
Name: yoshifan823
Also known as: HeroicYoshi
Current Rank:
195thv30 (483 pts)
All-Time Rank:
119th- (9466 pts)
Participated in: SC2k5, SpC2k6, SC2k6, SC2k7, SC2k8, SpC2k9, SpC2k10, SC2k10
Teamed as:]
Best Result: 65th (in SC2k5)
Lifetime Average: ---
     Original Average: ---
     Classic Average: ---
     Modern Average: ---
     Pure Percentage Average: ---
     Three-Ways Average: ---
Points Above Average:
Top 5 Predictions:
     Efficiency Rating:
Days on the Leaderboard:
ContestRankScoreAverageTop 5'sLeaderboard
All Predictions (Show only Top 10)
SC2k511Alucard over Kratos (GoW) with 55.39%Alucard with 55.52%49.87
SpC2k1077Sora over Laharl with 67.89%Sora with 67.75%49.86
SpC2k1035Roxas over Heavy with 56.78%Roxas with 56.96%49.82
SpC2k611Sonic over Devil May Cry with 71.06%Sonic with 70.87%49.81
SpC2k62MMX over Suikoden with 72.83%MMX with 72.61%49.78
SpC2k1040Ezio over Simon with 59.94%Ezio with 59.71%49.77
SC2k549Mario over Zero with 62.62%Mario with 62.86%49.76
SC2k660Sonic over Crono with 51.01%Sonic with 50.77%49.76
SC2k628Luigi over Zero with 53.45%Luigi with 53.71%49.74
SC2k661Samus over Zelda with 55.55%Samus with 55.27%49.72
SpC2k1010Knuckles over Cecil with 51.69%Knuckles with 52.00%49.69
SpC2k1036Sub-Zero over Tidus with 53.42%Sub-Zero with 53.86%49.56
SpC2k1055Terra over Darth Revan with 54.33%Terra with 53.87%49.54
SpC2k1079L-Block over Isaac with 60.01%L-Block with 60.48%49.53
SpC2k1022Zack over Yuna with 58.10%Zack with 58.61%49.49
SpC2k1068W.C. Cube over The Boss with 54.32%W.C. Cube with 53.80%49.48
SC2k524Squall over Geno with 75.48%Squall with 74.84%49.36
SpC2k69Mario over Madden with 92.87%Mario with 92.21%49.34
SC2k531Yoshi over Laharl with 74.36%Yoshi with 73.66%49.30
SC2k53Zero over Ryu Hayabusa with 62.26%Zero with 63.00%49.26
SpC2k1043Riku over Ramza with 63.15%Riku with 62.31%49.16
SC2k652Yuna over Chun-Li with 60.00%Yuna with 60.84%49.16
SpC2k1064Gordon Freeman over Princess Peach with 52.34%Gordon Freeman with 53.25%49.09
SC2k632Sub-Zero over Master Chief with 50.01%Sub-Zero with 50.95%49.06
SC2k69Zelda over Carmen Sandiego with 87.08%Zelda with 86.08%49.00
SC2k538Sora over Alucard with 56.36%Sora with 55.36%49.00
SpC2k1073Mario over Big Boss with 62.12%Mario with 63.16%48.96
SpC2k1021MM over Cid Highwind with 64.09%MM with 63.04%48.95
SC2k555Sonic over Tifa with 57.46%Sonic with 56.40%48.94
SpC2k1031Charizard over Duke Nukem with 65.32%Charizard with 64.25%48.93
SpC2k1020Ike over Prinny with 61.38%Ike with 62.49%48.89
SC2k553Crono over Master Chief with 62.45%Crono with 61.29%48.84
SpC2k106Amaterasu over Shadow with 51.43%Amaterasu with 52.59%48.84
SC2k63Rikku over Lenneth Valkyrie with 76.17%Rikku with 75.00%48.83
SC2k535Samus over Frog with 68.86%Samus with 70.05%48.81
SC2k544Squall over Knuckles with 52.58%Squall with 53.80%48.78
SpC2k66Fire Emblem over Silent Hill with 58.29%Fire Emblem with 57.05%48.76
SpC2k626Metal Gear over KH with 59.56%Metal Gear with 58.31%48.75
SpC2k623FF over MM with 75.45%FF with 74.19%48.74
SC2k655Sonic over Luigi with 61.45%Sonic with 60.19%48.74
SC2k637Zelda over Terra with 78.15%Zelda with 79.45%48.70
SpC2k1011Ganondorf over Mewtwo with 59.99%Ganondorf with 58.65%48.66
SC2k654MM over Sora with 55.63%MM with 54.28%48.65
SC2k642Yoshi over Dante with 51.97%Yoshi with 50.55%48.58
SpC2k1041Cloud Strife over Ridley with 73.18%Cloud Strife with 71.72%48.54
SpC2k63Pokemon over Star Ocean with 64.28%Pokemon with 65.74%48.54
SC2k542Crono over Vercetti with 72.34%Crono with 70.85%48.51
SC2k638Aeris over KOS-MOS with 63.18%Aeris with 61.65%48.47
SC2k653Solid Snake over Yoshi with 55.63%Solid Snake with 57.16%48.47
SpC2k1023Ryu Hayabusa over Crash Bandicoot with 63.33%Ryu Hayabusa with 61.79%48.46
SpC2k1029L-Block over HK-47 with 62.19%L-Block with 63.89%48.30
SpC2k1071Kirby over GlaDOS with 66.66%Kirby with 68.40%48.26
SC2k103Batman:AA over Psychonauts with 74.33%Batman:AA with 72.50%48.17
SpC2k1057Sephiroth over Marth with 69.87%Sephiroth with 71.80%48.07
SpC2k1014GlaDOS over Fawful with 64.82%GlaDOS with 66.78%48.04
SC2k67Jill Valentine over Sheena Fujibayashi with 64.00%Jill Valentine with 62.03%48.03
SpC2k67Castlevania over Halo with 52.85%Castlevania with 55.02%47.83
SC2k530Leon Kennedy over Gordon Freeman with 56.39%Leon Kennedy with 58.57%47.82
SC2k104Team Fortress 2 over Fable with 52.23%Team Fortress 2 with 50.03%47.80
SC2k109Metroid Prime over Star Ocean 3 with 71.11%Metroid Prime with 73.34%47.77
SpC2k1019Zidane over Claptrap with 66.66%Zidane with 64.36%47.70
SpC2k1045Leon Kennedy over Vault Boy with 63.21%Leon Kennedy with 60.81%47.60
SpC2k1053Auron over Aeris with 60.12%Auron with 57.64%47.52
SC2k59Solid Snake over Manny Calavera with 86.58%Solid Snake with 84.09%47.51
SpC2k1026Laharl over Neku with 58.82%Laharl with 56.32%47.50
SC2k645Sonic over Vincent with 54.63%Sonic with 52.09%47.46
SpC2k1069Sonic over Knuckles with 65.00%Sonic with 67.61%47.39
SC2k640Chun-Li over Lara Croft with 58.18%Chun-Li with 55.54%47.36
SC2k56Frog over Riku with 54.32%Frog with 51.67%47.35
SpC2k1078Bowser over Kefka with 58.99%Bowser with 61.68%47.31
SC2k1013Tales of Symphonia over RE5 with 54.88%Tales of Symphonia with 52.17%47.29
SpC2k61Zelda over Civilization with 87.24%Zelda with 89.97%47.27
SC2k513Kirby over Cecil with 72.43%Kirby with 75.21%47.22
SC2k514Tidus over King of all Cosmos with 75.46%Tidus with 72.54%47.08
SpC2k614MM over MK with 61.08%MM with 58.12%47.04
SC2k1015GTA3 over LittleBigPlanet with 64.98%GTA3 with 61.98%47.00
SC2k539Kirby over Tidus with 54.64%Kirby with 57.65%46.99
SC2k658Zelda over Yuna with 60.06%Zelda with 57.02%46.96
SpC2k65Metal Gear over Soul Calibur with 72.95%Metal Gear with 69.89%46.94
SpC2k1058Vincent over Guybrush with 74.36%Vincent with 77.44%46.92
SpC2k102Alucard over Magus with 55.43%Alucard with 58.52%46.91
SC2k639Yuna over Joanna Dark with 74.89%Yuna with 78.05%46.84
SpC2k1028Bowser over Frog with 60.01%Bowser with 63.22%46.79
SC2k545Sonic over Diablo with 71.76%Sonic with 68.55%46.79
SpC2k1072Vivi over Altair with 52.33%Vivi with 55.79%46.54
SC2k51Mario over Joanna Dark with 84.48%Mario with 80.90%46.42
SpC2k1062Ness over Geno with 61.11%Ness with 64.81%46.30
SC2k55Samus over Yuri with 83.54%Samus with 87.32%46.22
SpC2k1013Kirby over Rikku with 61.32%Kirby with 57.53%46.21
SpC2k1070Ganondorf over Ken Masters with 60.04%Ganondorf with 63.83%46.21
SpC2k68KH over Harvest Moon with 76.98%KH with 73.12%46.14
SpC2k1015Vivi over Donkey Kong with 52.35%Vivi with 56.29%46.06
SC2k536Ganondorf over Auron with 58.07%Ganondorf with 54.10%46.03
SC2k629Crono over Captain Falcon with 69.99%Crono with 74.16%45.83
SC2k610Terra over Kerrigan with 54.45%Terra with 58.69%45.76
SpC2k105Luigi over M. Knight with 69.96%Luigi with 65.70%45.74
SC2k57Ganondorf over Yuna with 65.54%Ganondorf with 61.20%45.66
SpC2k1046Sackboy over Kratos Aurion with 50.12%Sackboy with 54.58%45.54
SC2k635Tifa over The Boss with 70.01%Tifa with 74.55%45.46
SC2k68Princess Peach over Princess Daisy with 87.64%Princess Peach with 83.10%45.46
SC2k616Lara Croft over Alyx Vance with 82.15%Lara Croft with 77.55%45.40
SC2k561Mario over Solid Snake with 52.56%Mario with 57.21%45.35
SC2k550Samus over Ganondorf with 55.00%Samus with 59.66%45.34
SC2k636Princess Peach over Jill Valentine with 54.67%Princess Peach with 50.01%45.34
SpC2k1025Sora over Midna with 68.34%Sora with 63.63%45.29
SpC2k620KH over Castlevania with 56.08%KH with 51.33%45.25
SC2k619Yoshi over Riku with 60.01%Yoshi with 55.20%45.19
SC2k65Tifa over Ivy Valentine with 71.35%Tifa with 76.18%45.17
SC2k613Yuna over Roll with 74.45%Yuna with 79.30%45.15
SC2k625Sonic over CATS with 85.65%Sonic with 80.75%45.10
SpC2k1066Mega Man X over Red with 56.21%Mega Man X with 61.16%45.05
SC2k657Samus over Tifa with 55.55%Samus with 50.49%44.94
SpC2k1061Big Daddy over Soap with 56.53%Big Daddy with 61.75%44.78
SpC2k64Metroid over Kirby with 65.26%Metroid with 70.57%44.69
SpC2k1059Yoshi over Jak with 71.23%Yoshi with 76.62%44.61
SpC2k1056Squall over Akuma with 62.55%Squall with 68.01%44.54
SC2k634Rikku over Kairi with 63.83%Rikku with 58.28%44.45
SC2k627Kirby over The Prince of Persia with 67.34%Kirby with 61.70%44.36
SC2k620Dante over Ryu Hayabusa with 70.91%Dante with 65.20%44.29
SC2k651Zelda over Aeris with 51.15%Zelda with 56.87%44.28
SpC2k624Street Fighter over Resident Evil with 50.00%Resident Evil with 50.73%44.27
SpC2k1067Luigi over Amaterasu with 65.43%Luigi with 59.59%44.16
SC2k614Joanna Dark over Cortana with 54.34%Joanna Dark with 60.23%44.11
SpC2k617Zelda over MMX with 74.32%Zelda with 80.32%44.00
SC2k525Sonic over Jin Kazama with 82.16%Sonic with 76.15%43.99
SpC2k1065Link over Alucard with 65.78%Link with 71.79%43.99
SpC2k628FF over Resident Evil with 70.00%FF with 76.06%43.94
SC2k105Uncharted 2 over Legend of Dragoon with 63.59%Uncharted 2 with 57.40%43.81
SC2k518Donkey Kong over Sam with 58.43%Donkey Kong with 64.76%43.67
SC2k58Auron over Big Boss with 65.10%Auron with 71.47%43.63
SC2k108Halo over Ninja Gaiden with 58.01%Halo with 64.45%43.56
SC2k623Ryu over Kratos (GoW) with 63.78%Ryu with 57.11%43.33
SpC2k1017Mario over Falco with 74.29%Mario with 81.04%43.25
SC2k547MM over Leon Kennedy with 71.45%MM with 64.56%43.11
SpC2k1049Solid Snake over Protoman with 65.45%Solid Snake with 72.35%43.10
SC2k656Crono over Auron with 61.45%Crono with 54.50%43.05
SC2k521Dante over Terra with 78.48%Dante with 71.50%43.02
SpC2k1075MM over Zack with 54.66%MM with 61.66%43.00
SpC2k103Red over Revolver Ocelot with 57.28%Red with 50.16%42.88
SC2k617Solid Snake over Soma Cruz with 75.01%Solid Snake with 82.15%42.86
SC2k510Zelda over Vivi with 52.41%Zelda with 59.56%42.85
SpC2k1054Zero over Fenix with 59.87%Zero with 67.17%42.70
SC2k633Samus over Ada Wong with 72.45%Samus with 79.78%42.67
SC2k615Chun-Li over Kasumi with 76.14%Chun-Li with 68.74%42.60
SC2k611KOS-MOS over Amy Rose with 72.94%KOS-MOS with 65.43%42.49
SC2k61Samus over Nidoran F with 89.56%Samus with 81.85%42.29
SC2k618Squall over Tidus with 64.15%Squall with 72.02%42.13
SpC2k101Link over Thrall with 87.77%Link with 79.81%42.04
SpC2k1039Zelda over Travis with 62.30%Zelda with 70.67%41.63
SpC2k1051Pikachu over Banjo with 66.67%Pikachu with 75.09%41.58
SpC2k615Street Fighter over Elder Scrolls with 73.25%Street Fighter with 64.77%41.52
SC2k512Sora over Agent 47 with 79.23%Sora with 70.73%41.50
SpC2k1037Phoenix Wright over Jecht with 50.82%Jecht with 52.70%41.48
SC2k533Mario over Ness with 74.26%Mario with 82.80%41.46
SC2k541Master Chief over Donkey Kong with 59.43%Master Chief with 50.79%41.36
SC2k529MM over Conker with 84.72%MM with 76.02%41.30
SC2k520Crono over Zidane with 85.42%Crono with 76.72%41.30
SC2k649Samus over Rikku with 60.11%Samus with 69.00%41.11
SpC2k1044Captain Falcon over Wander with 62.04%Captain Falcon with 71.13%40.91
SC2k515Bowser over Chun-Li with 75.00%Bowser with 65.90%40.90
SC2k624MM over Axel with 79.04%MM with 69.87%40.83
SC2k534Zero over Lloyd with 63.99%Zero with 73.25%40.74
SC2k66The Boss over Celes Chere with 51.72%The Boss with 61.08%40.64
SC2k552Kirby over Bowser with 50.07%Bowser with 52.12%40.62
SpC2k1050Fox McCloud over Lloyd with 57.83%Fox McCloud with 67.25%40.58
SpC2k619Metal Gear over Fire Emblem with 74.65%Metal Gear with 65.23%40.58
SpC2k1024Master Chief over Spy with 69.69%Master Chief with 60.22%40.53
SpC2k1048Dante over Axel with 59.87%Dante with 69.37%40.50
SpC2k613FF over Diablo with 76.41%FF with 85.98%40.43
SC2k644MM over Ryu with 67.62%MM with 58.04%40.42
SC2k641Solid Snake over Squall with 67.23%Solid Snake with 57.60%40.37
SC2k1016Half-Life 2 over L4D2 with 64.80%Half-Life 2 with 74.48%40.32
SC2k548Yoshi over Pac-Man with 63.14%Yoshi with 72.83%40.31
SC2k1014God of War over Left 4 Dead with 55.54%God of War with 65.29%40.25
SC2k1011Demon's Souls over MM9 with 51.92%MM9 with 53.00%40.08
SC2k631Auron over Alucard with 54.45%Auron with 64.40%40.05
SC2k54Lloyd over Wesker with 64.72%Lloyd with 54.69%39.97
SC2k106Sonic Adventure 2 over SF4 with 54.32%SF4 with 50.75%39.93
SC2k516Ryu over Rikku with 65.86%Ryu with 55.72%39.86
SpC2k1060Crono over Missingno with 54.87%Missingno with 50.29%39.84
SpC2k1042Chris over MacMillan with 57.75%Chris with 68.01%39.74
SC2k662Sonic over Solid Snake with 50.27%Solid Snake with 54.99%39.74
SC2k528Luigi over KOS-MOS with 76.53%Luigi with 66.00%39.47
SpC2k1047Ryu over Balthier with 58.40%Ryu with 68.97%39.43
SpC2k107W.C. Cube over Sandal with 67.52%W.C. Cube with 78.10%39.42
SpC2k1063Tifa over Yuri Lowell with 68.11%Tifa with 78.70%39.41
SC2k612Aeris over Marle with 80.45%Aeris with 69.78%39.33
SC2k526Diablo over Kratos Aurion with 67.49%Diablo with 56.76%39.27
SpC2k612SSB over Dragon Quest with 65.59%SSB with 76.37%39.22
SpC2k109Sonic over Lightning with 74.78%Sonic with 63.86%39.08
SC2k1012Okami over NMH with 60.44%Okami with 71.41%39.03
SC2k537Solid Snake over Zelda with 65.50%Solid Snake with 54.41%38.91
SC2k102RB2 over Deus Ex with 55.55%Deus Ex with 50.76%38.69
SC2k101Fallout 3 over inFamous with 69.69%Fallout 3 with 81.00%38.69
SpC2k621Mario over Warcraft with 69.69%Mario with 81.13%38.56
SpC2k1030Isaac over Layton with 57.28%Isaac with 68.79%38.49
SpC2k1034Jill Valentine over Niko with 55.55%Jill Valentine with 67.21%38.34
SpC2k108Nathan over The Boss with 54.32%The Boss with 52.37%38.31
SpC2k610GTA over Warcraft with 56.27%Warcraft with 50.44%38.29
SC2k650Tifa over Princess Peach with 54.32%Tifa with 66.05%38.27
SC2k556MM over Yoshi with 56.29%MM with 68.08%38.21
SpC2k1038Ratchet over Eddie Riggs with 56.01%Ratchet with 68.39%37.62
SC2k643Sora over Gordon Freeman with 76.34%Sora with 63.93%37.59
SC2k647Bowser over Crono with 50.01%Crono with 57.44%37.55
SC2k659MM over Solid Snake with 52.25%Solid Snake with 55.33%37.42
SpC2k1080Kratos (GoW) over Charizard with 53.11%Charizard with 54.49%37.40
SC2k551Solid Snake over Sora with 52.58%Solid Snake with 65.26%37.32
SpC2k1012Wesker over Ken Masters with 57.38%Ken Masters with 50.32%37.30
SC2k1010Devil May Cry 3 over Mother 3 with 77.78%Devil May Cry 3 with 64.86%37.08
SC2k622Phoenix Wright over Gordon Freeman with 50.00%Gordon Freeman with 58.20%36.80
SC2k626Ganondorf over Vincent with 55.73%Vincent with 52.59%36.68
SpC2k627Mario over SSB with 75.12%Mario with 61.76%36.64
SpC2k1032Kratos (GoW) over Tails with 74.38%Kratos (GoW) with 60.98%36.60
SC2k62Ada Wong over Jade with 62.37%Ada Wong with 75.89%36.48
SC2k646Kirby over Luigi with 56.27%Luigi with 52.31%36.42
SpC2k104Mega Man X over John Price with 79.37%Mega Man X with 65.72%36.35
SpC2k1074Zidane over Ike with 57.23%Ike with 51.55%36.22
SpC2k622Sonic over SSB with 51.50%SSB with 57.66%35.84
SC2k621Sora over Tingle with 90.00%Sora with 75.61%35.61
SC2k107Mario Sunshine over Halo 3 with 56.98%Halo 3 with 52.53%35.49
SC2k630Bowser over Leon Kennedy with 70.00%Bowser with 55.45%35.45
SC2k648Sub-Zero over Auron with 50.01%Auron with 59.63%35.36
SpC2k616Resident Evil over Shadow Hearts with 72.67%Resident Evil with 87.76%34.91
SpC2k618Metroid over Pokemon with 67.89%Metroid with 52.56%34.67
SC2k64Kairi over Claire Redfield with 67.51%Kairi with 52.08%34.57
SpC2k1076Master Chief over Ryu Hayabusa with 57.89%Ryu Hayabusa with 52.56%34.55
SC2k554Squall over Vincent with 54.87%Vincent with 50.59%34.08
SC2k527Tifa over Vyse with 61.83%Tifa with 78.07%33.76
SpC2k625Zelda over Metroid with 67.89%Zelda with 84.70%33.19
SpC2k1052Shepard over Ellis with 58.82%Shepard with 75.79%33.03
SC2k523Magus over Knuckles with 55.23%Knuckles with 50.86%32.82
SpC2k1033Samus over The Prince of Persia with 61.39%Samus with 78.69%32.70
SpC2k1018Big Boss over Edgeworth with 58.90%Big Boss with 76.22%32.68
SC2k522Vincent over Kerrigan with 61.32%Vincent with 79.00%32.32
SC2k517Master Chief over CATS with 87.53%Master Chief with 68.83%31.30
SC2k543Dante over Vincent with 54.61%Vincent with 54.00%27.78
SC2k540Ryu over Bowser with 50.00%Bowser with 58.98%27.04
SpC2k1016Liquid Snake over Altair with 58.85%Altair with 59.12%27.03
SC2k546Luigi over Tifa with 55.87%Tifa with 53.36%26.54
SpC2k1027Arthas over Kefka with 58.20%Kefka with 60.57%26.23
SC2k557Samus over Mario with 50.00%Mario with 59.79%25.42
SC2k519Kefka over Vercetti with 63.72%Vercetti with 51.14%15.28
SC2k52CJ over Ness with 60.06%Ness with 55.14%14.60
SC2k532Revolver Ocelot over Pac-Man with 71.04%Pac-Man with 51.25%0.42