liquid Snake - 28.67%
Bowser - 27.94%
Phoenix Wright - 15.87%

Mario - 32.57%
Zelda - 17.57%
Mega Man X -25.96%
Mudkip - 21.58%

Division 3
Samus - 40.67%
Nightmare - 11.58%
Ganondorf - 32.74%
Frog - 16.98%

Vincent Valentine - 35.78%
Falco Lombardi - 17,52%
Scorpion - 30.58%
Gordon - 22.63%

Division 4
Crono - 31.48%
Amaterasu - 15.96%
L-Block - 26.58%
Ryu (Street Fighter) - 23.85%

Alucard - 29.58%
Captain Falcon - 14.28%
Pikachu - 25.69%
Arthas Menethil - 22.46%

SC2K8; 65 Points; Pac-Man > Mewtwo
From: TheArkOfTurus | Posted: 10/11/2008 7:49:03 PM | Message Detail

Big Boss - 38.51%
Jinjo - 9.25%
Kirby - 38.49%
Lucas - 13.75%
Our eyes were removed
For our own safety. 3823-8286-6059
From: Salient | Posted: 10/11/2008 7:51:55 PM | Message Detail
Big Boss - 37.23%
Jinjo - 14.05%
Kirby - 37.22%
Lucas - 11.50%
~~Teh Frue Blob of Pwnage~~
From: PartOfYourWorld | Posted: 10/11/2008 8:03:16 PM | Message Detail
Big Boss - 40%
Jinjo - 12%
Kirby - 36%
Lucas - 12%

Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be... part of your world!
From: PeaceOut64 | Posted: 10/11/2008 8:05:45 PM | Message Detail

Big Boss - 37.1%
Jinjo - 13.1%
Kirby - 38.6%
Lucas - 11.2%
My goal since I joined the Leafs has always been to have on the ice a team as good as our fans. We have never quite gotten there. Some day we will. - Ken Dryden
From: GrapefruitKing | Posted: 10/11/2008 8:09:24 PM | Message Detail

Big Boss 37.40%
Jinjo 8.55%
Kirby 40.70%
Lucas 13.35%
From: MartinFF7 | Posted: 10/11/2008 8:09:39 PM | Message Detail
Big Boss - 40%
Jinjo - 10%
Kirby - 40%
Lucas - 10%

I'll see you in Hell! (From Heaven!)
From: Z1mZum | Posted: 10/11/2008 8:10:27 PM | Message Detail
Big Boss - 30%
Jinjo - 20%
Kirby - 40%
Lucas - 10%
Former All-knowing guru.
Explicit Content and the L-Block were in bed together for a Guru win.
From: MartinFF7 | Posted: 10/11/2008 8:11:38 PM | Message Detail
Ah. Crap.


Big Boss - 40%
Jinjo - 8%
Kirby - 42%
Lucas - 10%

I'll see you in Hell! (From Heaven!)
From: supdawg | Posted: 10/11/2008 8:15:43 PM | Message Detail

Big Boss - 36.52%
Jinjo - 9.47%
Kirby - 38.86%
Lucas - 14.65%
Member Of The Book Club
09/10/07: When Will Smurf Eat Wang?
From: DpObliVion | Posted: 10/11/2008 8:21:18 PM | Message Detail
Kirby - 40%
Big Boss - 34%
Jinjo - 14%
Lucas - 12%

Shea Stadium - My home. You will be missed. 1964-2008
From: Xcarvenger | Posted: 10/11/2008 8:25:44 PM | Message Detail
Big Boss - 35.42%
Kirby - 33.11%
Jinjo - 19.91%
Lucas - 11.56%

For all your board 8 needs:
From: DpObliVion | Posted: 10/11/2008 8:25:52 PM | Message Detail
And already CHANGE

Kirby - 38%
Big Boss - 36%
Jinjo - 14%
Lucas - 12%

Shea Stadium - My home. You will be missed. 1964-2008
From: Leebo86 | Posted: 10/11/2008 8:27:02 PM | Message Detail
Big Boss - 41.43%
Jinjo - 20.04%
Kirby - 29.31%
Lucas - 9.22%
Countdown to Huskies basketball: 25 days
From: Xuxon | Posted: 10/11/2008 8:31:23 PM | Message Detail
Big Boss - 40.79%
Jinjo - 11.41%
Kirby - 35.24%
Lucas - 12.56%
DQVIII LLG - level 1/6/10/19, before Captain Crow
Brawl FC: 0344-9611-6716
From: smitelf | Posted: 10/11/2008 8:31:35 PM | Message Detail
Big Boss - 38%
Jinjo - 12%
Kirby - 35.5%
Lucas - 14.5%
Official Queen ***** of the Universe!
Biden/, I mean Obama/Biden '08!
From: King Morgoth | Posted: 10/11/2008 8:33:12 PM | Message Detail
Big Boss - 34.75%
Jinjo - 10.50%
Kirby - 43.50%
Lucas - 11.25%

Kain Highwind - 17.25%
Master Chief - 53.00%
Professor Layton - 7.50%
Raiden - 22.25%
Explicit Content is shaped like a boot to kick my ass!
Kaxon is a figurehead. Morgoth has all the real power. - Janus5000
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