Contest | Day | Prediction | Winner | Score |
SC2k13 | 1 | Isaac (BOI) over Tingle with 8.00% | Link with 72.67% | 99.99 |
SC2k13 | 1 | Isaac (BOI) over Link with 8.00% | Link with 72.67% | 99.99 |
SC2k13 | 1 | Link over Isaac (BOI) with 87.00% | Link with 72.67% | 99.99 |
SC2k13 | 1 | Link over Tingle with 87.00% | Link with 72.67% | 99.99 |
SC2k13 | 1 | Tingle over Isaac (BOI) with 5.00% | Link with 72.67% | 99.99 |
SC2k13 | 1 | Tingle over Link with 5.00% | Link with 72.67% | 99.99 |
SC2k10 | 100 | Half-Life 2 over God of War with 54.31% | Half-Life 2 with 54.37% | 49.94 |
SC2k10 | 15 | GTA3 over LittleBigPlanet with 62.10% | GTA3 with 61.98% | 49.88 |
SC2k11 | 23 | Chell vs GLaDOS over Ness vs Giygas with 58.93% | Chell vs GLaDOS with 59.07% | 49.86 |
SC2k10 | 97 | Fallout 3 over Batman:AA with 58.94% | Fallout 3 with 58.80% | 49.86 |
SC2k10 | 68 | Halo over Halo 3 with 57.17% | Halo with 56.92% | 49.75 |
SC2k10 | 43 | Dead Rising over TWEWY with 51.20% | Dead Rising with 50.91% | 49.71 |
SC2k10 | 3 | Batman:AA over Psychonauts with 72.86% | Batman:AA with 72.50% | 49.64 |
SC2k10 | 47 | Skies of Arcadia over Baldur's Gate II with 52.00% | Skies of Arcadia with 52.40% | 49.60 |
SC2k10 | 61 | Zelda: WW over God of War II with 63.52% | Zelda: WW with 63.95% | 49.57 |
SC2k10 | 37 | Star Wars: KOTOR over DMC with 58.52% | Star Wars: KOTOR with 58.05% | 49.53 |
SC2k10 | 34 | Borderlands over ToV with 56.00% | Borderlands with 55.53% | 49.53 |
SC2k11 | 22 | Alucard vs Dracula over Commander Shepard vs Saren Arterius with 62.72% | Alucard vs Dracula with 63.23% | 49.49 |
SC2k11 | 30 | Siegfried vs Nightmare over Ramza vs Delita with 56.19% | Siegfried vs Nightmare with 55.68% | 49.49 |
SC2k10 | 82 | Golden Sun over GTA: San Andreas with 54.23% | Golden Sun with 53.69% | 49.46 |
SC2k10 | 83 | Star Wars: KOTOR over Fire Emblem with 60.07% | Star Wars: KOTOR with 60.63% | 49.44 |
SC2k10 | 25 | Super Mario Galaxy over BG&E with 75.40% | Super Mario Galaxy with 74.79% | 49.39 |
SC2k10 | 101 | SSBM over CoD4 with 68.72% | SSBM with 69.36% | 49.36 |
SC2k11 | 4 | Sonic vs Robotnik over Katherine vs Catherine with 72.41% | Sonic vs Robotnik with 73.12% | 49.29 |
SC2k10 | 81 | FF X over Borderlands with 71.58% | FF X with 70.83% | 49.25 |
SC2k10 | 105 | FF X over Golden Sun with 64.84% | FF X with 65.66% | 49.18 |
SC2k10 | 16 | Half-Life 2 over L4D2 with 73.65% | Half-Life 2 with 74.48% | 49.17 |
SC2k10 | 28 | Zelda: Twilight Princess over Shenmue with 78.50% | Zelda: Twilight Princess with 79.38% | 49.12 |
SC2k10 | 63 | Paper Mario: TYD over Gears of War with 58.84% | Paper Mario: TYD with 59.82% | 49.02 |
SC2k10 | 95 | Zelda: WW over Assassin's Creed II with 61.83% | Zelda: WW with 60.85% | 49.02 |
SC2k10 | 27 | Dragon Age over F-Zero GX with 70.22% | Dragon Age with 69.21% | 48.99 |
SC2k10 | 77 | Super Mario Galaxy over Pokemon RSE with 58.85% | Super Mario Galaxy with 59.90% | 48.95 |
SC2k10 | 76 | SSBB over Valkyria Chronicles with 75.37% | SSBB with 76.44% | 48.93 |
SC2k10 | 17 | SSBM over GHII with 86.03% | SSBM with 87.16% | 48.87 |
SC2k10 | 107 | RE4 over Persona 4 with 69.56% | RE4 with 70.72% | 48.84 |
SC2k10 | 67 | Uncharted 2 over SF4 with 55.29% | Uncharted 2 with 54.04% | 48.75 |
SC2k11 | 29 | Squall vs Seifer over Laharl vs Mid-Boss with 74.92% | Squall vs Seifer with 73.65% | 48.73 |
SC2k10 | 85 | RE4 over GTA: Vice City with 67.06% | RE4 with 65.69% | 48.63 |
SC2k10 | 42 | GTA: Vice City over Silent Hill 2 with 62.20% | GTA: Vice City with 63.57% | 48.63 |
SC2k10 | 90 | Paper Mario over WoW with 57.75% | Paper Mario with 59.15% | 48.60 |
SC2k10 | 53 | MGS4 over Assassin's Creed with 64.98% | MGS4 with 63.49% | 48.51 |
SC2k15 | 10 | Paper Mario: TYD over Tales of Symphonia with 50.30% | Paper Mario: TYD with 51.87% | 48.43 |
SC2k11 | 2 | Ike vs Black Knight over Conker vs Great Mighty Poo with 61.02% | Ike vs Black Knight with 59.42% | 48.40 |
SC2k10 | 66 | Batman:AA over Team Fortress 2 with 57.86% | Batman:AA with 59.52% | 48.34 |
SC2k10 | 65 | Fallout 3 over Deus Ex with 76.02% | Fallout 3 with 74.27% | 48.25 |
SC2k10 | 64 | Oblivion over SCII with 60.64% | Oblivion with 62.45% | 48.19 |
SC2k10 | 41 | RE4 over Jet Grind Radio with 83.97% | RE4 with 82.15% | 48.18 |
SC2k10 | 94 | Pokemon G/S/C over Mario Kart Wii with 69.00% | Pokemon G/S/C with 70.86% | 48.14 |
SC2k10 | 86 | Persona 4 over Dead Rising with 52.21% | Persona 4 with 50.27% | 48.06 |
SC2k10 | 44 | Persona 4 over Braid with 65.91% | Persona 4 with 63.97% | 48.06 |
SC2k11 | 12 | Fox McCloud vs Wolf O'Donnell over Yuna vs Seymour Guado with 58.93% | Fox McCloud vs Wolf O'Donnell with 60.92% | 48.01 |
SC2k10 | 46 | FF12 over Crisis Core with 57.78% | FF12 with 55.65% | 47.87 |
SC2k10 | 99 | Metroid Prime over Okami with 55.99% | Metroid Prime with 58.16% | 47.83 |
SC2k10 | 60 | Pokemon G/S/C over Advance Wars with 75.54% | Pokemon G/S/C with 73.28% | 47.74 |
SC2k10 | 69 | Metroid Prime over Devil May Cry 3 with 62.32% | Metroid Prime with 64.61% | 47.71 |
SC2k11 | 3 | Kirby vs Meta Knight over Jill Valentine vs Nemesis with 60.84% | Kirby vs Meta Knight with 58.47% | 47.63 |
SC2k10 | 74 | CoD4 over Perfect Dark with 57.83% | CoD4 with 55.43% | 47.60 |
SC2k10 | 104 | KH2 over Kingdom Hearts with 50.01% | KH2 with 52.42% | 47.59 |
SC2k10 | 80 | Kingdom Hearts over Modern Warfare 2 with 63.84% | Kingdom Hearts with 66.31% | 47.53 |
SC2k10 | 98 | Halo over Uncharted 2 with 56.17% | Halo with 53.68% | 47.51 |
SC2k11 | 16 | Big Boss vs The Boss over Tidus vs Jecht with 57.12% | Big Boss vs The Boss with 59.64% | 47.48 |
SC2k11 | 26 | Kratos vs Zeus over Professor Layton vs Don Paolo with 71.57% | Kratos vs Zeus with 74.12% | 47.45 |
SC2k10 | 48 | Mass Effect over PvZ with 67.01% | Mass Effect with 69.57% | 47.44 |
SC2k11 | 18 | Amaterasu vs Orochi over Tom Nook vs Crazy Redd with 69.84% | Amaterasu vs Orochi with 67.12% | 47.28 |
SC2k10 | 109 | MGS3 over Paper Mario with 54.72% | MGS3 with 57.49% | 47.23 |
SC2k10 | 79 | KH2 over Bioshock with 59.06% | KH2 with 56.27% | 47.21 |
SC2k10 | 88 | Mass Effect over Skies of Arcadia with 59.32% | Mass Effect with 62.20% | 47.12 |
SC2k10 | 96 | Oblivion over Paper Mario: TYD with 52.28% | Oblivion with 55.17% | 47.11 |
SC2k15 | 5 | SSBM over Portal with 64.74% | SSBM with 67.71% | 47.03 |
SC2k15 | 15 | Halo over Minecraft with 59.82% | Halo with 56.72% | 46.90 |
SC2k10 | 45 | Portal over Gears of War 2 with 68.17% | Portal with 71.47% | 46.70 |
SC2k10 | 103 | Zelda: Twilight Princess over Super Mario Galaxy with 58.88% | Zelda: Twilight Princess with 62.27% | 46.61 |
SC2k10 | 89 | MGS3 over MvC2 with 67.24% | MGS3 with 63.85% | 46.61 |
SC2k10 | 102 | SSBB over Pokemon D/P with 69.47% | SSBB with 72.90% | 46.57 |
SC2k10 | 33 | FF X over Viewtiful Joe with 81.00% | FF X with 77.46% | 46.46 |
SC2k11 | 10 | Luigi vs Waluigi over Cecil vs Golbez with 58.92% | Luigi vs Waluigi with 55.28% | 46.36 |
SC2k11 | 13 | Samus vs Ridley over The Kid vs The Guy with 84.28% | Samus vs Ridley with 80.64% | 46.36 |
SC2k10 | 19 | Perfect Dark over Conker's Bad Fur Day with 60.28% | Perfect Dark with 63.93% | 46.35 |
SC2k11 | 27 | Pac-Man vs Blinky over Crash Bandicoot vs Neo Cortex with 59.84% | Pac-Man vs Blinky with 63.51% | 46.33 |
SC2k10 | 30 | KH2 over Halo 2 with 60.13% | KH2 with 63.81% | 46.32 |
SC2k11 | 20 | Mega Man vs Dr. Wily over Banjo vs Gruntilda with 73.77% | Mega Man vs Dr. Wily with 77.48% | 46.29 |
SC2k15 | 4 | FF X over Half-Life with 68.19% | FF X with 64.42% | 46.23 |
SC2k10 | 4 | Team Fortress 2 over Fable with 53.96% | Team Fortress 2 with 50.03% | 46.07 |
SC2k10 | 84 | FF9 over Persona 3 with 72.94% | FF9 with 68.87% | 45.93 |
SC2k11 | 21 | Phoenix Wright vs Miles Edgeworth over Gordon Freeman vs Dr. Breen with 52.49% | Phoenix Wright vs Miles Edgeworth with 56.56% | 45.93 |
SC2k11 | 28 | Solid Snake vs Liquid Snake over Crono vs Lavos with 54.28% | Solid Snake vs Liquid Snake with 58.77% | 45.51 |
SC2k10 | 39 | Persona 3 over Civ IV with 56.96% | Persona 3 with 52.35% | 45.39 |
SC2k11 | 25 | Cloud vs. Sephiroth over Lloyd Irving vs Kratos Aurion with 81.28% | Cloud vs. Sephiroth with 76.64% | 45.36 |
SC2k10 | 106 | FF9 over Star Wars: KOTOR with 57.89% | FF9 with 53.07% | 45.18 |
SC2k10 | 75 | Pokemon D/P over Fire Emblem: Path with 59.85% | Pokemon D/P with 64.79% | 45.06 |
SC2k10 | 12 | Okami over NMH with 66.45% | Okami with 71.41% | 45.04 |
SC2k10 | 91 | MGS4 over Diablo II: LoD with 60.06% | MGS4 with 54.88% | 44.82 |
SC2k15 | 7 | KH2 over MGS4 with 53.48% | KH2 with 58.71% | 44.77 |
SC2k15 | 6 | Pokemon G/S over TWEWY with 71.39% | Pokemon G/S with 76.63% | 44.76 |
SC2k10 | 36 | GTA: San Andreas over Dead Space with 60.19% | GTA: San Andreas with 65.45% | 44.74 |
SC2k10 | 57 | LoZ:MM over Wii Sports with 78.06% | LoZ:MM with 83.40% | 44.66 |
SC2k10 | 73 | SSBM over Morrowind with 76.73% | SSBM with 71.39% | 44.66 |
SC2k10 | 58 | Chrono Cross over Dragon Quest VIII with 56.43% | Chrono Cross with 61.89% | 44.54 |
SC2k11 | 17 | Link vs Ganondorf over Arthas vs Illidan with 79.83% | Link vs Ganondorf with 85.30% | 44.53 |
SC2k10 | 52 | WoW over Animal Crossing with 53.02% | WoW with 58.55% | 44.47 |
SC2k10 | 20 | CoD4 over Prince of Persia SOT with 68.50% | CoD4 with 62.92% | 44.42 |
SC2k10 | 49 | MGS3 over TimeSplitters 2 with 82.49% | MGS3 with 76.85% | 44.36 |
SC2k10 | 87 | Portal over FF12 with 53.99% | Portal with 59.98% | 44.01 |
SC2k11 | 24 | Frog vs Magus over Raiden vs Vamp with 62.17% | Frog vs Magus with 56.13% | 43.96 |
SC2k10 | 78 | Zelda: Twilight Princess over Dragon Age with 62.74% | Zelda: Twilight Princess with 68.87% | 43.87 |
SC2k15 | 13 | Smash Bros. Wii U over Planescape: Torment with 72.75% | Smash Bros. Wii U with 79.05% | 43.70 |
SC2k15 | 11 | Star Wars: KOTOR over Xenogears with 60.01% | Star Wars: KOTOR with 53.65% | 43.64 |
SC2k11 | 1 | Mario vs Bowser over Jim vs Queen Slug-for-a-Butt with 78.97% | Mario vs Bowser with 85.36% | 43.61 |
SC2k10 | 55 | MGS 2 over Banjo-Tooie with 63.23% | MGS 2 with 69.68% | 43.55 |
SC2k10 | 108 | Portal over Mass Effect with 61.28% | Portal with 54.32% | 43.04 |
SC2k11 | 6 | Bartz vs Gilgamesh over Guybrush vs LeChuck with 57.19% | Bartz vs Gilgamesh with 64.24% | 42.95 |
SC2k10 | 62 | Assassin's Creed II over ICO with 69.13% | Assassin's Creed II with 61.89% | 42.76 |
SC2k10 | 32 | Kingdom Hearts over Castlevania:DoS with 69.46% | Kingdom Hearts with 76.90% | 42.56 |
SC2k10 | 54 | Diablo II: LoD over Eternal Darkness with 66.66% | Diablo II: LoD with 74.31% | 42.35 |
SC2k10 | 26 | GTA4 over Pokemon RSE with 52.02% | Pokemon RSE with 50.77% | 42.21 |
SC2k10 | 59 | Mario Kart Wii over Phoenix Wright with 61.32% | Mario Kart Wii with 53.48% | 42.16 |
SC2k10 | 71 | God of War over Tales of Symphonia with 59.31% | God of War with 51.46% | 42.15 |
SC2k10 | 93 | LoZ:MM over Chrono Cross with 59.00% | LoZ:MM with 67.10% | 41.90 |
SC2k10 | 35 | Golden Sun over R&C:UYA with 59.83% | Golden Sun with 68.24% | 41.59 |
SC2k10 | 6 | Sonic Adventure 2 over SF4 with 52.77% | SF4 with 50.75% | 41.48 |
SC2k10 | 92 | MGS 2 over SotC with 53.72% | SotC with 50.04% | 41.24 |
SC2k10 | 13 | RE5 over Tales of Symphonia with 51.63% | Tales of Symphonia with 52.17% | 41.20 |
SC2k10 | 14 | God of War over Left 4 Dead with 56.42% | God of War with 65.29% | 41.13 |
SC2k10 | 8 | Halo over Ninja Gaiden with 55.53% | Halo with 64.45% | 41.08 |
SC2k15 | 9 | FF VI over Assassin's Creed II with 68.10% | FF VI with 77.03% | 41.07 |
SC2k15 | 14 | Super Mario Galaxy 2 over Mass Effect with 53.14% | Mass Effect with 50.83% | 41.03 |
SC2k10 | 29 | Bioshock over SW Battlefront II with 59.82% | Bioshock with 68.91% | 40.91 |
SC2k15 | 16 | FF VII over Journey with 74.82% | FF VII with 84.07% | 40.75 |
SC2k11 | 11 | Ryu vs Ken over Ratchet vs Dr. Nefarious with 72.19% | Ryu vs Ken with 81.63% | 40.56 |
SC2k10 | 38 | Fire Emblem over Tony Hawk 2 with 74.23% | Fire Emblem with 64.51% | 40.28 |
SC2k10 | 21 | Pokemon D/P over Metroid Fusion with 64.89% | Pokemon D/P with 55.04% | 40.15 |
SC2k10 | 31 | Modern Warfare 2 over Dissidia with 66.66% | Modern Warfare 2 with 56.61% | 39.95 |
SC2k10 | 24 | SSBB over MKDS with 73.20% | SSBB with 83.26% | 39.94 |
SC2k10 | 110 | MGS4 over SotC with 54.95% | SotC with 50.43% | 39.62 |
SC2k10 | 70 | Okami over MM9 with 67.21% | Okami with 56.31% | 39.10 |
SC2k10 | 51 | Paper Mario over Katamari Damacy with 61.00% | Paper Mario with 72.14% | 38.86 |
SC2k10 | 5 | Uncharted 2 over Legend of Dragoon with 68.72% | Uncharted 2 with 57.40% | 38.68 |
SC2k10 | 7 | Mario Sunshine over Halo 3 with 54.04% | Halo 3 with 52.53% | 38.43 |
SC2k10 | 40 | FF9 over Phoenix Wright: TT with 63.44% | FF9 with 75.19% | 38.25 |
SC2k10 | 72 | Half-Life 2 over GTA3 with 68.29% | Half-Life 2 with 56.17% | 37.88 |
SC2k11 | 9 | Red vs Blue over Raynor vs Kerrigan with 64.74% | Red vs Blue with 76.92% | 37.82 |
SC2k10 | 18 | Warcraft III over Morrowind with 56.75% | Morrowind with 50.45% | 37.80 |
SC2k11 | 19 | Zidane Tribal vs Kuja over Meat Boy vs Dr. Fetus with 76.94% | Zidane Tribal vs Kuja with 64.61% | 37.67 |
SC2k15 | 1 | Chrono Trigger over Ratchet & Clank 3 with 73.51% | Chrono Trigger with 85.85% | 37.66 |
SC2k15 | 8 | The Last of Us over Halo 3 with 55.08% | The Last of Us with 67.50% | 37.58 |
SC2k15 | 2 | Persona 3 over Dragon Quest VIII with 52.93% | Dragon Quest VIII with 54.72% | 37.35 |
SC2k10 | 1 | Fallout 3 over inFamous with 68.21% | Fallout 3 with 81.00% | 37.21 |
SC2k10 | 56 | SotC over The Sims with 56.10% | SotC with 69.35% | 36.75 |
SC2k10 | 9 | Metroid Prime over Star Ocean 3 with 59.81% | Metroid Prime with 73.34% | 36.47 |
SC2k10 | 11 | Demon's Souls over MM9 with 55.90% | MM9 with 53.00% | 36.10 |
SC2k10 | 2 | RB2 over Deus Ex with 59.35% | Deus Ex with 50.76% | 34.89 |
SC2k11 | 5 | X vs Zero over Captain Falcon vs Black Shadow with 65.27% | X vs Zero with 80.45% | 34.82 |
SC2k10 | 50 | NSMBW over MvC2 with 58.92% | MvC2 with 51.56% | 34.52 |
SC2k11 | 15 | Chris Redfield vs Albert Wesker over Dan vs Sagat with 63.72% | Chris Redfield vs Albert Wesker with 79.22% | 34.50 |
SC2k11 | 7 | Ezio vs Rodrigo over Donkey Kong vs King K. Rool with 50.83% | Donkey Kong vs King K. Rool with 60.20% | 33.97 |
SC2k15 | 12 | Zelda: WW over Pokemon X/Y with 56.29% | Zelda: WW with 72.60% | 33.69 |
SC2k10 | 10 | Devil May Cry 3 over Mother 3 with 81.33% | Devil May Cry 3 with 64.86% | 33.53 |
SC2k15 | 3 | Batman: Arkham City over MMX with 50.89% | MMX with 60.68% | 33.43 |
SC2k11 | 14 | Terra Branford vs Kefka Palazzo over Vyse vs Galcian with 61.75% | Terra Branford vs Kefka Palazzo with 78.66% | 33.09 |
SC2k11 | 8 | Sub-Zero vs Scorpion over Leon Kennedy vs Ada Wong with 56.21% | Sub-Zero vs Scorpion with 73.22% | 32.99 |
SC2k10 | 22 | Fire Emblem: Path over No Mercy with 52.95% | Fire Emblem: Path with 71.73% | 31.22 |
SC2k10 | 23 | Disgaea over Valkyria Chronicles with 64.14% | Valkyria Chronicles with 52.41% | 28.45 |