
Name: bigkevinm84
Current Rank:N/A
All-Time Rank:
258th- (2623 pts)
Participated in: SC2k5, SpC2k6
Teamed as:]
Best Result: 68th (in SC2k5)
Lifetime Average: ---
     Original Average: ---
     Classic Average: ---
     Modern Average: ---
     Pure Percentage Average: ---
     Three-Ways Average: ---
Points Above Average:
Top 5 Predictions:
     Efficiency Rating:
Days on the Leaderboard:
ContestRankScoreAverageTop 5'sLeaderboard
All Predictions (Show only Top 10)
SC2k537Solid Snake over Zelda with 54.20%Solid Snake with 54.41%49.79
SC2k544Squall over Knuckles with 53.45%Squall with 53.80%49.65
SpC2k618Metroid over Pokemon with 53.00%Metroid with 52.56%49.56
SC2k533Mario over Ness with 82.27%Mario with 82.80%49.47
SC2k554Vincent over Squall with 51.12%Vincent with 50.59%49.47
SC2k564Link over Cloud Strife with 53.19%Link with 52.44%49.25
SC2k524Squall over Geno with 74.02%Squall with 74.84%49.18
SC2k562Crono over MM with 50.51%Crono with 51.35%49.16
SC2k531Yoshi over Laharl with 74.64%Yoshi with 73.66%49.02
SC2k518Donkey Kong over Sam with 65.77%Donkey Kong with 64.76%48.99
SC2k555Sonic over Tifa with 55.20%Sonic with 56.40%48.80
SC2k560MM over Sonic with 51.60%MM with 50.37%48.77
SC2k566Link over Sephiroth with 53.70%Link with 54.94%48.76
SC2k529MM over Conker with 77.30%MM with 76.02%48.72
SpC2k613FF over Diablo with 87.50%FF with 85.98%48.48
SC2k535Samus over Frog with 68.50%Samus with 70.05%48.45
SC2k542Crono over Vercetti with 72.55%Crono with 70.85%48.30
SC2k515Bowser over Chun-Li with 64.18%Bowser with 65.90%48.28
SC2k561Mario over Solid Snake with 59.10%Mario with 57.21%48.11
SC2k550Samus over Ganondorf with 61.61%Samus with 59.66%48.05
SpC2k61Zelda over Civilization with 88.01%Zelda with 89.97%48.04
SC2k545Sonic over Diablo with 66.25%Sonic with 68.55%47.70
SpC2k619Metal Gear over Fire Emblem with 67.53%Metal Gear with 65.23%47.70
SpC2k612SSB over Dragon Quest with 74.00%SSB with 76.37%47.63
SC2k558Solid Snake over Bowser with 53.05%Solid Snake with 50.59%47.54
SC2k559Crono over Vincent with 57.86%Crono with 55.38%47.52
SpC2k66Fire Emblem over Silent Hill with 54.20%Fire Emblem with 57.05%47.15
SC2k514Tidus over King of all Cosmos with 69.45%Tidus with 72.54%46.91
SpC2k621Mario over Warcraft with 77.84%Mario with 81.13%46.71
SC2k563Mario over Crono with 50.05%Mario with 53.85%46.20
SC2k548Yoshi over Pac-Man with 68.95%Yoshi with 72.83%46.12
SC2k536Ganondorf over Auron with 50.05%Ganondorf with 54.10%45.95
SC2k565Sephiroth over Mario with 51.99%Sephiroth with 56.07%45.92
SC2k538Sora over Alucard with 51.20%Sora with 55.36%45.84
SC2k512Sora over Agent 47 with 74.89%Sora with 70.73%45.84
SC2k541Master Chief over Donkey Kong with 55.10%Master Chief with 50.79%45.69
SC2k519Vercetti over Kefka with 56.12%Vercetti with 51.14%45.02
SC2k549Mario over Zero with 57.31%Mario with 62.86%44.45
SpC2k69Mario over Madden with 86.50%Mario with 92.21%44.29
SpC2k63Pokemon over Star Ocean with 59.87%Pokemon with 65.74%44.13
SpC2k68KH over Harvest Moon with 79.20%KH with 73.12%43.92
SpC2k65Metal Gear over Soul Calibur with 76.00%Metal Gear with 69.89%43.89
SC2k530Leon Kennedy over Gordon Freeman with 64.74%Leon Kennedy with 58.57%43.83
SC2k526Diablo over Kratos Aurion with 63.00%Diablo with 56.76%43.76
SC2k527Tifa over Vyse with 71.34%Tifa with 78.07%43.27
SC2k546Tifa over Luigi with 60.50%Tifa with 53.36%42.86
SC2k521Dante over Terra with 64.19%Dante with 71.50%42.69
SC2k553Crono over Master Chief with 68.60%Crono with 61.29%42.69
SC2k540Bowser over Ryu with 51.52%Bowser with 58.98%42.54
SC2k525Sonic over Jin Kazama with 83.67%Sonic with 76.15%42.48
SpC2k611Sonic over Devil May Cry with 63.28%Sonic with 70.87%42.41
SpC2k64Metroid over Kirby with 62.92%Metroid with 70.57%42.35
SC2k552Bowser over Kirby with 59.80%Bowser with 52.12%42.32
SC2k551Solid Snake over Sora with 56.67%Solid Snake with 65.26%41.41
SpC2k617Zelda over MMX with 71.48%Zelda with 80.32%41.16
SC2k528Luigi over KOS-MOS with 57.00%Luigi with 66.00%41.00
SC2k520Crono over Zidane with 85.90%Crono with 76.72%40.82
SC2k547MM over Leon Kennedy with 74.05%MM with 64.56%40.51
SpC2k615Street Fighter over Elder Scrolls with 55.00%Street Fighter with 64.77%40.23
SC2k543Vincent over Dante with 64.84%Vincent with 54.00%39.16
SC2k517Master Chief over CATS with 79.68%Master Chief with 68.83%39.15
SpC2k610GTA over Warcraft with 55.82%Warcraft with 50.44%38.74
SC2k513Kirby over Cecil with 62.97%Kirby with 75.21%37.76
SC2k556MM over Yoshi with 55.80%MM with 68.08%37.72
SpC2k616Resident Evil over Shadow Hearts with 74.89%Resident Evil with 87.76%37.13
SpC2k620KH over Castlevania with 64.32%KH with 51.33%37.01
SpC2k614MK over MM with 50.02%MM with 58.12%36.86
SpC2k67Halo over Castlevania with 58.00%Castlevania with 55.02%31.98
SpC2k62MMX over Suikoden with 54.34%MMX with 72.61%31.73
SC2k516Ryu over Rikku with 74.45%Ryu with 55.72%31.27
SC2k522Vincent over Kerrigan with 59.03%Vincent with 79.00%30.03
SC2k539Tidus over Kirby with 50.90%Kirby with 57.65%27.90
SC2k557Samus over Mario with 50.60%Mario with 59.79%24.22
SC2k523Magus over Knuckles with 61.72%Knuckles with 50.86%19.84
SC2k532Revolver Ocelot over Pac-Man with 64.56%Pac-Man with 51.25%13.38