Name: | Final Fantasy |
Record: | 2-1 |
Participated in: | Best. Game. Ever. Contest (SpC2k4) [2-1] | Best. Game. Ever. 2 (SpC2k9) [0-0] |
Favored by predictions: | 2 times out of 5 matches (2-3-0) |
Most favored: | 100.00% of the predictions [2 times] |
Least favored: | [2-54] (3.57%) - SpC2k4 #49 vs Super Mario Bros. 3 |
Favored by consensus: | 4 times out of 5 matches |
Most favored: | 81.80% - SpC2k4 #4 vs Pitfall |
Least favored: | 38.79% - SpC2k4 #49 vs Super Mario Bros. 3 |
Previous contest appearances: |
Contest | Round | Match | Opponent | Result | Consensus | Predictions | For | Against | SpC2k4 | 1 | #4 | Pitfall | 87.63% | 81.80% | -5.83% | 77 | 0 | SpC2k4 | 2 | #34 | Contra | 70.05% | 73.70% | +3.65% | 64 | 0 | SpC2k4 | 3 | #49 | Super Mario Bros. 3 | 40.40% | 38.79% | -1.61% | 2 | 54 | SpC2k9 | 1 | #7 | Battletoads | 36.76% | 67.29% | +30.53% | 297 | 888 | SpC2k9 | 2 | #36 | Super Mario World | 12.80% | 58.90% | +46.10% | 222 | 663 |
Best predictors: (Show All) |
Rank | | Name | Points | Gap | Average | # | 1) | | Bananaquest | 148.51 | 0.00 | 49.50 | (3) | 2) | | StopPokingMe | 146.31 | -2.20 | 48.77 | (3) | 3) | | Ringworm | 145.63 | -2.88 | 48.54 | (3) | 4) | | Alanna82 | 145.51 | -3.00 | 48.50 | (3) | 5) | | The n00b Avenger | 144.05 | -4.46 | 48.02 | (3) | 6) | | kawaiifan | 144.02 | -4.49 | 48.01 | (3) | 7) | | Yesmar | 143.92 | -4.59 | 47.97 | (3) | 8) | | UltimaterializerX | 142.80 | -5.71 | 47.60 | (3) | 9) | | Master Moltar | 142.50 | -6.01 | 47.50 | (3) | 10) | | Garsha | 142.00 | -6.51 | 47.33 | (3) |