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SpC2k6 Oracle Challenge - Round 2 - Part 2
From: The_LeppreKhan | Posted: 7/17/2006 5:36:05 AM | Message Detail
Hyrule Division
The Legend of Zelda with 77.55%
Metroid with 59.55%

Snake Division
Metal Gear with 63.55%
Kingdom Hearts with 71.55%

Mushroom Division
Super Mario Bros. with 83.55%
Sonic the Hedgehog with 66.55%

Ultima Division
Final Fantasy with 78.55%
Street Fighter with 50.55%
"Always you have to contend with the stupidity of men." -- Thoreau
"A witty saying proves nothing." -- Voltaire
From: stingers135 | Posted: 7/17/2006 7:47:31 AM | Message Detail
Sonic the Hedgehog with 72.65%
Final Fantasy with 75.14%
Resident Evil with 56.16%

Super Mario Bros. with 66.78%
Goblin God of Sexiness of The Goblin Army of OPPRESSION
Owner of Wilhelm on the Xenosaga 3 Board. Rawr.
From: stingers135 | Posted: 7/17/2006 7:48:43 AM | Message Detail
Oh, oops.

I meant

Super Smash Bros. with 52.65%

Goblin God of Sexiness of The Goblin Army of OPPRESSION
Owner of Wilhelm on the Xenosaga 3 Board. Rawr.
From: FeCl3 | Posted: 7/17/2006 7:56:46 AM | Message Detail
My Round 2 picks:

The Legend of Zelda with 78.20%
Metroid with 65.33%

Metal Gear with 64.50%
Castlevania with 52.45%

Super Mario Bros. with 69.20%
Super Smash Bros with 54.20%

Final Fantasy with 72.50%
Resident Evil with 54.25%
From: Sephirot1 Returns | Posted: 7/17/2006 8:22:03 AM | Message Detail
The Legend of Zelda with 76.20%
Metroid with 64.29%

Metal Gear with 77.07%
Kingdom Hearts with 59.99%

Super Mario Bros. with 70.70%
Super Smash Bros with 60.00%

Final Fantasy with 66.35%
Resident Evil with 70.25%

Voltch, VOLTCH, VOOOOOLTCHHHHHHHH!!! Yeah, he is the winner of the Guru Contest.
From: KleenexTissue50 | Posted: 7/17/2006 8:29:54 AM | Message Detail
CHANGEing the old ones and doing the new ones.

The Legend of Zelda with 78.45%
Metroid with 67.91%

Metal Gear?! with 65.34%
Kingdom Hearts with 66.12%

Super Mario with 74.12%
Super Smash Bros. with 63.11%

Final Fantasy with 69.78%
Resident Evil with 62.43%
Proud supporter of Axel, Jay Solano, and Midgar Zolom for SC2k6.
Now playing: Oblivion, Shadow Hearts, Phoenix Wright
From: dethfdddddh | Posted: 7/17/2006 8:37:57 AM | Message Detail
Legend of Zelda- 77.38%
Metroid- 61.43%
Metal Gear- 74.91%
Castlevania- 56.03%
SMB- 71.89%
Sonic- 52.44%
Final Fantasy-79.65%
Resident Evil- 55.46%
Just Got Owned By Guru winner Voltch.
From: neoatomtaco | Posted: 7/17/2006 9:17:01 AM | Message Detail
Hyrule Division
The Legend of Zelda - 75.86%
Metroid - 69.69%

Snake Division
Metal Gear - 67.54%
Kingdom Hearts -55.55%

Mushroom Division
Super Mario Bros. - 60.01%
Sonic the Hedgehog - 62.32%

Ultima Division
Final Fantasy - 71.56%
Resident Evil - 68.70%
Trivia 14 Champions along with meatwadd and cyko
Trivia 13 champion & self proclaimed MVP!
From: Yesmar | Posted: 7/17/2006 9:22:37 AM | Message Detail
Round 2 Picks

Legend of Zelda with 77.46%
Metroid with 64.24%

Metal Gear Solid with 75.00%
Kingdom Hearts with 50.56%

Super Mario Brothers with 60.50%
Sonic with 50.08%

Final Fantasy with 79.91%
Resident Evil with 58.33%
"Dropo! You're the laziest man on Mars."
From: alpha door | Posted: 7/17/2006 9:23:31 AM | Message Detail
Brand new predictions:

Hyrule Division
The Legend of Zelda with 70.07%
Metroid with 58.25%

Snake Division
Metal Gear with 73.88%
Castlevania with 51.02%

Mushroom Division
Super Mario Bros. with 71.48%
Super Smash Bros with 55.55%

Ultima Division
Final Fantasy with 65.55%
Resident Evil with 52.02%

Official Chrono Trigger Fan
I. Want. Spore. Now.
From: Caelus | Posted: 7/17/2006 9:37:13 AM | Message Detail
can't remember how many picks I did already so I'll just do new ones for the whole round

Zelda - 69.6%
Metroid - 63.5%

Metal Gear - 67.8%
KH - 57.9%

Super Mario Bros - 73.1%
SSB - 55.6%

Final Fantasy - 66.4%
SF - 51.3%

Azurite14: The bible is the mouth of God and he says it is wrong.
lordloki12: Thats why I keep my Bible closed.
From: Childproof | Posted: 7/17/2006 9:58:38 AM | Message Detail

Legend of Zelda with 74.24%
is GrapefruitKing
Sp2k6 Oracle Challenge - Today's pick: Resident Evil with 76.49%
From: Seginustemple | Posted: 7/17/2006 10:01:57 AM | Message Detail
The matches I haven't predicted:

Super Smash Bros. with 53.87%

Ultima Division
Final Fantasy with 66.66%
Resident Evil with 70.00%
Madden sucks BECAUSE it revolutionized the sports game industry. - Crazyhead
From: Ness26 | Posted: 7/17/2006 10:08:56 AM | Message Detail
Super Mario Bros. with 68.22%
Super Smash Bros. with 54.71%

Final Fantasy with 69.88%
Resident Evil with 57.01%
Best. Board/Card Game. Ever Contest:
From: IhatethisCPU | Posted: 7/17/2006 11:15:00 AM | Message Detail
Hmm. Not sure which I've already done...

Hyrule Division
The Legend of Zelda with 80%.
Metroid with 53%.

Snake Division
Metal Gear with 75%.
Kingdom Hearts with 64%.

Mushroom Division
Super Mario Bros. with 68%.
Sonic the Hedgehog with 52%.

Ultima Division
Mega Man with 53%.
Resident Evil 54%.

"Did you ever consider that they are happy being depressed?"- Icehawk
From: Big Bob | Posted: 7/17/2006 11:19:43 AM | Message Detail

Super Mario Bros. with 70%
Super Smash Bros. with 60%
Final Fantasy with 65%
Resident Evil with 57%
From: Ninja_Freac | Posted: 7/17/2006 11:35:40 AM | Message Detail
CHANGE for freac

Hyrule Division
The Legend of Zelda with 73.94%
Metroid with 58.04%

Snake Division
Metal Gear with 79.44%
Kingdom Hearts with 59.04%

Mushroom Division
Super Mario Bros. with 69.84%
Smash Brothers with 66.74%

Ultima Division
Final Fantasy with 79.94%
Resident Evil 53.64%
Currently playing: Disgaea, Castle Shikigami 2, Mega Man (many), Gradius III-V
From: plasmabeam | Posted: 7/17/2006 12:00:31 PM | Message Detail
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
From: plasmabeam | Posted: 7/17/2006 12:01:34 PM | Message Detail
***Change my Zelda > MMX pick***

Zelda with 80.47%

Super Smash Bros. with 58.41%

Final Fantasy with 78.86%

Resident Evil with 65.12%

Best Series Ever Contest - 12 pts, Next: MK
Jacksonville Jaguars (12-5) Eliminated from playoffs
From: Rodri316 | Posted: 7/17/2006 12:14:40 PM | Message Detail
The Legend of Zelda - 72.22%
Metroid - 70.10%
Metal Gear - 75.78%
Kingdom Hearts - 52.58%
Super Mario Bros. - 70.34%
Super Smash Bros. - 51.76%
Final Fantasy - 67.45%
Resident Evil - 53.96%
Best. Series. Ever. Score: 13/15
Prediction: Resident Evil vs. Shadow Hearts
From: SuperSmash Master | Posted: 7/17/2006 12:17:49 PM | Message Detail
Super Smash Bros with 50.35%

Ultima Division
Final Fantasy with 61.35%
Resident Evil with 65.22%
From: Paratroopa1 | Posted: 7/17/2006 1:55:37 PM | Message Detail

Legend of Zelda with 76.32%
From: Kaxon | Posted: 7/17/2006 1:59:16 PM | Message Detail
Menji, you didn't pick a winner for FF vs Mega Man.

From: Menji76 | Posted: 7/16/2006 10:55:39 PM | Message Detail
Super Smash Bros 55.5%
Final Fantasy vs Mega Man 73.23%

Also, the official ruling on the steve illumina issue is that the prediction counts. My position has always been that intent is what matters (as long as there's a clear intent in your post), not formatting your predictions to work with the script. However, if someone tries to abuse the script, I'll hand out penalties up to and including disqualification from the contest. This was Steve's first offense and there's no sign that he was trying to take advantage.

Also, Steve's prediction was before the deadline - although I feel bad for people who miss the deadline, I hope everyone can see why I can't accept predictions in those circumstances.
Nominate Aeris for SC2k6
From: Kaxon | Posted: 7/17/2006 2:01:10 PM | Message Detail
cyko, you didn't pick a winner in Pokemon vs Metroid.
Nominate Aeris for SC2k6
From: Kaxon | Posted: 7/17/2006 2:11:01 PM | Message Detail
The Legend of Zelda with 80.5%
Nominate Aeris for SC2k6
From: steve illumina | Posted: 7/17/2006 2:48:48 PM | Message Detail
Thanks to both the King and Kaxon...

Now my Round 2 "insurance" picks, subject to and likely to be changed!

The Legend of Zelda with 74.22%
Metroid with 72.70%
Metal Gear with 77.08%
Kingdom Hearts with 54.23%
Super Mario Bros with 73.34%
Sonic the Hedgehog with 53.33%
Final Fantasy with 70.95%
Street Fighter with 50.21%
Steve Illumina: Sage of Board 8, Hated by Fanbabies, Loved by the Masses.
Score: 16-0. Next Win: ZELDA!
From: cyko | Posted: 7/17/2006 4:22:57 PM | Message Detail
oh, crap. i did miss that. thanks Kaxon!!

Metroid - 68.28%

"In America, first you get the sugar, then you get the power, then you get the women...." - Homer Simpson
From: yoshifan823 | Posted: 7/17/2006 4:34:52 PM | Message Detail
Sonic the Hedgehog with 52.41%
Final Fantasy with 69.69%
Street Fighter with 50.00%
GAMEFAQS ARENA! Come fight with us.
From: Ringworm | Posted: 7/17/2006 4:36:57 PM | Message Detail
The Legend of Zelda with 67.88%

Been without the internet for a few weeks at home, had to log on at work. Should get it back tonight when I'll do the rest of my picks.
~ Ringworm ~
From: kaonashi1 | Posted: 7/17/2006 4:38:45 PM | Message Detail
Round 2 it is, then.

Legend of Zelda - 75.37%
Metroid - 60.57%

Metal Gear - 70.06%
Kingdom Hearts - 53.07%

Super Mario Bros. - 68.35%
Sonic - 50.86% (hmm...)

Final Fantasy - 72.05%
Resident Evil - 55.27%
From: Jecht | Posted: 7/17/2006 4:40:33 PM | Message Detail
The Legend of Zelda with 84.6%
Metroid with 53.2%

Metal Gear with 82.7%
Kingdom Hearts with 72.0%

Super Mario Bros. with 76.3%
Super Smash Bros. with 64.3%

Final Fantasy with 81.9%
Resident Evil with 85.1%
From: Radix | Posted: 7/17/2006 4:55:23 PM | Message Detail
Zelda with 78.05%
Metroid with 67.93%
Metal Gear with 82.27%
Castlevania with 57.08%
Super Mario Bros with 66.19%
Super Smash Bros with 59.82%
Final Fantasy with 71.46%
Resident Evil with 56.77%
Throw you life away...FOR JUSTICE!
From: hero of time 43 | Posted: 7/17/2006 5:11:26 PM | Message Detail
Zelda w/ 71.48%
"Just because you overheard that conversation between Chloe and me doesn't mean I'm your *****."
From: Salient | Posted: 7/17/2006 5:31:27 PM | Message Detail
Zelda with 73.00%
~~Teh Frue Blob of Pwnage~~
From: charmander6000 | Posted: 7/17/2006 5:40:40 PM | Message Detail
The Legend of Zelda - 71.85%
"I was trying to escape. Obviously, it didn't work." - President Bush
From: meche313 | Posted: 7/17/2006 5:41:45 PM | Message Detail

The Legend of Zelda with 73%
“Impossible is a word people use to make themselves feel better when they quit.” - Vyse
Currently playing: Zelda: Alttp, Donkey Kong Country, Rogue Squadron II. Resident Evil: Code Veronica X, Kirby SuperStar
From: ActJef1077 | Posted: 7/17/2006 6:06:28 PM | Message Detail

The Legend of Zelda with 77.25%
Metroid with 69.96%

Metal Gear with 74.56%
Kingdom Hearts with 59.59%

Super Mario Bros. with 64.53%
Sonic the Hedgehog with 51.00%

Final Fantasy with 67.83%
Street Fighter with 54.25%

I'm still not sure what to do with Sonic/SSB

Call me Jeff! Official midget of The Book Club
If you paint a W on each of your buttcheeks and do cartwheels it will say WoW MoM WoW! -C Bar
From: Soup Blazer | Posted: 7/17/2006 6:07:54 PM | Message Detail
Legend of Zelda with 75.00%
lol internet redux
From: Dekar TKB | Posted: 7/17/2006 6:14:44 PM | Message Detail

The Legend of Zelda with 69.82%

Metal Gear with 73.82%

New picks

Super Smash Bros with 50.82%

Final Fantasy with 73.82%

Resident Evil with 52.82%
Chief of Patrol in Sir Chris' police force DA!
Captain Falcon for Sc2k6!
From: dethfdddddh | Posted: 7/17/2006 6:16:42 PM | Message Detail
Crap, please withdraw the Koopa Troopers team from the competition; my partner won't be able to give his guesses.
Just Got Owned By Guru winner Voltch.
From: The n00b Avenger | Posted: 7/17/2006 6:18:19 PM | Message Detail

Legend of Zelda with 74.32%

Bump it up a bit
ertyu and VeghEsther are truly proof that there is much about this world we still do not understand.
From: RX7InfinitiIII | Posted: 7/17/2006 6:30:22 PM | Message Detail
Well, after some crazy-ass mathematics, I've come up with an answer.

The Legend of Zelda with 78.14%

This seems high to me, intuition-wise, and it's not even taking any potential SFF into play (though I hardly believe will Zelda get any noticable SFF on MMX, just as I don't subscribe to the theory that Link SFF'd Mega Man). I'm going to stick with it for now, I guess, even though it does seem a bit off. We'll see if I change it later on.

From: Agent M | Posted: 7/17/2006 6:30:40 PM | Message Detail
CHANGE - Zelda with 72%
From: Darkash | Posted: 7/17/2006 6:48:59 PM | Message Detail
I smell a donk in MM's future:

Zelda w/ 74.64%
1st place in scientist pg's TLoZ MM riddle contest!
12th in the SpC2k4 Oracle Challenge!
From: Z1mZum | Posted: 7/17/2006 6:49:47 PM | Message Detail
The Legend of Zelda with 77.77%
Metroid with 71%

I'm charming, but I dip into the Prozac now and then.
From: Xuxon | Posted: 7/17/2006 7:10:57 PM | Message Detail
I'm curious about the math that leads to that number, RX7. If you assume Suikoden II:OOT :: Suikoden:LoZ, it's 71.60 with no SFF. If you assume Zero:Link :: MMX:LoZ, it's 70.59. If you assume Sigma:Ganondorf :: MMX:LoZ, it's 78.79. If you assume Luca Blight:Ganondorf :: Suikoden:LoZ, it's 72.16.
"Let's drop this Xbox statue on Naomi's head! Oof! This thing's big! It'll take over 3 years for it to start selling!" ~ Jaguar, Sega Fantasy VI
From: KingBartz | Posted: 7/17/2006 7:11:52 PM | Message Detail
The Legend of Zelda - 63.65%
Metroid - 61.45%

Metal Gear - 68.78%
Castlevania - 56.76%

Super Mario Bros. - 68.76%
Sonic the Hedgehog - 73.45% lol

Final Fantasy - 67.12%
Street Fighter - 54.76%

You can't call me a bigot.
I hate everyone equally.
From: Janus5000 | Posted: 7/17/2006 7:12:57 PM | Message Detail
Round 2:

Resident Evil with 55.23%
"Those who cast the vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything."
From: meche313 | Posted: 7/17/2006 7:13:11 PM | Message Detail
Sigma/Ganondorf. Heh.
“Impossible is a word people use to make themselves feel better when they quit.” - Vyse
Currently playing: Zelda: Alttp, Donkey Kong Country, Rogue Squadron II. Resident Evil: Code Veronica X, Kirby SuperStar
From: FastFalcon05 | Posted: 7/17/2006 7:13:37 PM | Message Detail
For tomorrow, and what I will will to be my first top five of this contest, I predict:

The Legend of Zelda with 74.72%
Revenge is a dish best served cold. ~ Old Klingon Proverb
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