
Name: ctesjbuvf
Also known as: The_Ctes
Current Rank:
80th^23 (5539 pts)
All-Time Rank:
162nd- (6293 pts)
Participated in: SC2k10, SC2k13, SC2k15
Teamed as:]
Best Result: 72nd (in SC2k15)
Lifetime Average: ---
     Original Average: ---
     Classic Average: ---
     Modern Average: ---
     Pure Percentage Average: ---
     Three-Ways Average: ---
Points Above Average:
Top 5 Predictions:
     Efficiency Rating:
Days on the Leaderboard:
ContestRankScoreAverageTop 5'sLeaderboard
All Predictions (Show only Top 10)
SC2k131Link over Tingle with 84.00%Link with 72.67%99.99
SC2k131Tingle over Isaac (BOI) with 7.00%Link with 72.67%99.99
SC2k131Tingle over Link with 7.00%Link with 72.67%99.99
SC2k131Isaac (BOI) over Tingle with 9.00%Link with 72.67%99.99
SC2k131Isaac (BOI) over Link with 9.00%Link with 72.67%99.99
SC2k131Link over Isaac (BOI) with 84.00%Link with 72.67%99.99
SC2k1594SotC over Red Dead Redemption with 59.21%SotC with 59.25%49.96
SC2k1513Smash Bros. Wii U over Planescape: Torment with 79.12%Smash Bros. Wii U with 79.05%49.93
SC2k15106Castlevania: SotN over DKC2 with 62.13%Castlevania: SotN with 62.03%49.90
SC2k1550Super Mario RPG over Oblivion with 54.63%Super Mario RPG with 54.43%49.80
SC2k15114FF VII over FF VI with 59.85%FF VII with 60.05%49.80
SC2k1535Okami over Warcraft III with 60.87%Okami with 60.59%49.72
SC2k1579SM 64 over FF Tactics with 65.73%SM 64 with 66.23%49.50
SC2k1552Chrono Cross over WoW with 58.56%Chrono Cross with 58.06%49.50
SC2k1527Metroid Prime over Morrowind with 62.54%Metroid Prime with 63.09%49.45
SC2k109Metroid Prime over Star Ocean 3 with 74.00%Metroid Prime with 73.34%49.34
SC2k1567SSBM over Pokemon G/S with 59.34%SSBM with 60.03%49.31
SC2k15123Zelda: OoT over Zelda: LttP with 59.12%Zelda: OoT with 59.90%49.22
SC2k1017SSBM over GHII with 86.34%SSBM with 87.16%49.18
SC2k15104SM 64 over Zelda: Twilight Princess with 55.93%SM 64 with 56.87%49.06
SC2k157KH2 over MGS4 with 59.84%KH2 with 58.71%48.87
SC2k1564Mass Effect 2 over Virtue's Last Reward with 79.23%Mass Effect 2 with 78.08%48.85
SC2k1525Skyrim over Phoenix Wright with 67.78%Skyrim with 66.62%48.84
SC2k15100FF VII over Smash Bros. Wii U with 64.12%FF VII with 65.29%48.83
SC2k15102Undertale over SMW with 56.12%Undertale with 54.84%48.72
SC2k15111MGS over SotC with 54.93%MGS with 53.56%48.63
SC2k1511Star Wars: KOTOR over Xenogears with 55.12%Star Wars: KOTOR with 53.65%48.53
SC2k1590Chrono Cross over GTA: San Andreas with 53.28%Chrono Cross with 54.82%48.46
SC2k1569FF VI over Paper Mario: TYD with 65.34%FF VI with 66.94%48.40
SC2k1578Metroid Prime over Half-Life 2 with 56.34%Metroid Prime with 57.95%48.39
SC2k1539Banjo-Kazooie over Baldur's Gate II with 63.93%Banjo-Kazooie with 62.32%48.39
SC2k1557MGS over Splatoon with 77.45%MGS with 79.07%48.38
SC2k1531Zelda: Twilight Princess over Skies of Arcadia with 74.13%Zelda: Twilight Princess with 72.34%48.21
SC2k1561MGS3 over Mother 3 with 71.34%MGS3 with 69.50%48.16
SC2k1589Super Mario RPG over GTA V with 59.39%Super Mario RPG with 57.20%47.81
SC2k15105Zelda: OoT over FF9 with 67.24%Zelda: OoT with 64.96%47.72
SC2k1584Castlevania: SotN over Banjo-Kazooie with 58.29%Castlevania: SotN with 60.61%47.68
SC2k1547FF12 over Bloodborne with 53.12%FF12 with 55.59%47.53
SC2k1024SSBB over MKDS with 85.78%SSBB with 83.26%47.48
SC2k15124Super Mario RPG over MGS3 with 54.84%Super Mario RPG with 52.32%47.48
SC2k1548LoZ:MM over Valkyria Chronicles with 73.34%LoZ:MM with 75.89%47.45
SC2k1011MM9 over Demon's Souls with 55.57%MM9 with 53.00%47.43
SC2k15107Zelda: LttP over Dark Souls with 67.93%Zelda: LttP with 70.58%47.35
SC2k15103Skyrim over Metroid Prime with 53.29%Skyrim with 50.64%47.35
SC2k1580Zelda: Twilight Princess over Persona 4 with 68.32%Zelda: Twilight Princess with 65.27%46.95
SC2k1576SMW over FF8 with 65.19%SMW with 68.25%46.94
SC2k1591MGS 2 over The Witcher 3 with 57.32%MGS 2 with 54.21%46.89
SC2k1526Goldeneye over Diablo II with 59.12%Goldeneye with 55.93%46.81
SC2k1568KH2 over The Last of Us with 56.83%KH2 with 60.03%46.80
SC2k155SSBM over Portal with 64.36%SSBM with 67.71%46.65
SC2k1517SMB 3 over Age of Empires II with 87.56%SMB 3 with 84.17%46.61
SC2k1534Suikoden II over Monster Hunter 4U with 53.45%Suikoden II with 56.94%46.51
SC2k1541Zelda: LttP over Cave Story with 84.34%Zelda: LttP with 88.02%46.32
SC2k1521Fallout 3 over Life is Strange with 68.74%Fallout 3 with 72.55%46.19
SC2k1593MGS over Earthbound with 64.18%MGS with 60.36%46.18
SC2k1551GTA: San Andreas over Shovel Knight with 65.17%GTA: San Andreas with 61.28%46.11
SC2k15126Zelda: OoT over Super Mario RPG with 63.49%Zelda: OoT with 67.38%46.11
SC2k1562Bioshock over Silent Hill 2 with 57.43%Bioshock with 61.43%46.00
SC2k1530FF Tactics over RE2 with 53.45%FF Tactics with 57.58%45.87
SC2k1597Chrono Trigger over FF X with 61.29%Chrono Trigger with 65.52%45.77
SC2k1510Paper Mario: TYD over Tales of Symphonia with 56.13%Paper Mario: TYD with 51.87%45.74
SC2k1577Skyrim over Goldeneye with 54.78%Skyrim with 59.05%45.73
SC2k1021Pokemon D/P over Metroid Fusion with 59.34%Pokemon D/P with 55.04%45.70
SC2k1020CoD4 over Prince of Persia SOT with 58.56%CoD4 with 62.92%45.64
SC2k1515Halo over Minecraft with 52.35%Halo with 56.72%45.63
SC2k1542FF4 over Deus Ex with 65.34%FF4 with 69.77%45.57
SC2k1560Red Dead Redemption over Bayonetta 2 with 59.54%Red Dead Redemption with 63.99%45.55
SC2k15109Super Mario RPG over Chrono Cross with 56.29%Super Mario RPG with 60.74%45.55
SC2k1543MGS 5 over Perfect Dark with 59.17%MGS 5 with 54.67%45.50
SC2k1010Devil May Cry 3 over Mother 3 with 69.43%Devil May Cry 3 with 64.86%45.43
SC2k108Halo over Ninja Gaiden with 59.87%Halo with 64.45%45.42
SC2k1520Uncharted 2 over The Walking Dead with 62.23%Uncharted 2 with 66.86%45.37
SC2k1519Sonic 2 over Portal 2 with 57.83%Sonic 2 with 53.18%45.35
SC2k1582FF9 over Okami with 53.17%FF9 with 57.85%45.32
SC2k15122Undertale over SM 64 with 56.17%Undertale with 51.33%45.16
SC2k15121SSBM over FF VII with 51.38%SSBM with 56.28%45.10
SC2k1016Half-Life 2 over L4D2 with 69.56%Half-Life 2 with 74.48%45.08
SC2k156Pokemon G/S over TWEWY with 71.65%Pokemon G/S with 76.63%45.02
SC2k154FF X over Half-Life with 69.43%FF X with 64.42%44.99
SC2k103Batman:AA over Psychonauts with 67.38%Batman:AA with 72.50%44.88
SC2k1014God of War over Left 4 Dead with 59.98%God of War with 65.29%44.69
SC2k105Uncharted 2 over Legend of Dragoon with 62.76%Uncharted 2 with 57.40%44.64
SC2k1544Dark Souls over Civ V with 61.34%Dark Souls with 66.70%44.64
SC2k15108LoZ:MM over Super Metroid with 56.04%LoZ:MM with 50.53%44.49
SC2k15116SM 64 over Skyrim with 66.84%SM 64 with 61.27%44.43
SC2k15110RE4 over MGS 2 with 60.11%RE4 with 54.44%44.33
SC2k1528Half-Life 2 over Demon's Souls with 58.23%Half-Life 2 with 63.90%44.33
SC2k1566FF X over MMX with 61.23%FF X with 55.48%44.25
SC2k1533Zelda: OoT over Hearthstone with 85.12%Zelda: OoT with 91.03%44.09
SC2k1570Zelda: WW over Star Wars: KOTOR with 69.31%Zelda: WW with 63.25%43.94
SC2k1546Super Mario Galaxy over Dragon Age with 57.65%Super Mario Galaxy with 64.04%43.61
SC2k104Team Fortress 2 over Fable with 56.45%Team Fortress 2 with 50.03%43.58
SC2k1523FF8 over GTA: Vice City with 67.12%FF8 with 60.68%43.56
SC2k153MMX over Batman: Arkham City with 54.23%MMX with 60.68%43.55
SC2k10125SSBB over Fallout 3 with 60.89%SSBB with 54.43%43.54
SC2k1518Pokemon R/B over Tetris with 75.03%Pokemon R/B with 68.33%43.30
SC2k1572FF VII over Halo with 71.29%FF VII with 78.21%43.08
SC2k1549GTA V over Shenmue with 69.43%GTA V with 62.35%42.92
SC2k1581Zelda: OoT over Suikoden II with 84.12%Zelda: OoT with 76.89%42.77
SC2k1596Mass Effect 2 over Starcraft with 58.39%Mass Effect 2 with 51.13%42.74
SC2k1573Pokemon R/B over SMB 3 with 55.34%Pokemon R/B with 62.67%42.67
SC2k1559SotC over Team Fortress 2 with 65.23%SotC with 72.69%42.54
SC2k101Fallout 3 over inFamous with 73.40%Fallout 3 with 81.00%42.40
SC2k158The Last of Us over Halo 3 with 59.87%The Last of Us with 67.50%42.37
SC2k15115Pokemon R/B over Undertale with 51.12%Undertale with 51.52%42.36
SC2k1015GTA3 over LittleBigPlanet with 54.30%GTA3 with 61.98%42.32
SC2k1537Xenoblade Chronicles over DKC2 with 52.32%DKC2 with 50.36%42.32
SC2k10126FF X over LoZ:MM with 52.76%LoZ:MM with 50.11%42.13
SC2k1019Perfect Dark over Conker's Bad Fur Day with 55.98%Perfect Dark with 63.93%42.05
SC2k1592RE4 over Fallout: New Vegas with 66.53%RE4 with 58.11%41.58
SC2k151Chrono Trigger over Ratchet & Clank 3 with 77.35%Chrono Trigger with 85.85%41.50
SC2k1532Persona 4 over 999 with 69.23%Persona 4 with 77.80%41.43
SC2k1598SSBM over KH2 with 64.18%SSBM with 55.30%41.12
SC2k1571Smash Bros. Wii U over Mass Effect with 64.12%Smash Bros. Wii U with 54.89%40.77
SC2k1516FF VII over Journey with 74.56%FF VII with 84.07%40.49
SC2k1595MGS3 over Bioshock with 62.18%MGS3 with 52.04%39.86
SC2k1563Starcraft over Destiny with 64.34%Starcraft with 74.49%39.85
SC2k1538Fire Emblem: Awakening over Super Mario Maker with 54.23%Fire Emblem: Awakening with 64.39%39.84
SC2k1599Zelda: WW over FF VI with 51.42%FF VI with 53.75%39.83
SC2k1574Sonic 2 over Uncharted 2 with 56.45%Sonic 2 with 66.71%39.74
SC2k106Sonic Adventure 2 over SF4 with 54.60%SF4 with 50.75%39.65
SC2k1565Chrono Trigger over Dragon Quest VIII with 71.11%Chrono Trigger with 81.93%39.18
SC2k1013RE5 over Tales of Symphonia with 53.67%Tales of Symphonia with 52.17%39.16
SC2k107Mario Sunshine over Halo 3 with 53.46%Halo 3 with 52.53%39.01
SC2k159FF VI over Assassin's Creed II with 65.65%FF VI with 77.03%38.62
SC2k15101Pokemon R/B over Sonic 2 with 66.49%Pokemon R/B with 78.04%38.45
SC2k1529SM 64 over Mario Kart 8 with 91.89%SM 64 with 80.04%38.15
SC2k1023Disgaea over Valkyria Chronicles with 54.76%Valkyria Chronicles with 52.41%37.83
SC2k1583Fire Emblem: Awakening over DKC2 with 55.14%DKC2 with 52.11%37.75
SC2k1512Zelda: WW over Pokemon X/Y with 60.35%Zelda: WW with 72.60%37.75
SC2k1018Warcraft III over Morrowind with 57.01%Morrowind with 50.45%37.54
SC2k15113Chrono Trigger over SSBM with 57.14%SSBM with 50.76%37.10
SC2k1524SMW over Animal Crossing New Leaf with 86.34%SMW with 73.27%36.93
SC2k1575Fallout 3 over Undertale with 52.41%Undertale with 55.74%36.85
SC2k15127Zelda: OoT over Undertale with 50.45%Undertale with 57.82%36.73
SC2k1536Kingdom Hearts over FF9 with 57.24%FF9 with 51.09%36.67
SC2k1540Castlevania: SotN over Phoenix Wright: TT with 61.56%Castlevania: SotN with 74.99%36.57
SC2k102RB2 over Deus Ex with 57.97%Deus Ex with 50.76%36.27
SC2k1514Super Mario Galaxy 2 over Mass Effect with 58.12%Mass Effect with 50.83%36.05
SC2k1012Okami over NMH with 57.12%Okami with 71.41%35.71
SC2k1545Super Metroid over CoD4 with 64.96%Super Metroid with 79.46%35.50
SC2k152Persona 3 over Dragon Quest VIII with 56.34%Dragon Quest VIII with 54.72%33.94
SC2k1022Fire Emblem: Path over No Mercy with 53.98%Fire Emblem: Path with 71.73%32.25
SC2k15112Mass Effect 2 over MGS3 with 53.73%MGS3 with 60.64%30.63
SC2k1558Borderlands 2 over Earthbound with 56.45%Earthbound with 58.62%29.93
SC2k1522Mass Effect 3 over Undertale with 71.52%Undertale with 50.95%22.53