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SC2k6 Oracle Challenge - Round 2 - Spazer, Limit, Triforce, and Aeon Divisions
From: Layzerbeam | Posted: 10/4/2006 3:28:54 PM | Message Detail

Mega Man with 78.51%

It really isn't as bad as most people make it out to be. I hardly bled, and the pain wasn't bad after the first day. - Kleenex
From: Janus5000 | Posted: 10/4/2006 3:32:26 PM | Message Detail
Samus Aran with 78.30%
Rikku with 65.77%

Limit Division
Tifa Lockhart with 71.39%
Princess Peach with 55.11%

Triforce Division
Zelda with 75.86%
Aeris with 68.10%

Aeon Division
Yuna with 67.59%
Chun Li with 58.21%
"Those who cast the vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything."
From: LusterSoldier | Posted: 10/4/2006 3:42:33 PM | Message Detail

Samus Aran with 72.23%
Rikku with 55.19%

Tifa Lockhart with 64.32%
Princess Peach with 61.06%

Zelda with 69.39%
Aeris with 63.98%

Yuna with 68.51%
Lara Croft with 58.64%
Luster Soldier - Pwned by Repus_Yortsed
From: LusterSoldier | Posted: 10/4/2006 4:00:08 PM | Message Detail
LOL @ almost everyone thinking Chun Li can possibly defeat Lara Croft. Lara Croft totally overperformed on Alyx.

Chun Li 68.74% 71706
Kasumi 31.26% 32611

Lara Croft 77.55% 75464
Alyx Vance 22.45% 21850

Just to show you what we are dealing with.

However, I will lower my Lara Croft prediction.


Lara Croft with 55.21%
Luster Soldier - Pwned by Repus_Yortsed
From: Karma Hunter | Posted: 10/4/2006 4:12:05 PM | Message Detail
LOL @ you thinking Thunder Thighs will lose to fodder.
*kills self*
Commit it to memory.
From: LusterSoldier | Posted: 10/4/2006 4:14:57 PM | Message Detail
LOL @ you thinking Thunder Thighs will lose to fodder.

Lara Croft isn't fodder and the 77% performance proves this.
Luster Soldier - Pwned by Repus_Yortsed
From: Karma Hunter | Posted: 10/4/2006 4:15:53 PM | Message Detail
Ryo Hazuki once tripled an opponent, too. He was still complete and utter fodder.
*kills self*
Commit it to memory.
From: Draco1214 | Posted: 10/4/2006 4:16:18 PM | Message Detail
So Lara Croft is going to win because she was able to blow out Serious Sam level fodder in a match with the lowest vote totals of the contest thus far?
Character Battle V Score - 21/22 points
Current Prediction - Kratos (God of War) vs. Ryu (Street Fighter)
From: Menji76 | Posted: 10/4/2006 4:18:24 PM | Message Detail

Spazer Division
Samus Aran with 77.70%
Rikku with 63.00%

Limit Division
Tifa Lockhart with 71.00%
Princess Peach with 55.00%

Triforce Division
Zelda with 80.00%
Aeris with 68.00%

Aeon Division
Yuna with 64.00%
Chun Li with 53.00%

Board 8's #1 Duke Fan - Be HonestŠ
SC2K6; 20/22; 20 Points; T-3rd; Next Pick: Ryu
From: LusterSoldier | Posted: 10/4/2006 4:32:56 PM | Message Detail
So Lara Croft is going to win because she was able to blow out Serious Sam level fodder in a match with the lowest vote totals of the contest thus far?

Lara Croft (2003c) VS Chun Li (2005c)

Lara Croft has a strength of 22.85.
Chun Li has a strength of 24.92.

Chun Li wins with 54.15% of the vote!
A win of 7,544 with 90,819 total votes cast.

However, I refuse to buy this BS. I guess that Lara Croft simply overperformed because of Tomb Raider: Legend being released earlier this year.

However, this is a change for safety reasons:

Chun Li with 53.79%
Luster Soldier - Pwned by Repus_Yortsed
From: LusterSoldier | Posted: 10/4/2006 4:34:08 PM | Message Detail
Also, vote totals mean nothing here.
Luster Soldier - Pwned by Repus_Yortsed
From: Karma Hunter | Posted: 10/4/2006 4:35:36 PM | Message Detail
I don't know why I insist on helping out the competition. <<
*kills self*
Commit it to memory.
From: Pats_Dynasty | Posted: 10/4/2006 4:40:56 PM | Message Detail
Spazer Division
Samus Aran with 78.45%
Rikku with 59.45%

Limit Division
Tifa Lockhart with 65.35%
Jill Valentine with 53.23%

Triforce Division
Zelda with 72.34%
Aeris with 78.23%

Aeon Division
Yuna with 67.34%
Lara Croft with 51.23%
"Everyone is born right handed, only the best can overcome it." - Super Janitor
From: Kaxon | Posted: 10/4/2006 4:40:58 PM | Message Detail
Mega Man - 78.39

(or is it Megaman - 78.39?)?

It's Mega Man.
From: AmazingKirby | Posted: 10/4/2006 4:59:48 PM | Message Detail
Mega Man with 73%
From: trannyscience | Posted: 10/4/2006 5:01:48 PM | Message Detail
heh, first Phoenix, now Lara.

Lara's got a chance in that match! I might even pick her when the time comes!
"12 percent of those who liked opera had experimented with magic mushrooms." - Reuters
From: Kaxon | Posted: 10/4/2006 5:04:59 PM | Message Detail
Mega Man should have been the one to face Tingle, dammit.

Mega Man with 76%
From: King_Zog | Posted: 10/4/2006 5:07:12 PM | Message Detail
Mega Man with 75.24%
Ladies and Gentlemen, your attention please. The Orient Express is now departing... All passengers should be on board.
From: red sox 777 | Posted: 10/4/2006 5:08:14 PM | Message Detail

Megaman with 75.00%
"........!" ~Magus
From: Xuxon | Posted: 10/4/2006 5:15:16 PM | Message Detail
Since I have no idea, let's go with something resembling a consensus...

Mega Man with 77.22%
Take off every sig.
From: Haste_2 | Posted: 10/4/2006 5:22:21 PM | Message Detail
I even know Axel, but he the way he fits's so hard to judge!

Mega Man - 76.75% ...oh, crap, I almost said Axel.

Sign the Petition for more stats in the GameFAQs Contests here:
From: WarThaNemesis | Posted: 10/4/2006 5:23:23 PM | Message Detail

Megazord Man with 72.45%
War13104 had something weak beating something strong and he looks smarter than you or something - TessaTestarossa
From: Jecht | Posted: 10/4/2006 5:24:57 PM | Message Detail
Spazer Division
Samus Aran with 81.3%
Rikku with 59.3%

Limit Division
Tifa Lockhart with 76.4%
Princess Peach with 86.4%

Triforce Division
Zelda with 86.4%
Aeris with 73.3%

Aeon Division
Yuna with 90.5%
Chun Li with 50.5%
From: StopPokingMe | Posted: 10/4/2006 5:25:24 PM | Message Detail
Mega Man with 79.79%
Champions of Time and Space: The Summer Contest 2003 Fanfiction Project
From: Darkash | Posted: 10/4/2006 5:55:33 PM | Message Detail
Mega Man w/ 78.50%

Shot in the dark....side bet on whether I'll hit my own foot.
1st place in scientist pg's TLoZ MM riddle contest!
12th in the SpC2k4 Oracle Challenge!
From: TenkoStar17 | Posted: 10/4/2006 6:07:20 PM | Message Detail
Mega Man - 76.35%
"Tenko sleeping on me = Cowboy Ackbar! (proof inside)" - perdevious
Level 5: "Digital Watch" (560 points)
From: DSRage_Revived | Posted: 10/4/2006 6:14:46 PM | Message Detail

Mega Man with 74.74%

Get yourself a teammate today!
From: FastFalcon05 | Posted: 10/4/2006 6:18:36 PM | Message Detail
Mega Man with 72.72%
Revenge is a dish best served by Z1mZum in the 2k6 Series Guru Contest.
From: Inviso | Posted: 10/4/2006 6:18:46 PM | Message Detail
Time Division
Crono with 81.44%
Bowser with 63.78%
Auron with 65.00%
Master Chief with 67.19%

Spazer Division
Samus Aran with 75.47%
Rikku with 75.46%

Limit Division
Tifa Lockhart with 77.77%
Princess Peach with 54.90%

Triforce Division
Zelda with 76.36%
Aeris with 66.68%

Aeon Division
Yuna with 70.83%
Chun Li with 58.80%
"You're like me if I was being directed by George Lucas."-Ellen (El Goonish Shive)
From: charmander6000 | Posted: 10/4/2006 6:26:45 PM | Message Detail
Mega Man - 75.06%
"I was trying to escape. Obviously, it didn't work." - President Bush
From: DSRage_Revived | Posted: 10/4/2006 6:27:36 PM | Message Detail

Mega Man with 76.36%

Get yourself a teammate today!
From: WarThaNemesis | Posted: 10/4/2006 6:33:46 PM | Message Detail

Mega Man with 74.68%
War13104 had something weak beating something strong and he looks smarter than you or something - TessaTestarossa
From: MegatokyoEd | Posted: 10/4/2006 6:38:14 PM | Message Detail
Sonic the Hedgehog with 80.98%
Vincent Valentine with 51.22%
Demyx > Axel
Z1mZum owned me in the Guru Contest with his mad skills!
From: DSRage_Revived | Posted: 10/4/2006 6:45:50 PM | Message Detail

Mega Man with 75.68%

Get yourself a teammate today!
From: trannyscience | Posted: 10/4/2006 6:47:51 PM | Message Detail
Mega Man with 76.76%
"12 percent of those who liked opera had experimented with magic mushrooms." - Reuters
From: Heroic unalo Pot | Posted: 10/4/2006 6:49:27 PM | Message Detail

Megaman with 76.32%
From: ObscureMammoth | Posted: 10/4/2006 6:50:23 PM | Message Detail
Spazer Division
Samus Aran - 76.98%
Rikku - 60.21%

Limit Division
Tifa Lockhart - 73.98%
Princess Peach - 72.04%

Triforce Division
Zelda - 71.09%
Aeris - 78.98%

Aeon Division
Yuna- 73.87%
Chun Li - 53.09%
Vlado..thank god...another voice of sanity in this madhouse... - RealMarchhare
From: Master Moltar | Posted: 10/4/2006 6:51:14 PM | Message Detail

Mega Man with 77.75%
Moltar Status: Feeling good and hot-blooded.
Kratos vs. Ryu - Bracket: Ryu - Vote: Ryu (21/22)
From: Team Rocket Elite | Posted: 10/4/2006 6:56:21 PM | Message Detail
Mega Man with 77.00%
I got pwnt by Z1mZum in the July 2006 Guru Contest.
Support Toadette for the Summer 2006 Contest!
From: AmazingKirby | Posted: 10/4/2006 7:04:03 PM | Message Detail

Mega Man with 73.5%

I guess Mega Man is like strong, or something.
From: LusterSoldier | Posted: 10/4/2006 7:12:36 PM | Message Detail

Mega Man with 77.12%
Luster Soldier - Pwned by Repus_Yortsed
From: Ness26 | Posted: 10/4/2006 7:19:12 PM | Message Detail

Mega Man with 76.98%
Best. Board/Card Game. Ever Contest:
From: Heroic unalo Pot | Posted: 10/4/2006 7:21:45 PM | Message Detail

Mega Man with 76.58%
From: Leebo86 | Posted: 10/4/2006 7:22:14 PM | Message Detail
Mega Man with 74.6%
From: Aprosenf | Posted: 10/4/2006 7:34:54 PM | Message Detail
New predictions:

Crono with 73.41%
Bowser with 63.30%
Auron with 57.18%
Master Chief with 58.56%
For the sake of simplicity, I'm going to refer to Gordon Freeman versus Tanner as Schrodinger's Match. -Phoenix Flattener
From: StopPokingMe | Posted: 10/4/2006 7:36:01 PM | Message Detail
Mega Man with 80.80%
Champions of Time and Space: The Summer Contest 2003 Fanfiction Project
From: MarioSuperstar | Posted: 10/4/2006 8:05:29 PM | Message Detail
Mega Man with 75.56%.
Kratos vs. Ryu / Bracket: Ryu / Vote: Ryu (20/21)
Tomorrow / Bracket: Mega Man / Vote: Mega Man
From: Menji76 | Posted: 10/4/2006 8:24:11 PM | Message Detail

Megaman with 77.80%

Board 8's #1 Duke Fan - Be HonestŠ
SC2K6; 20/22; 20 Points; T-3rd; Next Pick: Ryu
From: KleenexTissue50 | Posted: 10/4/2006 8:31:34 PM | Message Detail

Mega Man is underpreforming here. GOT IT MEMORIZED?!

Mega Man with 72.75%
CB5 Points: 20/22, Current Oracle placement: 32/162
Now playing: Okami
From: BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted: 10/4/2006 8:31:45 PM | Message Detail
Mega Man with 74.99%

I used my brain and statistics to make my bracket. Karma Hunter used MGS fanboyism. KH won. Commit it to memory.
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