
Name: RoseChevalier
Also known as: Applekidjosh, Sailor Saturn, TessaTestarossa, AppIekidjosh
Current Rank:
97th^12 (4522 pts)
All-Time Rank:
134th- (7694 pts)
Participated in: SpC2k6, SC2k6, SC2k7, SC2k10, SC2k11, SC2k13, SC2k15
Teamed as:]
Best Result: 74th (in SC2k15)
Lifetime Average: ---
     Original Average: ---
     Classic Average: ---
     Modern Average: ---
     Pure Percentage Average: ---
     Three-Ways Average: ---
Points Above Average:
Top 5 Predictions:
     Efficiency Rating:
Days on the Leaderboard:
ContestRankScoreAverageTop 5'sLeaderboard
All Predictions (Show only Top 10)
SC2k131Link over Tingle with 86.54%Link with 72.67%99.99
SC2k131Isaac (BOI) over Tingle with 7.20%Link with 72.67%99.99
SC2k131Isaac (BOI) over Link with 7.20%Link with 72.67%99.99
SC2k131Tingle over Isaac (BOI) with 6.27%Link with 72.67%99.99
SC2k131Tingle over Link with 6.27%Link with 72.67%99.99
SC2k131Link over Isaac (BOI) with 86.54%Link with 72.67%99.99
SC2k1568KH2 over The Last of Us with 60.00%KH2 with 60.03%49.97
SC2k15117Zelda: OoT over Castlevania: SotN with 68.24%Zelda: OoT with 68.18%49.94
SpC2k65Metal Gear over Soul Calibur with 70.00%Metal Gear with 69.89%49.89
SC2k613Yuna over Roll with 79.44%Yuna with 79.30%49.86
SC2k1599FF VI over Zelda: WW with 53.55%FF VI with 53.75%49.80
SC2k1572FF VII over Halo with 78.00%FF VII with 78.21%49.79
SC2k1580Zelda: Twilight Princess over Persona 4 with 65.00%Zelda: Twilight Princess with 65.27%49.73
SC2k639Yuna over Joanna Dark with 77.77%Yuna with 78.05%49.72
SpC2k626Metal Gear over KH with 58.00%Metal Gear with 58.31%49.69
SC2k1011MM9 over Demon's Souls with 53.33%MM9 with 53.00%49.67
SpC2k612SSB over Dragon Quest with 76.00%SSB with 76.37%49.63
SC2k1555Fallout: New Vegas over BioShock Infinite with 55.55%Fallout: New Vegas with 55.92%49.63
SC2k1018Morrowind over Warcraft III with 50.05%Morrowind with 50.45%49.60
SC2k611KOS-MOS over Amy Rose with 65.00%KOS-MOS with 65.43%49.57
SC2k1556RE4 over Paper Mario with 58.43%RE4 with 58.87%49.56
SC2k1545Super Metroid over CoD4 with 79.00%Super Metroid with 79.46%49.54
SC2k15102Undertale over SMW with 54.34%Undertale with 54.84%49.50
SC2k620Dante over Ryu Hayabusa with 64.68%Dante with 65.20%49.48
SC2k637Zelda over Terra with 80.00%Zelda with 79.45%49.45
SpC2k627Mario over SSB with 62.33%Mario with 61.76%49.43
SC2k1562Bioshock over Silent Hill 2 with 62.00%Bioshock with 61.43%49.43
SC2k1537DKC2 over Xenoblade Chronicles with 50.99%DKC2 with 50.36%49.37
SC2k646Luigi over Kirby with 53.05%Luigi with 52.31%49.26
SpC2k69Mario over Madden with 93.00%Mario with 92.21%49.21
SC2k1527Metroid Prime over Morrowind with 64.00%Metroid Prime with 63.09%49.09
SC2k1594SotC over Red Dead Redemption with 58.22%SotC with 59.25%48.97
SC2k154FF X over Half-Life with 63.33%FF X with 64.42%48.91
SC2k65Tifa over Ivy Valentine with 77.31%Tifa with 76.18%48.87
SC2k114Sonic vs Robotnik over Katherine vs Catherine with 74.32%Sonic vs Robotnik with 73.12%48.80
SC2k641Solid Snake over Squall with 58.86%Solid Snake with 57.60%48.74
SC2k1539Banjo-Kazooie over Baldur's Gate II with 61.00%Banjo-Kazooie with 62.32%48.68
SC2k63Rikku over Lenneth Valkyrie with 76.35%Rikku with 75.00%48.65
SC2k15100FF VII over Smash Bros. Wii U with 66.66%FF VII with 65.29%48.63
SC2k1525Skyrim over Phoenix Wright with 68.00%Skyrim with 66.62%48.62
SC2k151Chrono Trigger over Ratchet & Clank 3 with 84.44%Chrono Trigger with 85.85%48.59
SC2k1123Chell vs GLaDOS over Ness vs Giygas with 57.65%Chell vs GLaDOS with 59.07%48.58
SC2k621Sora over Tingle with 77.06%Sora with 75.61%48.55
SC2k113Kirby vs Meta Knight over Jill Valentine vs Nemesis with 60.00%Kirby vs Meta Knight with 58.47%48.47
SC2k1581Zelda: OoT over Suikoden II with 78.44%Zelda: OoT with 76.89%48.45
SC2k1541Zelda: LttP over Cave Story with 86.44%Zelda: LttP with 88.02%48.42
SC2k1530FF Tactics over RE2 with 56.00%FF Tactics with 57.58%48.42
SpC2k614MM over MK with 60.00%MM with 58.12%48.12
SC2k1523FF8 over GTA: Vice City with 58.77%FF8 with 60.68%48.09
SC2k1121Phoenix Wright vs Miles Edgeworth over Gordon Freeman vs Dr. Breen with 54.54%Phoenix Wright vs Miles Edgeworth with 56.56%47.98
SC2k1119Zidane Tribal vs Kuja over Meat Boy vs Dr. Fetus with 66.66%Zidane Tribal vs Kuja with 64.61%47.95
SC2k1511Star Wars: KOTOR over Xenogears with 51.58%Star Wars: KOTOR with 53.65%47.93
SC2k1515Halo over Minecraft with 58.88%Halo with 56.72%47.84
SC2k15123Zelda: OoT over Zelda: LttP with 62.11%Zelda: OoT with 59.90%47.79
SC2k1132Sora vs Riku over Blazkowicz vs Adolf Hitler with 58.00%Sora vs Riku with 60.21%47.79
SC2k1584Castlevania: SotN over Banjo-Kazooie with 63.00%Castlevania: SotN with 60.61%47.61
SC2k1578Metroid Prime over Half-Life 2 with 55.55%Metroid Prime with 57.95%47.60
SC2k1112Fox McCloud vs Wolf O'Donnell over Yuna vs Seymour Guado with 63.33%Fox McCloud vs Wolf O'Donnell with 60.92%47.59
SC2k610Terra over Kerrigan with 61.11%Terra with 58.69%47.58
SC2k1585Zelda: LttP over FF4 with 63.00%Zelda: LttP with 65.45%47.55
SC2k108Halo over Ninja Gaiden with 62.00%Halo with 64.45%47.55
SC2k15124Super Mario RPG over MGS3 with 54.85%Super Mario RPG with 52.32%47.47
SC2k1592RE4 over Fallout: New Vegas with 55.55%RE4 with 58.11%47.44
SC2k617Solid Snake over Soma Cruz with 84.76%Solid Snake with 82.15%47.39
SC2k15115Undertale over Pokemon R/B with 54.14%Undertale with 51.52%47.38
SC2k1570Zelda: WW over Star Wars: KOTOR with 65.88%Zelda: WW with 63.25%47.37
SC2k1544Dark Souls over Civ V with 64.05%Dark Souls with 66.70%47.35
SC2k115X vs Zero over Captain Falcon vs Black Shadow with 77.77%X vs Zero with 80.45%47.32
SC2k634Rikku over Kairi with 61.00%Rikku with 58.28%47.28
SC2k1589Super Mario RPG over GTA V with 59.99%Super Mario RPG with 57.20%47.21
SC2k1135X vs Zero over Bartz vs Gilgamesh with 80.00%X vs Zero with 77.20%47.20
SC2k15116SM 64 over Skyrim with 58.45%SM 64 with 61.27%47.18
SC2k15119Super Mario RPG over RE4 with 52.54%Super Mario RPG with 55.53%47.01
SpC2k61Zelda over Civilization with 93.02%Zelda with 89.97%46.95
SC2k116Bartz vs Gilgamesh over Guybrush vs LeChuck with 61.11%Bartz vs Gilgamesh with 64.24%46.87
SC2k1554MGS 2 over Resident Evil with 59.99%MGS 2 with 56.76%46.77
SC2k1582FF9 over Okami with 54.56%FF9 with 57.85%46.71
SC2k1117Link vs Ganondorf over Arthas vs Illidan with 82.00%Link vs Ganondorf with 85.30%46.70
SC2k1113Samus vs Ridley over The Kid vs The Guy with 84.00%Samus vs Ridley with 80.64%46.64
SC2k156Pokemon G/S over TWEWY with 80.00%Pokemon G/S with 76.63%46.63
SC2k1569FF VI over Paper Mario: TYD with 63.55%FF VI with 66.94%46.61
SC2k1566FF X over MMX with 58.98%FF X with 55.48%46.50
SC2k1024SSBB over MKDS with 86.77%SSBB with 83.26%46.49
SC2k635Tifa over The Boss with 78.10%Tifa with 74.55%46.45
SC2k631Auron over Alucard with 68.01%Auron with 64.40%46.39
SC2k1518Pokemon R/B over Tetris with 72.00%Pokemon R/B with 68.33%46.33
SC2k159FF VI over Assassin's Creed II with 73.33%FF VI with 77.03%46.30
SC2k1030KH2 over Halo 2 with 60.00%KH2 with 63.81%46.19
SC2k1111Ryu vs Ken over Ratchet vs Dr. Nefarious with 77.77%Ryu vs Ken with 81.63%46.14
SC2k112Ike vs Black Knight over Conker vs Great Mighty Poo with 55.55%Ike vs Black Knight with 59.42%46.13
SC2k625Sonic over CATS with 84.68%Sonic with 80.75%46.07
SpC2k620KH over Castlevania with 55.32%KH with 51.33%46.01
SC2k1593MGS over Earthbound with 56.34%MGS with 60.36%45.98
SC2k1534Suikoden II over Monster Hunter 4U with 61.00%Suikoden II with 56.94%45.94
SC2k1552Chrono Cross over WoW with 54.00%Chrono Cross with 58.06%45.94
SC2k1526Goldeneye over Diablo II with 60.00%Goldeneye with 55.93%45.93
SC2k15104SM 64 over Zelda: Twilight Princess with 61.00%SM 64 with 56.87%45.87
SC2k111Mario vs Bowser over Jim vs Queen Slug-for-a-Butt with 81.23%Mario vs Bowser with 85.36%45.87
SC2k1579SM 64 over FF Tactics with 62.00%SM 64 with 66.23%45.77
SC2k1122Alucard vs Dracula over Commander Shepard vs Saren Arterius with 59.00%Alucard vs Dracula with 63.23%45.77
SC2k104Team Fortress 2 over Fable with 54.32%Team Fortress 2 with 50.03%45.71
SC2k1126Kratos vs Zeus over Professor Layton vs Don Paolo with 69.69%Kratos vs Zeus with 74.12%45.57
SC2k1547FF12 over Bloodborne with 51.09%FF12 with 55.59%45.50
SC2k1571Smash Bros. Wii U over Mass Effect with 59.54%Smash Bros. Wii U with 54.89%45.35
SC2k1575Undertale over Fallout 3 with 51.00%Undertale with 55.74%45.26
SC2k1516FF VII over Journey with 88.88%FF VII with 84.07%45.19
SC2k15122Undertale over SM 64 with 56.15%Undertale with 51.33%45.18
SC2k1010Devil May Cry 3 over Mother 3 with 60.00%Devil May Cry 3 with 64.86%45.14
SpC2k68KH over Harvest Moon with 78.00%KH with 73.12%45.12
SC2k1519Sonic 2 over Portal 2 with 58.33%Sonic 2 with 53.18%44.85
SC2k1558Earthbound over Borderlands 2 with 53.11%Earthbound with 58.62%44.49
SC2k1550Super Mario RPG over Oblivion with 60.00%Super Mario RPG with 54.43%44.43
SC2k1029Bioshock over SW Battlefront II with 63.33%Bioshock with 68.91%44.42
SC2k1129Squall vs Seifer over Laharl vs Mid-Boss with 68.00%Squall vs Seifer with 73.65%44.35
SC2k1531Zelda: Twilight Princess over Skies of Arcadia with 78.00%Zelda: Twilight Princess with 72.34%44.34
SC2k103Batman:AA over Psychonauts with 66.66%Batman:AA with 72.50%44.16
SC2k69Zelda over Carmen Sandiego with 92.00%Zelda with 86.08%44.08
SC2k1013Tales of Symphonia over RE5 with 58.11%Tales of Symphonia with 52.17%44.06
SC2k64Kairi over Claire Redfield with 58.03%Kairi with 52.08%44.05
SC2k1560Red Dead Redemption over Bayonetta 2 with 58.00%Red Dead Redemption with 63.99%44.01
SC2k61Samus over Nidoran F with 87.90%Samus with 81.85%43.95
SC2k1548LoZ:MM over Valkyria Chronicles with 82.00%LoZ:MM with 75.89%43.89
SC2k1124Frog vs Magus over Raiden vs Vamp with 50.01%Frog vs Magus with 56.13%43.88
SC2k1017SSBM over GHII with 81.00%SSBM with 87.16%43.84
SC2k1128Solid Snake vs Liquid Snake over Crono vs Lavos with 65.00%Solid Snake vs Liquid Snake with 58.77%43.77
SpC2k66Fire Emblem over Silent Hill with 50.80%Fire Emblem with 57.05%43.75
SC2k1510Paper Mario: TYD over Tales of Symphonia with 58.22%Paper Mario: TYD with 51.87%43.65
SC2k1597Chrono Trigger over FF X with 59.11%Chrono Trigger with 65.52%43.59
SC2k627Kirby over The Prince of Persia with 68.15%Kirby with 61.70%43.55
SC2k633Samus over Ada Wong with 86.26%Samus with 79.78%43.52
SC2k1561MGS3 over Mother 3 with 63.00%MGS3 with 69.50%43.50
SC2k15114FF VII over FF VI with 66.66%FF VII with 60.05%43.39
SC2k1116Big Boss vs The Boss over Tidus vs Jecht with 53.00%Big Boss vs The Boss with 59.64%43.36
SpC2k625Zelda over Metroid with 78.03%Zelda with 84.70%43.33
SC2k106Sonic Adventure 2 over SF4 with 51.00%SF4 with 50.75%43.25
SC2k66The Boss over Celes Chere with 54.05%The Boss with 61.08%42.97
SC2k105Uncharted 2 over Legend of Dragoon with 64.44%Uncharted 2 with 57.40%42.96
SC2k1118Amaterasu vs Orochi over Tom Nook vs Crazy Redd with 60.00%Amaterasu vs Orochi with 67.12%42.88
SC2k1590Chrono Cross over GTA: San Andreas with 62.00%Chrono Cross with 54.82%42.82
SC2k1120Mega Man vs Dr. Wily over Banjo vs Gruntilda with 70.00%Mega Man vs Dr. Wily with 77.48%42.52
SC2k1587Super Metroid over Super Mario Galaxy with 52.05%Super Metroid with 59.59%42.46
SC2k642Dante over Yoshi with 52.00%Yoshi with 50.55%42.45
SpC2k64Metroid over Kirby with 63.00%Metroid with 70.57%42.43
SC2k67Jill Valentine over Sheena Fujibayashi with 69.60%Jill Valentine with 62.03%42.43
SC2k1596Starcraft over Mass Effect 2 with 51.56%Mass Effect 2 with 51.13%42.31
SC2k1532Persona 4 over 999 with 70.00%Persona 4 with 77.80%42.20
SC2k117Donkey Kong vs King K. Rool over Ezio vs Rodrigo with 52.25%Donkey Kong vs King K. Rool with 60.20%42.05
SC2k645Vincent over Sonic with 50.95%Sonic with 52.09%41.96
SC2k1110Luigi vs Waluigi over Cecil vs Golbez with 63.33%Luigi vs Waluigi with 55.28%41.95
SC2k1583Fire Emblem: Awakening over DKC2 with 51.00%DKC2 with 52.11%41.89
SC2k636Princess Peach over Jill Valentine with 58.15%Princess Peach with 50.01%41.86
SC2k1125Cloud vs. Sephiroth over Lloyd Irving vs Kratos Aurion with 84.89%Cloud vs. Sephiroth with 76.64%41.75
SC2k1576SMW over FF8 with 60.00%SMW with 68.25%41.75
SC2k153MMX over Batman: Arkham City with 52.38%MMX with 60.68%41.70
SC2k1538Fire Emblem: Awakening over Super Mario Maker with 56.00%Fire Emblem: Awakening with 64.39%41.61
SC2k1546Super Mario Galaxy over Dragon Age with 55.55%Super Mario Galaxy with 64.04%41.51
SpC2k610GTA over Warcraft with 53.09%Warcraft with 50.44%41.47
SC2k1521Fallout 3 over Life is Strange with 64.00%Fallout 3 with 72.55%41.45
SC2k68Princess Peach over Princess Daisy with 91.66%Princess Peach with 83.10%41.44
SpC2k628FF over Resident Evil with 84.67%FF with 76.06%41.39
SC2k157KH2 over MGS4 with 50.05%KH2 with 58.71%41.34
SpC2k629Zelda over Metal Gear with 65.08%Zelda with 73.74%41.34
SC2k15118Zelda: LttP over LoZ:MM with 61.11%Zelda: LttP with 52.39%41.28
SC2k1524SMW over Animal Crossing New Leaf with 82.00%SMW with 73.27%41.27
SC2k612Aeris over Marle with 78.64%Aeris with 69.78%41.14
SC2k1588LoZ:MM over FF12 with 60.00%LoZ:MM with 68.87%41.13
SC2k1598SSBM over KH2 with 64.20%SSBM with 55.30%41.10
SC2k644MM over Ryu with 67.55%MM with 58.04%40.49
SC2k1549GTA V over Shenmue with 52.75%GTA V with 62.35%40.40
SC2k618Squall over Tidus with 62.34%Squall with 72.02%40.32
SC2k1014God of War over Left 4 Dead with 55.55%God of War with 65.29%40.26
SC2k1528Half-Life 2 over Demon's Souls with 54.00%Half-Life 2 with 63.90%40.10
SpC2k631FF over Zelda with 54.07%Zelda with 50.99%39.94
SC2k119Red vs Blue over Raynor vs Kerrigan with 87.00%Red vs Blue with 76.92%39.92
SC2k1543MGS 5 over Perfect Dark with 65.00%MGS 5 with 54.67%39.67
SC2k155SSBM over Portal with 57.38%SSBM with 67.71%39.67
SC2k1512Zelda: WW over Pokemon X/Y with 62.22%Zelda: WW with 72.60%39.62
SC2k1127Pac-Man vs Blinky over Crash Bandicoot vs Neo Cortex with 53.00%Pac-Man vs Blinky with 63.51%39.49
SC2k1131Dante vs Vergil over Sol Badguy vs Ky Kiske with 72.00%Dante vs Vergil with 82.59%39.41
SC2k1536Kingdom Hearts over FF9 with 54.55%FF9 with 51.09%39.36
SC2k629Crono over Captain Falcon with 84.95%Crono with 74.16%39.21
SC2k1553The Witcher 3 over Binding of Isaac Rebirth with 63.34%The Witcher 3 with 74.18%39.16
SpC2k613FF over Diablo with 75.00%FF with 85.98%39.02
SC2k647Crono over Bowser with 68.51%Crono with 57.44%38.93
SC2k619Riku over Yoshi with 51.06%Yoshi with 55.20%38.74
SC2k615Chun-Li over Kasumi with 80.00%Chun-Li with 68.74%38.74
SC2k1564Mass Effect 2 over Virtue's Last Reward with 66.66%Mass Effect 2 with 78.08%38.58
SC2k62Ada Wong over Jade with 64.36%Ada Wong with 75.89%38.47
SC2k1031Dissidia over Modern Warfare 2 with 50.01%Modern Warfare 2 with 56.61%38.38
SpC2k63Pokemon over Star Ocean with 54.00%Pokemon with 65.74%38.26
SC2k1517SMB 3 over Age of Empires II with 96.00%SMB 3 with 84.17%38.17
SC2k623Ryu over Kratos (GoW) with 69.00%Ryu with 57.11%38.11
SC2k1565Chrono Trigger over Dragon Quest VIII with 69.99%Chrono Trigger with 81.93%38.06
SC2k632Master Chief over Sub-Zero with 56.11%Sub-Zero with 50.95%37.94
SC2k1529SM 64 over Mario Kart 8 with 67.89%SM 64 with 80.04%37.85
SC2k1540Castlevania: SotN over Phoenix Wright: TT with 62.67%Castlevania: SotN with 74.99%37.68
SC2k626Ganondorf over Vincent with 54.75%Vincent with 52.59%37.66
SC2k107Mario Sunshine over Halo 3 with 55.00%Halo 3 with 52.53%37.47
SC2k1573Pokemon R/B over SMB 3 with 50.05%Pokemon R/B with 62.67%37.38
SC2k1591The Witcher 3 over MGS 2 with 53.45%MGS 2 with 54.21%37.34
SC2k1557MGS over Splatoon with 65.99%MGS with 79.07%36.92
SC2k15103Metroid Prime over Skyrim with 57.98%Skyrim with 50.64%36.38
SC2k1137Red vs Blue over Luigi vs Waluigi with 64.20%Red vs Blue with 77.96%36.24
SC2k15101Pokemon R/B over Sonic 2 with 64.20%Pokemon R/B with 78.04%36.16
SC2k152Persona 3 over Dragon Quest VIII with 54.31%Dragon Quest VIII with 54.72%35.97
SC2k640Chun-Li over Lara Croft with 69.59%Chun-Li with 55.54%35.95
SC2k1574Sonic 2 over Uncharted 2 with 52.00%Sonic 2 with 66.71%35.29
SC2k622Phoenix Wright over Gordon Freeman with 51.53%Gordon Freeman with 58.20%35.27
SC2k1012Okami over NMH with 56.65%Okami with 71.41%35.24
SC2k15121FF VII over SSBM with 53.52%SSBM with 56.28%35.20
SC2k648Auron over Sub-Zero with 74.64%Auron with 59.63%34.99
SC2k1513Smash Bros. Wii U over Planescape: Torment with 64.00%Smash Bros. Wii U with 79.05%34.95
SC2k1567Pokemon G/S over SSBM with 50.05%SSBM with 60.03%34.92
SC2k1535Warcraft III over Okami with 50.01%Okami with 60.59%34.40
SpC2k618Metroid over Pokemon with 68.35%Metroid with 52.56%34.21
SC2k1514Super Mario Galaxy 2 over Mass Effect with 59.99%Mass Effect with 50.83%34.18
SpC2k611Sonic over Devil May Cry with 55.00%Sonic with 70.87%34.13
SC2k624MM over Axel with 86.11%MM with 69.87%33.76
SC2k1551Shovel Knight over GTA: San Andreas with 50.01%GTA: San Andreas with 61.28%33.71
SC2k1542FF4 over Deus Ex with 53.11%FF4 with 69.77%33.34
SpC2k624Resident Evil over Street Fighter with 67.43%Resident Evil with 50.73%33.30
SC2k628Zero over Luigi with 58.00%Luigi with 53.71%33.29
SC2k643Sora over Gordon Freeman with 81.11%Sora with 63.93%32.82
SpC2k62MMX over Suikoden with 55.00%MMX with 72.61%32.39
SpC2k616Resident Evil over Shadow Hearts with 70.00%Resident Evil with 87.76%32.24
SC2k638Aeris over KOS-MOS with 80.01%Aeris with 61.65%31.64
SC2k1559SotC over Team Fortress 2 with 54.32%SotC with 72.69%31.63
SC2k1595Bioshock over MGS3 with 61.42%MGS3 with 52.04%31.54
SpC2k630FF over Mario with 72.05%FF with 53.24%31.19
SC2k1586MGS 5 over Dark Souls with 58.43%Dark Souls with 55.40%31.17
SC2k614Cortana over Joanna Dark with 53.87%Joanna Dark with 60.23%30.90
SC2k1130Ramza vs Delita over Siegfried vs Nightmare with 59.00%Siegfried vs Nightmare with 55.68%30.32
SC2k1114Terra Branford vs Kefka Palazzo over Vyse vs Galcian with 58.88%Terra Branford vs Kefka Palazzo with 78.66%30.22
SC2k118Sub-Zero vs Scorpion over Leon Kennedy vs Ada Wong with 53.21%Sub-Zero vs Scorpion with 73.22%29.99
SC2k15113Chrono Trigger over SSBM with 64.32%SSBM with 50.76%29.92
SC2k630Bowser over Leon Kennedy with 76.00%Bowser with 55.45%29.45
SC2k1533Zelda: OoT over Hearthstone with 69.99%Zelda: OoT with 91.03%28.96
SC2k1563Starcraft over Destiny with 53.03%Starcraft with 74.49%28.54
SpC2k615Elder Scrolls over Street Fighter with 51.85%Street Fighter with 64.77%28.38
SC2k1577Goldeneye over Skyrim with 57.58%Skyrim with 59.05%28.37
SC2k1115Chris Redfield vs Albert Wesker over Dan vs Sagat with 56.78%Chris Redfield vs Albert Wesker with 79.22%27.56
SC2k1134Kirby vs Meta Knight over Sonic vs Robotnik with 55.55%Sonic vs Robotnik with 62.21%27.24
SC2k1520The Walking Dead over Uncharted 2 with 51.00%Uncharted 2 with 66.86%27.14
SpC2k67Halo over Castlevania with 66.60%Castlevania with 55.02%23.38
SC2k158Halo 3 over The Last of Us with 57.43%The Last of Us with 67.50%20.07
SC2k616Alyx Vance over Lara Croft with 52.05%Lara Croft with 77.55%15.40
SC2k1522Mass Effect 3 over Undertale with 79.00%Undertale with 50.95%15.05