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SC2k7 Oracle Challenge - Round 1 - Divisions 1, 2, 3, and 4
From: TRE Public Account | Posted: 9/4/2007 10:37:11 AM | Message Detail
Axel - 14.50%
Frog - 20.25%
Samus Aran - 56.75%
Sarah Kerrigan - 8.50%
"Those whose memories fade seek to carve them in their hearts..."
"All dreams are but another reality. Never forget..."
From: oneills1 | Posted: 9/4/2007 10:42:24 AM | Message Detail

Axel - 16.17%
Frog - 19.19%
Samus Aran - 49.65%
Sarah Kerrigan - 14.99%

Agent 47 - 14.21%
Kratos Aurion - 27.78%
Midna - 32.01%
Scorpion - 26.00%
MGO name - Axalon0... Well, it used to be.
Why can't Wii be friends? Why can't Wii be friends? - 6584 4558 9746 0407
From: Forceful Dragon | Posted: 9/4/2007 10:46:30 AM | Message Detail
CATS - 8.01%
Meta Knight - 13.16%
Princess Peach - 26.05%
Sephiroth - 52.34%

Banjo - 10.96%
Captain Falcon - 19.61%
Fox McCloud - 37.45%
Wario - 31.98%

Big Boss - 18.23%
Mario - 56.22%
Pac-Man - 15.34%
Wander - 10.21%

Bomberman - 12.94%
Crash Bandicoot - 21.08%
Phoenix Wright - 23.56%
Magus - 42.24%

Agent J - 7.73%
Bidoof - 11.50%
Link - 68.45%
Miles Edgeworth - 12.32%

Miles Tails Prower - 16.80%
The Boss - 13.61%
Vincent Valentine - 36.54%
Zelda - 33.05%

Crono - 41.36%
Sam Fisher - 18.23%
Simon Belmont - 14.77%
Raiden - 25.64%

HK-47 - 17.80
Lloyd Irving - 19.97
Jak - 16.63
Zero - 45.60%

Eff Dee
From: Weird Kirby Dude11 | Posted: 9/4/2007 11:42:57 AM | Message Detail
Agent 47 - 16.43%
Kratos Aurion - 18.73%
Midna - 33.4%
Scorpion - 31.44%
spud2002 is alive! >_>
From: Weird Kirby Dude11 | Posted: 9/4/2007 11:44:51 AM | Message Detail
Agent 47 - 10.43%
Kratos Aurion - 22.73%
Midna - 34.4%
Scorpion - 32.44%
spud2002 is alive! >_>
From: meche313 | Posted: 9/4/2007 11:52:11 AM | Message Detail

Axel - 15.5%
Frog - 20.5%
Samus Aran - 53.1%
Sarah Kerrigan - 8.9%

Agent 47 - 17.1%
Kratos Aurion - 20.8%
Midna - 32%
Scorpion - 30.1%
From: ECW RVD420 | Posted: 9/4/2007 11:54:50 AM | Message Detail
Agent 47 - 18.24%
Kratos Aurion - 20.84%
Midna - 22.17%
Scorpion - 40.21%

Kefka - 30.41%
Marcus Fenix - 30.57%
Tom Nook - 14.58%
Zelos Wilder - 16.84%

Cloud Strife - 60.57%
Jill Valentine - 15.78%
Midgar Zolom - 5.87%
Revolver Ocelot - 20.47%

Auron - 30.14%
Chris Redfield - 20.71%
Pyramid Head - 11.28%
Shadow the Hedgehog - 38.14%

The whole F'N show // I'm only 2 girls short of a three-some!!
From: Canth | Posted: 9/4/2007 11:56:50 AM | Message Detail
Forgot to mention I'm new, but anyway, I'm not doing too badly so far (Yeah it's only one day in, let me feel good for a bit).. I suspect my score to drop a bit today.



Axel - 19.37%
Frog - 19.07%
Samus Aran - 53.49%
Sarah Kerrigan - 8.07%

And more predictions:

Kefka - 30.35%
Marcus Fenix - 22.34%
Tom Nook - 22.73%
Zelos Wilder - 24.58%

Cloud Strife - 60.35%
Jill Valentine - 16.79%
Midgar Zolom - 8.45%
Revolver Ocelot - 14.41%

Auron - 37.38%
Chris Redfield - 20.13%
Pyramid Head - 15.04%
Shadow the Hedgehog - 27.45%

Bowser - 36.61%
Mewtwo - 19.57%
Ryu (Street Fighter) - 33.37%
Toad - 10.45%

CATS - 9.54%
Meta Knight - 11.65%
Princess Peach - 18.45%
Sephiroth - 60.36%

Banjo - 15.93%
Captain Falcon - 18.65%
Fox McCloud - 32.50%
Wario - 32.66%

Big Boss - 19.84%
Mario - 56.87%
Pac-Man - 10.63%
Wander - 12.66%

Bomberman - 23.75%
Crash Bandicoot - 16.56%
Phoenix Wright - 16.28%
Magus - 43.41%

In Progress: FFT Cleric SSCC (Limberry)
From: GrapefruitKing | Posted: 9/4/2007 12:09:46 PM | Message Detail
Axel - 18.20%
Frog - 21.72%
Samus Aran - 48.80%
Sarah Kerrigan - 11.28%

It's a penguin murder mystery !!!
From: ECW RVD420 | Posted: 9/4/2007 12:15:43 PM | Message Detail
Somehow the script missed my changes yesterday for today's match

Posted: 9/3/2007 7:19:12 PM

Arthas Menethil - 13.47%
Diablo - 20.57%
KOS-MOS - 17..25%
Mega Man - 45.24%

on page 9 about halfway down
The whole F'N show // I'm only 2 girls short of a three-some!!
From: GrapefruitKing | Posted: 9/4/2007 12:19:46 PM | Message Detail
And few new ones
CATS - 7.02%
Meta Knight - 6.24%
Princess Peach - 19.60%
Sephiroth - 67.14%

Banjo - 15.45%
Captain Falcon - 17.87%
Fox McCloud - 33.03%
Wario - 33.65%
It's a penguin murder mystery !!!
From: King Morgoth | Posted: 9/4/2007 12:22:04 PM | Message Detail
Somehow the script missed my changes yesterday for today's match
It only missed KOS-MOS but that's because you typo'd it... "17..25"

ECW RVD420's prediction
KOS-MOS - 17.25%
Kaxon is a figurehead. Morgoth has all the real power. - Janus5000
SpC2k4 Triple Crown WINNER (Oracle, Betting, Spread Betting)
From: Xuxon | Posted: 9/4/2007 1:23:06 PM | Message Detail
Axel - 14.63%
Frog - 19.49%
Samus Aran - 54.99%
Sarah Kerrigan - 10.89%
FFXII NLB - finished - 39 marks
FFXII LLIENANMiNDM - Bhujerba (post-Ba'Gamnan)
From: Ness26 | Posted: 9/4/2007 1:26:11 PM | Message Detail

Axel - 16.63%
Frog - 22.99%
Samus Aran - 48.49%
Sarah Kerrigan - 11.89%
No amount of planning will ever replace dumb luck.
From: andylt | Posted: 9/4/2007 1:47:26 PM | Message Detail

Axel - 15.61%
Frog - 21.30%
Samus Aran - 53.43%
Sarah Kerrigan - 9.66%
From: swirIdude | Posted: 9/4/2007 1:58:55 PM | Message Detail
Axel - 15.29%
Frog - 21.07%
Samus Aran - 58.29%
Sarah Kerrigan - 5.35%
Pokemon FC: 0129 8285 9148
Jump Ultimate Stars FC: 1504 2045 7334
From: swirIdude | Posted: 9/4/2007 2:00:09 PM | Message Detail
CHANGE (yes already)

Axel - 15.29%
Frog - 21.07%
Samus Aran - 56.29%
Sarah Kerrigan - 7.35%
Pokemon FC: 0129 8285 9148
Jump Ultimate Stars FC: 1504 2045 7334
From: Radix | Posted: 9/4/2007 2:21:36 PM | Message Detail
tag for later
"You're nothing more than lowly cookie dough! Yet you would dare defy me!?"
From: creativename | Posted: 9/4/2007 2:35:14 PM | Message Detail

Samus with 54%
Frog with 21%
Kerrigan with 8%
Axel with 17%
From: linkhatesganon | Posted: 9/4/2007 2:39:15 PM | Message Detail
CHANGE (Meh, I'm owerpowering the winners)

Axel - 14.03%
Frog - 21.22%
Samus Aran - 56.87%
Sarah Kerrigan - 7.88%
Onimimi's films rules!
From: creativename | Posted: 9/4/2007 2:44:33 PM | Message Detail
Agent 47 with 11%
Kratos Aurion with 24%
Midna with 34%
Scorpion with 31%

Kefka with 38%
Marcus with 29%
Tom Nook with 13%
Zelos with 20%

Cloud with 62%
Jill with 17%
Midgar Zolom with 7%
Ocelot with 14%

Auron with 42%
Redfield with 16%
Pyramid Head with 9%
Shadow with 33%

Bowser with 36%
Mewtwo with 21%
Ryu with 33%
Toad with 10%
From: Draco1214 | Posted: 9/4/2007 2:51:06 PM | Message Detail
CATS - 13%
Meta Knight - 8%
Princess Peach - 14%
Sephiroth - 65%

Banjo - 12%
Captain Falcon - 25%
Fox McCloud - 35%
Wario - 28%

Big Boss - 15%
Mario - 71%
Pac-Man - 10%
Wander - 4%

Bomberman - 18%
Crash Bandicoot - 7%
Phoenix Wright - 20%
Magus - 55%

Agent J - 3%
Bidoof - 4%
Link - 85%
Miles Edgeworth - 8%

Miles Tails Prower - 22%
The Boss - 10%
Vincent Valentine - 35%
Zelda - 33%

Crono - 65%
Sam Fisher - 7%
Simon Belmont - 8%
Raiden - 20%

HK-47 - 16%
Lloyd Irving - 20%
Jak - 12%
Zero - 52%
Currently Playing: Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, Persona 3
From: ps2rulezzz | Posted: 9/4/2007 3:10:28 PM | Message Detail

Axel - 17.50%
Frog - 19.50%
Samus Aran - 52.00%
Sarah Kerrigan - 11.00%
190/192 points in sc2004, winner team oracle challenge
30/32 sc 2006
From: GrapefruitKing | Posted: 9/4/2007 3:10:59 PM | Message Detail
another CHANGE
Axel - 16.20%
Frog - 20.72%
Samus Aran - 52.80%
Sarah Kerrigan - 10.28%

I've got to stop chnaging my mind
It's a penguin murder mystery !!!
From: Starion | Posted: 9/4/2007 3:13:10 PM | Message Detail
Already have entries for all of Div 1 and 2 so just a tag for now.
100% Frog Log Quest: Current Progress- 400 of 627 Completed: Jaster, Kisala, Deego
From: supdawg | Posted: 9/4/2007 3:35:48 PM | Message Detail
Axel - 15.22%
Frog - 21.70%
Samus Aran - 49.98%
Sarah Kerrigan - 13.10%

Agent 47 - 11.32%
Kratos Aurion - 18.63%
Midna - 34.58%
Scorpion - 35.47%
Member Of The Book Club
Behold The Power Of Cheese. Level 2: Cottage Cheese(220 points)
From: Luis_Sera89 | Posted: 9/4/2007 3:40:03 PM | Message Detail

Axel - 17.13%
Frog - 18.65%
Samus - 49.74%
Kerrigan - 14.48%
"Eet's game time..."
From: Dekar TKB | Posted: 9/4/2007 3:48:29 PM | Message Detail
CATS - 14.18%
Meta Knight - 10.18%
Princess Peach - 14.82%
Sephiroth - 60.82%

Banjo - 17.18%
Captain Falcon - 21.82%
Fox McCloud - 29.82%
Wario - 31.18%

Big Boss - 13.82%
Mario - 67.18%
Pac-Man - 12.82%
Wander - 6.18%

Bomberman - 21.82%
Crash Bandicoot - 15.18%
Phoenix Wright - 22.18%
Magus - 40.82%

Agent J - 4.18%
Bidoof - 8.82%
Link - 75.82%
Miles Edgeworth - 11.18%

Miles Tails Prower - 17.18%
The Boss - 15.18%
Vincent Valentine - 33.82%
Zelda - 33.18%

Crono - 47.82%
Sam Fisher - 15.18%
Simon Belmont - 14.18%
Raiden - 22.82%

HK-47 - 18.18%
Lloyd Irving - 16.18%
Jak - 17.82%
Zero - 47.82%
Pokemon D/P Friend Code: 3007-4553-9795
From: Dekar TKB | Posted: 9/4/2007 3:55:15 PM | Message Detail

Axel - 16.82%
Frog - 20.18%
Samus Aran - 48.82%
Sarah Kerrigan - 14.18%
Pokemon D/P Friend Code: 3007-4553-9795
From: andylt | Posted: 9/4/2007 3:55:49 PM | Message Detail
CHANGE again.

Axel - 15.11%
Frog - 20.50%
Samus Aran - 53.73%
Sarah Kerrigan - 10.66%
From: Aprosenf | Posted: 9/4/2007 3:56:42 PM | Message Detail
New predictions:

Kefka - 33.55%
Marcus Fenix - 27.38%
Tom Nook - 23.47%
Zelos Wilder - 15.60%

Cloud Strife - 69.31%
Jill Valentine - 14.64%
Midgar Zolom - 5.57%
Revolver Ocelot - 10.48%
If life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Then try to find someone whose life has given them vodka.
From: Kaidyn04 | Posted: 9/4/2007 4:01:20 PM | Message Detail
Auron - 40.56%
Chris Redfield - 25.67%
Pyramid Head - 9.65%
Shadow the Hedgehog - 27.34%

Bowser - 45.45%
Mewtwo - 20.95%
Ryu (Street Fighter) - 22.37%
Toad - 11.54%

CATS - 10.33%
Meta Knight - 9.56%
Princess Peach - 10.95%
Sephiroth - 65.65%

Banjo - 7.55%
Captain Falcon - 10.95%
Fox McCloud - 45.65%
Wario - 31.98%
Kaidyn. The Cream of The Hundred Years War Fanboyism.
Jeanne D'Arc (PSP) and Bladestorm (PS3) are better than your GotY.
From: Lieutenant Kettch | Posted: 9/4/2007 4:03:50 PM | Message Detail
Axel - 15.25%
Frog - 19.82%
Samus Aran - 49.67%
Sarah Kerrigan - 15.26%
From: BeTheMan | Posted: 9/4/2007 4:19:22 PM | Message Detail
New picks:

CATS - 13.50%
Meta Knight - 10.25%
Princess Peach - 14.15%
Sephiroth - 62.10%

Banjo - 15.70%
Captain Falcon - 24.45%
Fox McCloud - 32.90%
Wario - 26.95%

Big Boss - 15.15%
Mario - 62.50%
Pac-Man - 12.35%
Wander - 10.00%

Bomberman - 25.15%
Crash Bandicoot - 16.80%
Phoenix Wright - 22.80%
Magus - 35.25%

Agent J - 5.75%
Bidoof - 9.50%
Link - 77.50%
Miles Edgeworth - 7.25%

Miles Tails Prower - 20.00%
The Boss - 14.80%
Vincent Valentine - 33.15%
Zelda - 32.05%

Crono - 46.50%
Sam Fisher - 17.35%
Simon Belmont - 13.65%
Raiden - 22.50%

HK-47 -17.05%
Lloyd Irving - 25.30%
Jak - 22.40%
Zero - 35.25%
From: Sk0rne3000 | Posted: 9/4/2007 4:24:00 PM | Message Detail
New Predictions

CATS - 11.45%
Meta Knight -6.05%
Princess Peach -16.29%
Sephiroth - 66.21%

Banjo - 16.46%
Captain Falcon - 20.73%
Fox McCloud - 34.63%
Wario - 28.18%

Big Boss - 11.32%
Mario - 65.27%
Pac-Man - 16.19%
Wander - 7.22%

Bomberman -20.58%
Crash Bandicoot -7.10%
Phoenix Wright - 13.59%
Magus - 58.73%

Agent J - 3.68%
Bidoof - 6.52%
Link - 81.53%
Miles Edgeworth - 8.27%

Miles Tails Prower - 18.38%
The Boss -11.63%
Vincent Valentine - 35.46%
Zelda -34.53%

Crono - 60.59%
Sam Fisher - 7.92%
Simon Belmont - 11.32%
Raiden - 20.17%

HK-47 - 15.09%
Lloyd Irving -17.11%
Jak - 14.11%
Zero - 53.69%

Current Points: 4
Wii Number:1748 1500 8460 3690 Nickname: Reaper
From: daniel2424 | Posted: 9/4/2007 4:28:48 PM | Message Detail
Axel - 9.28%
Frog - 30.24%
Samus Aran - 45.24%
Sarah Kerrigan - 15.24%

Agent 47 - 18.28%
Kratos Aurion - 19.24%
Midna - 31.24%
Scorpion - 29.24%

If you think the fastest way to a man's heart is through his stomach, you're aiming about 8 inches too high.
From: trannyscience | Posted: 9/4/2007 4:46:44 PM | Message Detail

Samus with 54.56%
Frog with 21.44%
Axel with 13.78%
Kerrigan with 10.24%
now playing: PW3, Jeanne d'Arc
From: StopPokingMe | Posted: 9/4/2007 4:57:39 PM | Message Detail
Axel with 18.03%
Frog with 20.49%
Samus with 51.49%
Kerrigan with 9.99%
Champions of Time and Space: The Summer Contest 2003 Fanfiction Project
From: GoldSlime35 | Posted: 9/4/2007 4:58:24 PM | Message Detail
Axel - 17.00%
Frog - 22.00%
Samus Aran - 51.00%
Sarah Kerrigan - 10.00%
From: DSRage_Revived | Posted: 9/4/2007 5:06:39 PM | Message Detail
slight change.

Axel - 17.31%
Frog - 21.66%
Samus Aran - 47.43%
Sarah Kerrigan - 13.60%

Experiment status report update: Metroid project 'Dread' is nearing the final stages of completion.

Sig it and it will happen.
From: BeTheMan | Posted: 9/4/2007 5:09:31 PM | Message Detail

Axel - 16.45%
Frog - 20.00%
Samus - 53.40%
Kerrigan - 10.15%
From: GrapefruitKing | Posted: 9/4/2007 5:13:33 PM | Message Detail
some more new ones

Big Boss - 12.61%
Mario - 68.29%
Pac-Man - 12.69%
Wander - 6.41%

Bomberman - 14.51%
Crash Bandicoot - 14.29%
Phoenix Wright - 14.99%
Magus - 56.21%

It's a penguin murder mystery !!!
From: charmander6000 | Posted: 9/4/2007 5:19:38 PM | Message Detail
Axel - 15.45%
Frog - 18.56%
Samus Aran - 55.17%
Sarah Kerrigan - 10.82%

The Board 8 BOP -
Match 2: Mega Man > KOS-MOS Points: 4/4
From: ad00 | Posted: 9/4/2007 5:23:03 PM | Message Detail

Axel - 17%
Frog - 23%
Samus Aran - 52%
Sarah Kerrigan - 8%
Einstein would turn over in his grave. Not only does God play dice, the dice are loaded.
Runner of Winning Streak
From: kirbyjump | Posted: 9/4/2007 5:28:25 PM | Message Detail
Axel - 10.64%
Frog - 25.36%
Samus Aran - 54.19%
Sarah Kerrigan - 9.81%
ertyu game counter: 715, 285 to go!
Board 8 Elite 4 Leader JabbaTheGriffin: Friend Code - 5412 6466 4387
From: raytan7585 | Posted: 9/4/2007 5:39:56 PM | Message Detail
Axel - 19%
Frog - 26%
Samus Aran - 46%
Sarah Kerrigan - 9%

raytan. The Cream of Terra Branford Fanboyism.
From: amyvitality66 | Posted: 9/4/2007 5:43:16 PM | Message Detail
Time to change =P

Axel - 18%
Frog - 24%
Samus Aran - 50%
Sarah Kerrigan - 8%

amyvitality, The Cream of Final Fantasy IX Fangirlism.
"Ecchi is bad." - Mahoro Andou
From: DpObliVion | Posted: 9/4/2007 5:45:19 PM | Message Detail
Samus - 48.5%
Frog - 19.5%
Axel - 16.5%
Kerrigan - 15.5%

Dp, you are one awesome, sexy bastard. I less than 3 you. -Shadow Ryoko
See Quote for Character Battle VI Printable Bracket
From: MarioSuperstar | Posted: 9/4/2007 5:46:54 PM | Message Detail
Samus - 54%
Frog - 20%
Axel - 18%
Sarah Kerrigan - 8%
Today: Mega Man > KOS-MOS - Vote: Mega Man.
Tomorrow: Samus > Frog - Vote: Frog. Points: 4/4
From: Camden | Posted: 9/4/2007 6:01:40 PM | Message Detail
Samus with 49%
Frog with 26%
Axel with 16%
Sarah Kerrigan with 9%

Sephiroth with 46%
Princess Peach with 29%
CATS with 16%
Meta Knight with 9%

Wario with 30%
Fox McCloud with 29%
Banjo with 21%
Captain Falcon with 20%

Mario with 62%
Pac-Man with 18%
Big Boss with 15%
Wander with 5%

Magus with 44%
Crash Bandicoot with 22%
Bomberman with 22%
Phoenix Wright with 12%

Link with 75%
Bidoof with 10%
Miles Edgeworth with 8%
Agent J with 7%

Vincent Valentine with 33%
Zelda with 31%
Miles Tails Prower with 18%
The Boss with 18%

Crono with 42%
Simon Belmont with 23%
Raiden with 22%
Sam Fisher with 13%

Zero with 45%
Lloyd Irving with 22%
Jak with 18%
HK-47 with 15%
Earthbound: It's like living inside your gym shoes.
Huh? Finger!? What the hell? -Cloud
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